WikiForHumanRights/Join the Challenge - Meta
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Welcome to the #WikiForHumanRights Global challenge on the "Right to the healthy environment"! It is part of the larger #WikiForHumanRights campaign.
About: The 2023 global writing contest focuses on creating and improving existing articles on Wikipedia related to human rights and topics related to one of the most pressing environmental crises: pollution and exposure to toxics. You can see the list of priority topics here
Duration: The International writing challenge will run from; 00:01 on 17th April until 23:59 on 17th May 2023 (UTC).
- Create a section below with your user name.
- Edit Wikimedia projects about topics in scope, such as:
- Creating New Articles
- Translate an existing article related to the topic on your local language Wikipedia
- Improve an existing article by adding a section or citations
- Save the changes on your wiki with the #WikiForHumanRights hashtag in the edit summary
- Report the results in the #Participants section below.
We encourage you to write on Wikimedia projects about
- Environmental defenders
- Legal systems or treaties about human rights and environmental rights
- Communities advocating for the protection of their environment
- Health or social consequences of communities denied access to a healthy environment
- Topics that connect the triple planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution to the human impacts
- Other topics connected with the right to a healthy environment
You can check the article suggestion list here. You might also find inspiration from our WikiForHumanRights/Resources page.
There are other campaigns this year, for specific language Wikipedias including English, French, Arabic and Spanish. For more information see the the Community Events Page
All contestants are free to work on any in scope topic of their choice irrespective of the country or language. The articles must include a significant contribution to win points (see below Scoring System) and be reported below (see #Participants section). All articles must be contributed to between 00:01 on 17th April until 23:59 on 17th May 2023 (UTC) and submitted for points before 17 May 2023 at 23:59 UTC. For further terms for the challenge, see the Wikimedia General Contest Rules. We will review the points and contributions of winners for compliance with the point system below, and that they meet the quality standards of the community.
- The top 10 contributors will get a certificate for participation from UN Human Rights and the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Other prizes include:
- 1st place -- $150 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
- 2nd place -- $100 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
- 3rd place -- $80 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
- Next 3 top contributors in non-UN languages receive $50 in goods from the Wikimedia Store each.
The following rules will be applied to scoring contributions.
Wikipedia articles
- 1 point: for adding 2000 bytes of additional content added to an article that includes at least one reference (can only apply this point once per article)
- +1 points: If you created a new article by translation from another language with at least 3 independent sources or are creating a new article without translation with at least 2000 bytes and at least 3 independent sources
- +1 bonus point for creating or translating an article from the topic list
- 1/2 point: Expanding a WikiData item with two referenced statements in scope for the topic (once per Wikidata item)
- 1 point for adding translation or a new language of item label and description to 5 Wikidata items in scope of the campaign in your language
There are no bonus points for Wikidata this year
If you need help on how to participate you can email us at or on the talk page. You can also ask questions in the Telegram group:
Need help adding your name to the global contest participants? Watch the adjacent video.
Create a subheading with your user name below with a link to your home language user page on the Contributors Subpage.
After that, check out the article list and start creating. You can also improve pages in any language, come back here and add a link to each page you edit under your name. Count the score from the contribution using the scoring system above.
Please add the hashtag #WikiForHumanRights in your edit summary, to make it easy for us to find your contributions.
- Improved ARTICLE NAME -- 1 point
- Translated ARTICLE NAME from the list – 2 points + 1 Bonus Point
- Added translations to 5 Wikidata items - 1 point
Add your name in a new section and edit your points on this subpage
- Created ml:എക്സ്-പ്രസ് പേൾ 9,336 bytes (+1 new article) + topic list = 5 points
- Created ml:അപകടകരമായ_മാലിന്യം 4,360 bytes(+1 new article) + topic list = 5 points
- Created ml:പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക്_ക്യാരി_ബാഗ്_നിരോധനം 5,796 bytes(+1 new article) + topic list = 5 points
- Created en:Portillo Cáceres v Paraguay 9,944 bytes (+1 new article) = 5 points
- Translated es:Caso Portillo Cáceres contra Paraguay
- Translated ar:ملتقط القمامة
- Translated ar:تلوث الهواء المنزلي
- Translated ar:التلوث الموروث
- Translated ar:صحة الكواكب
- Translated ar:زقاق السرطان
- Translated ar:مقرر الامم المتحدة الخاص المعني بالسموم وحقوق الانسان
- Translated ar:الحق في الانتصاف الفعال
- Translated ar:النهج الاستراتيجي للأدارة الدولية للمواد الكيميائية
- Translated ar:اتفاقية المواد الكيميائية
- Translated ar:أطار كونمينغ-مونتريال العالمي للتنوع البيولوجي
- Translated ar:معاهدة التلوث البلاستيكي العالمية
- Translated ar:قضية بورتيلو كاسيريس ضد البارغواي
- Translated ar:شبكة إزالة الملوثات الدولية
- Created Վիրջինիուս Սինկևիչուս 10 031 bytes = 5 Points + (topic list) 1 Bonus Point +1 (3+ source)= 7
- Created Անաստասիա Բաբուրովա 43 507 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 23 points
- Created Տոմիսլավ Տոմաշևիչ 24 324 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 13 points
- Created Սվյատոսլավ Զաբելին 17 483 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 9 points
- Created Բելառուսի հատուկ պահպանվող բնության տարածքներ 15 084 bytes +1 (3+ source)= 8 points
- Created Մարդու իրավունքները Սլովակիայում 18 199 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 10 points
- Created Բարդհիլ Չաուշի 3272 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 2 points
- Created Իրժի Դիենսբյեր 5036 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 3 points Յասոնաս Ապոստոլոպուլոս
- Created Յասոնաս Ապոստոլոպուլոս 9285 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 5 points
- Created Միքայել Անագնոս +16 515 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 9 points
- Created Սևաստի Կալլիսպերի +14 795 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 8 points
- Created Ֆիլիպ Կովաչևիչ +14 143 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 8 points
- Created Բնական գազը Ռուսաստանում +24 142 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 13 points
- Created Մեծ քսանյակի Լոնդոնի գագաթնաժողով (2009) +10 580 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 6 points
- Created Ասիական դար +70 194 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 46 points
- Created Անկանխիկ հասարակություն +56 470 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 29 points
- Created Քենիայի ազգային թանգարաններ +17 556 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 10 points
- Created Կենդանական-արդյունաբերական համալիր +47 821 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 25 points
- Created Պրեսիդո Մոդելո +7534 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 4 points
- Created Քիմիական արդյունաբերությունը Չինաստանում +32 994 bytes = 17 points
- Created Անաստաս Մուրեկեզի +3338 bytes = 1 points
- Created Մանկական աշխատանքը Աֆրիկայում +72 102 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 47 points
- Created Ստրուկների տուն (թանգարան) +20 070 bytes +1 (3+ source) = 11 points
- Created Human rights in Brunei 33,018 bytes (+1 new article) = 17 Points
- Created Forestry Department 18,005 bytes (+1 new article) = 10 Points
- Created Department of Fisheries (Brunei) 12,999 bytes (+1 new article) = 7 points
- Created Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation 16,410 bytes (+1 new article) = 9 points
- Created Yahya Bakar 14,572 bytes (+1 new article) = 8 points
- Created Matsatejo Sokiaw 12,475 bytes (+1 new article) = 7 points
- Added Health in Brunei 10,272 bytes = 1 point
- Added Khairunnisa Ash'ari 2,994 bytes = 1 point
- Created Hamzah Sulaiman 14,982 bytes (+1 new article) = 8 points
- Added Ali Apong 3,899 bytes = 1 point
- Added Abdul Manaf Metussin 2,156 bytes = 1 point
- Added Isham Jaafar 9,068 bytes = 1 point
- Created Iswandy Ahmad 11,735 bytes (+1 new article) = 7 points
- Created Climate change in Brunei 10,587 bytes (+1 article) = 6 points
- Created Mat Suny 12,922 bytes (+1 article) = 7 points
- Added Geography of Brunei 7,121 bytes = 1 point
- Created Environmental issues in Brunei (Draft)
- Created Hazair Abdullah 12,332 bytes (+1 new article) = 7 points
User:Macocobovi (0 POINTS)
- Created Oceans defender (a listed topic) in English = 1 point + 1 Bonus Point
- Added 1.8k bytes with reference to ocean defender group Ocean Elders = 1 point
- Created Спеціальний доповідач ООН з питань токсичних речовин і прав людини 11 016 bytes = 5 Points + (a listed topic 3 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 6
- Created Право на ефективний засіб правового захисту 10 288 bytes = 5 Points + (a listed topic 4 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 6
- Created Право людини на воду та санітарію 87 347 bytes = 43 Points + (a listed topic 6 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 44
- Created Екологічний расизм 136 399 bytes = 68 Points + (a listed topic 9 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 69
- Created Право на харчування 85 023 bytes = 42 Points + (a listed topic 10 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 43
- Created Право на охорону здоров'я 65 181 bytes = 32 Points + (a listed topic 12 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 33
- Created Захисник океанів 9 536 bytes = 5 Points + (a listed topic 7 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 6
- Created Екологічний конфлікт 47 689 bytes = 23 Points + (a listed topic 13 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 24
- Created Міжгенераційна справедливість 44 421 bytes = 22 Points + (a listed topic 16 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 23
- Created Майбутнє покоління 16 834 bytes = 8 Points + (a listed topic 19 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 9
- Created Стратегічний підхід до міжнародного управління хімічними речовинами 14 844 bytes = 7 Points + (a listed topic 2 "International conventions") 1 Bonus Point = 8
- Created Міжнародна конвенція із запобігання забрудненню з суден 43 190 bytes = 21 Points + (a listed topic 3 "International conventions") 1 Bonus Point = 22
- Created Роттердамська конвенція 29 907 bytes = 15 Points + (a listed topic 8 "International conventions") 1 Bonus Point = 16
- Created Конвенція про хімічні речовини (1990) 27 084 bytes = 13 Points + (a listed topic 9 "International conventions") 1 Bonus Point = 14
- Created Куньмінсько-Монреальська глобальна рамкова угода про біорізноманіття 42 366 bytes = 21 Points + (a listed topic 13 "International conventions") 1 Bonus Point = 22
- Created Ескасуська угода 133 340 bytes = 66 Points + (a listed topic 15 "International conventions") 1 Bonus Point = 67
- Created Старе забруднення 22 019 bytes = 11 Points + (a listed topic 2 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 12
- Created Глобальна угода про забруднення пластиком 9 699 bytes = 5 Points + (a listed topic 3 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 6
- Created Забруднення поживними речовинами 51 540 bytes = 25 Points + (a listed topic 4 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 26
- Created Глобальна торгівля відходами 67 589 bytes = 33 Points + (a listed topic 6 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 34
- Created Вплив видобутку корисних копалин на навколишнє середовище 95 596 bytes = 48 Points + (a listed topic 14 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 49
- Created Вплив війни на довкілля 75 448 bytes = 37 Points + (a listed topic 15 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 38
- Created Побутове забруднення повітря 66 473 bytes = 33 Points + (a listed topic 17 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 34
- Created Заборона пластикових пакетів 139 404 bytes = 69 Points + (a listed topic 19 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 70
- Created Вплив пестицидів на здоров'я 46 444 bytes = 23 Points + (a listed topic 1 "Impact of toxics and pollution") 1 Bonus Point = 24
- Created Руйнівник ендокринної системи 198 823 bytes = 99 Points + (a listed topic 4 "Impact of toxics and pollution") 1 Bonus Point = 100
- Created Пожертвувана зона 22 377 bytes = 11 Points + (a listed topic 9 "Impact of toxics and pollution") 1 Bonus Point = 12
- Created Принцип обережності 101 325 bytes = 50 Points + (a listed topic 13 "Impact of toxics and pollution") 1 Bonus Point = 51
- Created Якість повітря в приміщенні 91 361 bytes = 45 Points + (a listed topic 16 "Impact of toxics and pollution") 1 Bonus Point = 46
- Created Стійкі органічні забруднювачі 72 630 bytes = 36 Points + (a listed topic 17 "Impact of toxics and pollution") 1 Bonus Point = 37
- Created Девід Бойд 6 283 bytes = 3 Points + (a listed topic 7 "People and Events") 1 Bonus Point = 4
- Created Хосе Франсіско Калі Цай 2 447 bytes = 1 Point + (a listed topic 10 "People and Events") 1 Bonus Point = 2
- Created Андреа Гінвуд 11 866 bytes = 6 Points + (a listed topic 5 "People and Events") 1 Bonus Point = 7
- Created Маркос А. Орельяна 4 221 bytes = 2 Points + (a listed topic 8 "People and Events") 1 Bonus Point = 3
- Created Касерес та інші проти Парагваю 22 463 bytes = 11 Points + (a listed topic 6 "Impact of toxics and pollution") 1 Bonus Point = 12
- Created Міжнародна мережа ліквідації забруднювачів 3 375 bytes = 1 Point + (a listed topic 14 "People and Events") 1 Bonus Point = 2
- Created Stop Ecocide International 6 750 bytes = 3 Points + (a listed topic 11 "People and Events") 1 Bonus Point = 4
- Created X-Press Pearl 52 946 bytes = 26 Points + (a listed topic 18 "People and Events") 1 Bonus Point = 27
- Created Картахенський протокол про біобезпеку 44 260 bytes = 22 Points
- Created Конвенція про приміщення для екіпажу на борту суден (додаткові положення) 12 617 bytes = 6 Points
- Created Конвенція МОП 147 про мінімальні норми на торговельних суднах 4 540 bytes = 2 Points
- Created Міжнародна конвенція про вантажну марку 16 643 bytes = 8 Points
- Created Конвенція про охорону та використання транскордонних водотоків та міжнародних озер 29 118 bytes = 14 Points
- Created Міжнародна екологічна угода 27 314 bytes = 13 Points
- Created Регуляція використання азбесту 133 082 bytes = 66 Points
- Created Право на достатній рівень життя 4 040 bytes = 2 Points
- Created Політична екологія 50 336 bytes = 25 Points
- Created Феміністична політична екологія 19 646 bytes = 10 Points
- Created Міжнародні документи з прав людини 17 939 bytes = 9 Points
- Created Спільна програма моніторингу водопостачання та водовідведення 14 576 bytes = 7 Points
- Created Відкрита дефекація 83 286 bytes = 41 Points
- Created Літаючий туалет 14 052 bytes = 7 Points
- Created Катаріна де Альбукерке 9 417 bytes = 4 Points
- Created Міжнародний рік санітарії 6 197 bytes = 3 Points
- Created Міжнародне десятиліття питної води 4 182 bytes = 2 Points
- Created Десятиліття «Вода для життя» 10 005 bytes = 5 Points
- Created Приватизація води 116 601 bytes = 58 Points
- Created Центр міжнародного екологічного права 9 522 bytes = 5 Points
- Created Орхуський протокол про стійкі органічні забруднювачі 9 986 bytes = 5 Points
- Created Конференція ООН з біорізноманіття 2022 року 17 184 bytes = 8 Points
- Created 30 на 30 22 542 bytes = 11 Points
- Created WASH 199 586 bytes = 100 Points
- Created ООН-Вода 18 682 bytes = 9 Points
- Created Дублінська заява 6 707 bytes = 3 Points
- Created Стокгольмська водна премія 26 545 bytes = 13 Points
- Created Стокгольмська юнацька водна премія 16 975 bytes = 8 Points
- Created Стокгольмська промислова водна премія 9 469 bytes = 4 Points
- Created Всесвітній тиждень води у Стокгольмі 6975 bytes = 3 Points
- Created Стокгольмський міжнародний водний інститут 7 271 bytes = 3 Points
- Created Sarphati Sanitation Awards 4 374 bytes = 2 Points
- Created Міжнародна комісія з охорони річки Дунай 19 199 bytes = 9 Points
- Created Закон про водні ресурси 27 799 bytes = 14 Points
- Created Гігієна навколишнього середовища 76 702 bytes = 88 Points
- Created Енергетична бідність 76 140 bytes = 38 Points
- Created Енергетична бідність і гендер 23 030 bytes = 11 Points
- Created Спеціальний доповідач ООН з питань права на харчування 5 828 bytes = 3 Points
- Created Ініціатива вимірювання прав людини 6 732 bytes = 3 Points
- Created Хімічна безпека 29 904 bytes = 15 Points
- Created Свинцева фарба 51 128 bytes = 25 Points
- Created Міський стік 38 136 bytes = 19 Points
- Created Обробка відходів 4 347 bytes = 2 Points
- Created Координаційний центр біобезпеки 12 221 bytes = 6 Points
- Created Санітарія та вода для всіх 10 870 bytes = 5 Points
- Created Забруднення ґрунтових вод 135 080 bytes = 67 Points
- Created Очищення сільськогосподарських стічних вод 31 717 bytes = 16 Points
- Created Візуальне забруднення 18 657 bytes = 9 Points
- Created Біологічна небезпека 22 500 bytes = 11 Points
- Created Генетичне забруднення 55 179 bytes = 27 Points
- Created Екологічне світлове забруднення 49 906 bytes = 50 Points
- Created Забруднення радіочастотного спектру 3 799 bytes = 2 Points
- Created Вплив зміни клімату на здоров’я людини 165 090 bytes = 82 Points
- Created Забруднення пластиковими гранулами 34 580 bytes = 17 Points
- Created Балгіс Осман-Елаша 11 996 bytes = 6 Points
- Created Елізабет Томпсон (Барбадос) 11 141 bytes = 5 Points
- Created Вірунґа (фільм) 22 409 bytes = 11 Points
- Created Національна екологічна премія (Іспанія) 12 250 bytes = 6 Points
- Created Центр дослідження біорізноманіття та клімату Сенкенберга 8 247 bytes = 4 Points
- Created Катрін Бенінґ-Ґазе 9 301 bytes = 4 Points
- Created Ентомологічна асоціація Крефельда 10 938 bytes = 5 Points
- Created Міжнародна медаль К'ю 7 959 bytes = 4 Points
- pt:Relator Especial das Nações Unidas sobre Resíduos Tóxicos e Direitos Humanos - new article, bonus, 6 776 bytes = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 points
- pt:X-Press Pearl - new article, bonus, 5 301 bytes = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 points
- pt:Beco do Cancro - new article, bonus, 4 317 bytes = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 points
- pt:José Francisco Cali Tzay - new article, bonus, 2 102 bytes = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 points
- pt:Maria Neira - new article, bonus, 3 271 bytes = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 points
- pt:Robert Bilott - new article, bonus, 5 726 bytes = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 points
- pt:Virginijus Sinkevičius - new article, bonus, 3 277 bytes = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 points
- pt:Char Miller - new article, 3 109 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Claire Christian - new article, 3 970 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Diane Meyer Simon - new article, 3 060 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Kimberly Wasserman - new article, 3 896 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Bev Sanders - new article, 2 766 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- Q117324499, Q117352433, Q117424891, Q117425263, Q117455776 - 1 point
- Q117193321, Q117209685, Q117280891, Q117288863, Q117315443 - 1 point
- Q117110879, Q116937175, Q116878846, Q116796170, Q116861448 - 1 point
- Q116464648, Q116514187, Q116531459, Q116726184, Q116788711 - 1 point
- Q113493127, Q113702751, Q113627162, Q113712237, Q113734154 - 1 point
- Q113783193, Q113844278, Q113909240, Q114079179, Q114072922 - 1 point
- Q113950659, Q114097992, Q114099234, Q114178883, Q114228931 - 1 point
- Q114455892, Q114705452, Q114835131, Q114905585, Q114923288 - 1 point
- Q115158570, Q115141570, Q115101101, Q115329395, Q115328632 - 1 point
- Q115271965, Q115253115, Q115466580, Q115481788, Q115607022 - 1 point
- Q115608314, Q115841353, Q115728457, Q115681902, Q115656762 - 1 point
- Q116185259, Q115977878, Q115922005, Q115868039, Q115867171 - 1 point
- Q116213739, Q116236883, Q116236934, Q116251836, Q116275669 - 1 point
- Q116380994, Q116438915, Q116438965, Q116446292, Q116448262 - 1 point
- Q112553463, Q112556917, Q112560831, Q112559223, Q112559008 - 1 point
- Q112557066, Q112562614, Q112562289, Q112562026, Q112561241 - 1 point
- Q112670909, Q112660393, Q112567280, Q112566059, Q112566004 - 1 point
- Q112704742, Q112822489, Q112791137, Q112743299, Q113085651 - 1 point
- Q113081611, Q113040308, Q112939729, Q113201497, Q113088872 - 1 point
- pt:Thomas H. Tietenberg - new article, 2 499 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Lindsay Cross - new article, 2 038 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Jarid Manos - new article, 2 358 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Caroline Gleich - new article, 2 696 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Jeff Tittel - new article, 2 715 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Joan Maloof - new article, 3 612 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Matthew St. Clair - new article, 5 202 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Sharon Lavigne - new article, 4 790 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:John Picard - new article, 2 210 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:John F. West - new article, 2 663 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Gary Cohen - new article, 2 038 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:David Gaines (ambientalista) - new article, 2 302 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Donald Eaton Carr - new article, 2 003 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:John Caim Carter - new article, 2 409 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Ben White (ambientalista) - new article, 2 506 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- Q112537861, Q112541307, Q112546061, Q112547345, Q112548081 - 1 point
- Q112548286, Q112548968, Q112550165, Q112552446, Q112552633 - 1 point
- d:Q112446728, d:Q112479736, d:Q112488416, d:Q112495387, d:Q112496287 - 1 point
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- d:Q110299077, d:Q110277656, d:Q110761722, d:Q110981437, d:Q111195549 - 1 point
- d:Q110227936, d:Q110307533, d:Q110797580, d:Q110998923, d:Q111222104 - 1 point
- d:Q110316946, d:Q110337141, d:Q110803701, d:Q111009687, d:Q111248814 - 1 point
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- d:Q111144356, d:Q111144381, d:Q111154208, d:Q111154265, d:Q111311559 - 1 point
- pt:Evelyn Browne - new article, 2 934 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Markus Borner - new article, 2 596 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Gloria Grosso - new article, 2 277 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Alice Coffin - new article, 2 325 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Anneka Svenska - new article, 2 287 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Raphaëla le Gouvello - new article, 2 901 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Olivio Kocsis-Bolo - new article, 2 263 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Marc Chardonnens - new article, 2 405 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Franziska Ryser - new article, 2 556 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Bartolomeo Pepe - new article, 2 181 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- d:Q107625852, d:Q107644111, d:Q107703222, d:Q108442447, d:Q108903206 - 1 point
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- d:Q105087642, d:Q105106505, d:Q105341728, d:Q105358162, d:Q106604621 - 1 point
- pt:Judy Webb - new article, 2 644 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- pt:Sebastian Schäfer - new article, 2 236 bytes = 1 + 1 = 2 points
- Translated Direito à integridade física from the list – 2 points + 1 Bonus Point
- Added 10.3k bytes with reference to Direito à moradia = 1 point
Lang | Name | Total size | Translation? | Bonus Point | Total |
Urdu | ماحولیات کا قانونی انتظام | 4,332 Bytes (2) | Yes (1) | Yes (1) | 4 |
Urdu | زہریلا مادہ اور انسانی حقوق پر اقوام متحدہ کا خصوصی نمائندہ | 8,776 Bytes (4) | Yes (1) | Yes (1) | 6 |
Urdu | ایک مؤثر علاج کا حق نمائندہ | 9,138 Bytes (5) | Yes (1) | Yes (1) | 7 |
Urdu | پانی اور صفائی کا انسانی حق | 81,527 Bytes (41) | Yes (1) | Yes (1) | 44 |
Urdu | ماحولیاتی نسل پرستی | 7,982 Bytes (4) | Yes (1) | Yes (1) | 6 |
- created two wikidata items about right to a effective remedy (2 points) Q113023546
Category:WikiForHumanRights 2023
- snapped a photo with #WikiForHumanRights (1 point)
- Translated ar:ديفيد ريتشارد بويد
- Translated ar:ماريا نيرا
- Translated ar:روبرت بيلوت
- Translated ar:فيرجينيجوس سينكفيسيوس
- Translated ar:ياسوناس أبوستولوبولوس
- Translated ar:إليزابيث هوبر سانوالد
- Translated ar:سفياتوسلاف زابلين
- Translated ar:جيري دينستبير
- Translated ar:خوسيه فرانسيسكو كالي تزاي
- Translated ar:اتفاقية الآثار العابرة للحدود للحوادث الصناعية
- Translated ar:الاتفاقية الدولية للأخشاب الاستوائية
- Translated ar:جوائز سارفاتي للصرف الصحي
- Translated ar:جائزة بطل الغابة
- Translated ar:جائزة غلينكا العالمية للتربة
- Translated ar:جائزة تشارلز فليمنغ للإنجاز البيئي
- Translated ar:كأس لودر
- Translated ar:جوائز البيئة والإعلام البريطانية
- Translated ar:ديان ماير سيمون
- Translated ar:تشار ميلر
- Translated ar:مؤسسة إيثيكون
- Translated ar:هزير عبدالله
- Translated ar:جائزة الرئيس للبيئة
- Translated ar:جائزة المجلس الشمالي للبيئة
- Translated ar:جائزة راشيل كارسون (جائزة حماية البيئة)
- Translated ar:سيدسيل مورك
- Translated ar:غابرييل هيكت
- Translated ar:نادي سييرا
- Added web reference (+396 bytes) to an artist's page "Amna Mawaz Khan" who is spreading climate justice awareness through theatre and dance= (0 point)
- Created Amanaman Nkabom Amanneɛbɔfo Titiriw a Ɔhwɛ Awuduru ne Hokwan a Nnipa Wɔ So (United Nations Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights article from the topic list = 1 point + 8,374 bytes = 4.1 points +1 bonus Total points: 6.1 points
- Created Nipadua mu mudi mu kura (Bodily integrity) article from the topic list = 1 point + 7,770 bytes = 3.8 points +1 bonus Total points: 5.8 points
- Created Hokwan a ɛwɔ sɛ obi nya akwahosan (Right to health) article from the topic list = 1 point + 38,483 bytes = 9.2 points +1 bonus Total points: 11.2 points
- Created Nneɛma a atwa yɛn ho ahyia mu mmusua mu nyiyim (Environmental racism) article from the topic list = 1 point + 57,072 bytes = 28.5 points +1 bonus Total points: 30.5 points
- Created Hokwan a nnipa wɔ sɛ wonya nsu ne ahotew (Human right to water and sanitation) article from the topic list = 1 point + 51,445 bytes = 25.7 points +1 bonus Total points: 27.7 points
- Created Hokwan a obi wɔ sɛ onya dan (Right to housing) article from the topic list = 1 point + 6,457 bytes = 3.2 points +1 bonus Total points: 5.2 points
- Created Mpaemuka a Ɛfa Hokwan a Abibifo Wɔ Ho (Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous) article from the topic list = 1 point + 7,093 bytes = 3.5 points +1 bonus Total points: 5.5 points
- Created Hokwan a ɔwɔ sɛ wonya aduru a etu mpɔn (Right to an effective remedy) article from the topic list = 1 point + 9,602 bytes = 4.8 points +1 bonus Total points: 6.8 points
- Translated منع الأكياس البلاستيكية, Article from the list= 1 point, 22٬912 kbts= 1 point, Translation = 1 point, Total points: 3
- Translated منطقة الخسارة الوطنية, Article from the list= 1 point, 21٬302 kbts= 1 point, Translation = 1 point, Total points: 3
- Added 2,793 bytes with references to page Hak atas pangan = 1 point
- Added 2,276 bytes with references to page Limbah elektronik = 1 point
- Added 2,922 bytes with references to page Rasisme lingkungan = 1 point
- Translated Hak atas tempat tinggal (1 point) 2,428 bytes + A listed topic 8 "Human rights concepts" (+1) = 2 points
- Translated Keadilan lingkungan 6,574 bytes (3 points) + A listed topic 18 "Human rights concepts" (+1) = 4 points
- Translated Kesetaraan antargenerasi 4,607 bytes (2 point) + A listed topic 16 "Human rights concepts" (+1) = 3 points
- Translated Pelapor Khusus untuk Bahan Beracun dan Hak Asasi Manusia 2,646 bytes (1 point) + A listed topic 3 "Human rights concepts" (+1) = 2 points
- Translated Perdagangan sampah global 6,914 bytes (3 point) + A listed topic 6 "Pollution and waste" (+1) = 4 points
- Created Konflik lingkungan 7,392 bytes (3 points) + A listed topic 13 "Human rights concepts" (+1) = 4 points
- Created Generasi mendatang 10,075 bytes (5 point) + A listed topic 19 "Human rights concepts" (+1) = 6 points
- Added translations to 5 Wikidata items = 1 point
- Q1479527
- Q5683226
- Q2491965
- Q954025
- Q8354948
- Added translations to 5 Wikidata items = 1 point
- Q106132918
- Q1849028
- Q2919435
- Q25616
- Q111317993
- Added translations to 5 Wikidata items = 1 point
- Q1502025
- Q1058325
- Q12203192
- Q180388
- Q327400
- creation de l'article climat de la RDC, +1 point
- creation entrée sur wikidata de l'élément Climat de la rdc, + 1 points
- Translated en:Perla Serfaty
- Translated en:Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald
- Translated Virginijus Sinkevičius (5,026 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Gudanar da muhalli na doka (3,023 bytes-2 + new article-1 = 3 points)
- Translates Wariyar muhalli (17,819 bytes-9 + new article-1 = 10 points)
- Translated Robert Bilot (19,740 bytes- 10 + new article-1 = 11 points)
- Translated Yarjejeniyar Stockholm akan Abubuwan gurɓataccen Halittu na dindindin (17,676 bytes-8 + new article-1 = 9 points)
- Translated Wakilin Majalisar Dinkin Duniya na musamman kan abubuwan guba da kare hakkin dan Adam (5,377 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Taron Rotterdam (6,036 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Sanarwa Akan Hakkokin 'Yan Asalin Kasar (39,336 bytes-20 + new article-1 =21points)
- Translated Karnin Asiya (39,644 bytes-20 + New article-1= 21 points)
- Translated Ka'idar Cartagena akan Biosafety (17,643 bytes-7 + new article-1 = 8 points)
- Translated Michael Anagnos (8,430 bytes + new article-1 = 5 points)
- Translated Hakkin dan Adam a Aljeriya (33,803 bytes + new article-1 = 17 points)
- Translated Hakkokin Dan Adam a Somaliland (3,994 bytes + new article-1 = 3 points)
- Translated Hakkin Dan Adam a Zimbabwe (28,346 bytes + new article-1 = 15 points)
- Translated Haƙƙin ɗan adam a Sao Tome and Principe (36,734 bytes + new article-1 = 19 points)
- Translated Hakkokin LGBT a Najeriya (24,799 bytes + new article-1 = 13 points)
- Translated Yankin Saharar Afirka (32,123 bytes + new article-1 = 17 points)
- Translated Arewacin Afirka (27,232 bytes-13 + new article-1 = 14 points)
- Translated Hakkin dan Adam a Aljeriya (33,803 bytes-17 + new article-1 = 18 points)
- Translated Hakkokin Dan Adam a Somaliland (3,994 bytey-2 + new article-1 = 3 points)
- Translated Hakkin Dan Adam a Zimbabwe (28,494 bytey-14 + new article-1 = 15 points
- Translated Haƙƙin ɗan adam a Sao Tome and Principe (36,734 bytes-18 + new article-1 = 19 points)
- Translated Hakkokin LGBT a Najeriya (24,978 bytes-12 + new article-1 = 13 points)
- Translated Auren mace fiye da daya a Najeriya (15,689 bytes-12 + new article-1 = 13 points)
- Translated Aikin yara Mata a Najeriya (8,322 bytes-4 + New article-1 = 5 points)
- Translated Amincewa da auren jinsi a Najeriya (7,582 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Amincewa da auren jinsi a Afirka (12,742 bytes-6 + new article-1 = 7 points
- Translated Gurbacewar ruwa (21,282 bytes-10 + new article-1 = 11 points)
- Translated Ma'aikatar Muhalli ta Tarayyar Najeriya (7,083 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translates Yankunan yanayi a Najeriya (1,891 bytes-1 + new article-1 = 2 points)
- Translated Gidan shakatawa na Chadi Basin (5,674 bytes-2 + new article-1 = 3 points)
- Translated Gidan shakatawa na Cross River (15,746 bytes- 7 + new article-1 = 8 points)
- Translated Gidan shakatawa na Kainji (5,903 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Rikicin ungulu na Afirka (18,872 bytes-9 + new article-1 = 10 points)
- Translated Burin Ci Gaba Mai Dorewa da Nijeriya (12,529 bytes-6 + new article-1 = 7 points)
- Translated Haramta jakar Leda (76,660 bytes-38 + new article-1 = 39 points)
- Translated Tasirin lafiya na magungunan kashe kwari (21,796 bytes-10 + new article-1 = 11 points)
- Translated Tasirin muhalli na ma'adinai (51,291 bytes-25 + new article-1 = 26 points)
- Translated Masana'antar haƙar ma'adinai ta Najeriya (13,825 bytes-6 + new article-1 = 7 points)
- Translated Masana'antar man fetur da ma'adinai ta Nijar (18,548 bytes-7 + new article-1 = 8 points)
- Translated Gidan Zoo na Port Harcourt (3,626 bytes-1 + new article-1 = 2 points)
- Translated Gidan namun daji na Audu Bako" (4,130 bytes-2 + new article-1 = 3 points)
- Translated Tasirin muhalli na Yaki (34,161 bytes-17 + new article-1 = 18 points
- Translates Gurbacewar iska ta gida (37,746 bytes-18 + new article-1 = 19 points)
- Translated Ramin hakar ma'adinai (27,820 bytes-13 + new article-1 = 14 points)
- Translated Rage canjin yanayi (40,960 bytes-20 + new article-1 = 21 points)
- Translated Masana'antar sinadarai a kasar Sin (19,758 bytes-9 + new article-1 = 10 points)
- Translated Gurbacewar Kwayoyin halitta (28,489 bytes-14 + new article-1 = 15 points)
- Translated Aikin yara a Afirka (41,688 bytes-20 + new article-1 = 21 points)
- Translated Gurbatar hasken muhalli (30,487 bytes-15 + new article-1 = 16 points)
- Translates Lafiyar muhalli (45,620 bytes-22 + new article-1 = 23 points)
- Translated Gurbataccen abinci mai gina jiki (35,873 bytes-17 + new article-1 = 18 points)
- Translated Haƙƙin samun ingantaccen magani (7,142 bytey-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Yarjejeniyar Turai kan Haƙƙin Dan Adam (34,532 bytey-17 + new article-1 = 18 points)
- Translated Gidan Bayi (11,479 bytes-5 + new article-1 = 6 points)
- Translated Sevasti Kallisperi (6,964 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Filip Kovačević (8,065 bytes-4 + new article-1 = 5 points)
- Translates Gidan tarihin kasa na Kenya (9,323 bytes-4 + new article-1 = 5 points)
- Translated Gas a Rasha (19,466 bytes-10 + new article-1 = 11 points)
- Translated Iswandy Ahmad (8,394 bytes-4 + new article-1 = 5 points)
- Translated Hakkin Dan Adam a Slovakia (7,622 bytes-4 + new article-1 = 5 points)
- Translated Isonas Apostolopoulos (6,938 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated MARPOL 73/78 (19,194 bytes-10 + new article-1 = 11 points)
- Translated Tomislav Tomašević (17,037 bytes-13 + new article-1 = 14 points)
- Translated Hakkokin Dan Adam a Jamhuriyar Afrika ta Tsakiya (65,357 bytes-32 + new article-1 = 33 points)
- Translated Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald (6,177 bytes-3 + new article-1 = 4 points)
- Translated Hakkokin Dan Adam a Maldives (12,544 bytes-6 + new article-1 = 7 points)
- Translated id:Dampak perang terhadap lingkungan +3 poin
- Translated id:Kapal X-Press Pearl +3 poin
- Translated Maria Neira (4.970 Bytes - a listed topic 6 "People and Events")= 2 Points
- Translated Andrea Hinwood (4.239 Bytes - a listed topic 5 "People and Events")= 2 Points
- Translated jv:Protokol Aarhus babagan Polutan Organik Persisten, 4,815 bytes + new article = 2+1 = 3 points
- Translated jv:David Richard Boyd, 6,049 bytes + new article + from topic list = 3+1+1 = 5 points
- Translated jv:Jaringan Pangilangan Polutan Internasional, 2,232 bytes + new article + from topic list = 1+1+1 = 3 points
- Translated jv:X-Press Pearl, 50,968 bytes + new article + from topic list = 25+1+1 = 27 points
- Translated jv:Hak manungsa ing Pongol Verdé, 30,323 bytes + new article = 15+1 = 16 points
- Translated jv:Hak manungsa ing Botswana, 23,001 bytes + new article = 11+1 = 12 points
- Translated jv:Hak manungsa ing Komoro, 29,137 bytes + new article = 14+1 = 15 points
- Translated jv:Hak manungsa ing Chad, 32,355 bytes + new article = 16+1 = 17 points
- Translated jv:Polusi plastik, 2,454 bytes + new article + from topic list = 1+1+1 = 3 points
- Translated jv:Palarangan kanthong plastik, 90,240 bytes + new article + from topic list = 45+1+1 = 47 points
- Added Javanese label and description to translated article's items on Wikidata: Q2856099, Q107104514, Q17081649, Q107002557, Q17055528, Q5938181, Q5938213, Q17005586, Q7202090, Q7180909, 10 (items) ÷ 5 = 2 points
- Added Javanese label and description to climate and environmental activist's items on Wikidata using QuickStatements:, 120 rows ÷ 2 (label and description) = 60 (items) ÷ 5 = 12 points
- Added Javanese label and description to Indonesian human rights activist's items on Wikidata using QuickStatements:, 86 rows ÷ 2 (label and description) = 43 (items) ÷ 5 = 8 points
- Added Javanese label and description to non-Indonesian human rights activist's items on Wikidata using QuickStatements:, 524 rows ÷ 2 (label and description) = 262 (items) ÷ 5 = 52 points
Wikipedia | Wikidata | Total points |
148 | 74 | 222 |
- Translated tr:Küresel atık ticareti 43189 bytes 21 points (a listed topic 6 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 22
- Translated tr:Çevresel ırkçılık 95446 bytes (a listed topic 9 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 48
- Translated tr:Savaşın çevresel etkisi 48757 bytes (a listed topic 15 "Pollution and waste") 1 Bonus Point = 25
- Translated tr:Gıda hakkı 55748 bytes (a listed topic 10 "Human rights concepts") 1 Bonus Point = 28
- created w:kn:ಆಹಾರದ_ಹಕ್ಕು 9,196 bytes (3 points= Translated from the list )
- wikidata translation d:Q25616
- created w:kn:ಬಾಸೆಲ್_ಸಮಾವೇಶ 8,495 bytes (3 points= Translated from the list )
- wikidata translation d:Q775865
- created w:kn:ಆರೋಗ್ಯದ ಹಕ್ಕು 21,565 bytes (3 points= Translated from the list )
- wikidata translation d:Q2919435
- Created ब्रुनेई में मानवाधिकार 7,052 bytes 3 points (+1 new article) = 4 Points
- Created ब्रुनेई का भूगोल 9,150 bytes 4 points (+1 new article) = 5 points
- Created वैश्विक कचरा व्यापार 40,728 bytes 20 points (+1 new article) = 21 points
- Improved इलेक्ट्रानिक और कंप्यूटर कचरे 11,514 bytes = 1 point
- Created जैव विविधता हानि 1,25,699 bytes (62 points) (+1 new article) = 63 points
1. Translated: Relator Especial sobre Sustancias Tóxicas y Derechos Humanos 9439 bytes + Topic list Bonus = 5points
- Translated fr:Premier protocole facultatif au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques 11 667 bytes (3+ source) = 6 points
- Translated fr:Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées 7 584 bytes (3+ source) = 5 points
- Translated fr:Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant sur une procédure de communication 4 107 bytes (3+ source) = 3 points
- Translated fr:Convention sur l'apartheid 14 238 bytes (3+ source) = 8 points
- Translated fr:Deuxième protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort 7 449 bytes (3+ source) = 4 points
- Translated fr:Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant concernant l'implication d'enfants dans les conflits armés 36 894 bytes (3+ source) = 19 points
- Translated fr:Protocole facultatif au Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels 8 424 bytes (3+ source) = 5 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Burkina Faso 37 107 bytes (3+ source) = 19 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme en Angola 39 905 bytes (3+ source) = 20 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Botswana 23 379 bytes (3+ source) = 12 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Burundi 67 285 bytes (3+ source) = 34 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme en République centrafricaine 72 014 bytes (3+ source) = 37 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Tchad 33 379 bytes (3+ source) = 17 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme aux Comores 29 582 bytes (3+ source) = 15 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme en Côte d'Ivoire 31 912 bytes (3+ source) = 16 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Gabon 20 278 bytes (3+ source) = 11 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Kenya 45 471 bytes (3+ source) = 23 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme en Sierra Leone 62 281 bytes (3+ source) = 32 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme à Madagascar 33 671 bytes (3+ source) = 17 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Malawi 44 829 bytes (3+ source) = 23 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Nigeria 122 009 bytes (3+ source) = 62 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Niger 60 469 bytes (3+ source) = 31 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Zimbabwe 38 207 bytes (3+ source) = 20 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme au Togo 44 466 bytes (3+ source) = 23 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme en Ouganda 59 296 bytes (3+ source) = 30 points
- Translated fr:Droits de l'homme en Namibie 23 381 bytes (3+ source) = 12 points
- Translated mk:Напад на Тбилиси Прајд во 2021 година
- Translated mk:Канабис во Грузија (земја)
- Translated mk:Грузиски протести во 2023 година
- Translated mk:Проституција во Грција
- Translated mk:Трговија со луѓе во Грузија (земја)
- Translated mk:Феминизмот во Грција
- Translated mk:Киднапирање на невеста во Казахстан
- Translated mk:Трговија со луѓе во Казахстан
- Translated mk:Ирена Веисаите
- Translated mk:Ромас Каланта
- Translated mk:Литванска Хелсиншка група
- Translated mk:Туран Дурсун
- Translated mk:Ахмет Танер Кишлали
- Translated mk:Човекови права во Литванија
- Translated mk:Минимална плата во Хрватска
- Translated mk:Мисијата на ОБСЕ во Хрватска
- Translated mk:Угур Мумџу
- Translated mk:Абди Ипекчи
- Translated mk:Проблеми со јавното здравје во регионот на Аралското Море
- Translated mk:Уставен акт за правата на националните малцинства во Република Хрватска
- Translated mk:Канабис во Казахстан
- Translated mk:2016 Казахстански протести против земјишните реформи
- Translated mk:Слобода на вероисповед во Грузија (земја)
- Translated mk:Црна кутија (видео магазин)
- Translated mk:Васил Макух
- Translated mk:Центар за граѓански слободи (организација за човекови права)
- Translated mk:Енвер Хадри
- Translated mk:Роберт Билот
- Translated mk:Вирџинијус Синкевичиус
- Translated mk:Дејвид Ричард Бојд
- Translated mk:Марија Неира
- Translated mk:ЛГБТ правата во Северен Кипар
- Translated mk:Човекови права во Малта
- Translated mk:Слобода на вероисповед во Северен Кипар
- Translated mk:Јанина Очојска
- Translated mk:Адам Боднар
- Translated mk:Бариера Полска-Белорусија
- Translated mk:КИСА (НВО)
- Translated mk:Кипарските Грци во Северен Кипар
- Translated mk:Масакрот на Марата, Санталарис и Алода
- Translated mk:Пукање во Братислава во 2022 година
- Translated mk:Марија Патакиова
- Translated mk:Флорида право на чиста вода
- Translated mk:Централен Сан Педро
- Translated mk:Екофагија
- Translated mk:Излевање на нафта од Тасман Спирит
- Translated mk:Блокада на патот со тревни стеснување
- Translated mk:Рудникот Куајоне
- Translated mk:Браната Барам
- Translated mk:Езерце со пепел
- Translated mk:Рудник Мутанда
A number of editors from Wales have joined in the editathon; however we will not be listing individual editors, but will participate for the good of humanity, not ourselves. Our language is Cymraeg (cy; Welsh) and this is our 3rd year as participants in this project. All the best to everyone! Another wonderful project!