Metra Fares and Ticket Prices | Metra

Metra Fare Table

Click here for a fare table.

Types of tickets and where to buy them

Metra sells a variety of passes and tickets as detailed below. Metra uses a distance-based fare structure consisting of four fare zones to determine the cost of One-Way Tickets, Day Passes, Day Pass 5-Packs and Monthly Passes. (Riders are charged based on the number of zones they travel through.) Click here to see a system map with fare zones. To determine your fare, you must know your originating station and your destination station. Two passes sold for weekend travel cost a flat rate: the Saturday/Sunday/Holiday Day Pass is $7 and the Weekend Pass (available on the Ventra app only) is $10.

Details about each ticket type are below. All ticket types except the Saturday/Sunday/Holiday Day Pass and the Weekend Pass are available at a reduced rate for K-12 students, seniors, low-income riders and other special classes as described below. Use the fare calculator above to see the cost of each type of ticket, full fare and reduced, between your selected origin and destination stations. For information about where to buy tickets, click here. New riders can find more information about the Metra system here.

One-Way Tickets

Good for a single trip between your selected zones. Paper tickets expire three hours after purchase from a vending machine. Tickets purchased in the Ventra app must be used within 14 days and once activated expire in 30 to 120 minutes, depending on the length of the trip. Tickets purchased on the train from a conductor are valid for that trip. Nonrefundable.

Day Passes

Good for unlimited rides all day between your selected zones. Paper Day Passes expire at 3 a.m. the next day after purchase from a vending machine. Day Passes purchased in the Ventra app must be used within 14 days and once activated expire at 3 a.m. the day. Nonrefundable.

When purchasing a day pass, passengers should select the furthest zone they wish to travel while using the pass.

Day Pass 5-Pack (Ventra app only)

Five Day Passes that can be used for unlimited rides between your selected zones on any five days within 90 days of purchase. Available only in the Ventra app. Each Day Pass expires at 3 a.m. the day after activation. Can be shared by up to five people traveling in a group. Nonrefundable.

When purchasing a Day Pass 5-Pack, passengers should select the furthest zone they wish to travel while using the passes.

Monthly Pass

Good for unlimited rides in a calendar month between your selected zones on weekdays and systemwide on weekends. Available for purchase from vending machines or the Ventra app from the 20th to the 12th. Passes expire at noon on the first business day of the next month. Monthly Passes are for the exclusive use of the purchaser and are not transferable.

Refunds for unused Monthly Passes are available per the guidelines that can be found here, but lost, destroyed or stolen Monthly Passes will not be refunded or replaced. Refunds are subject to a $5 fee per transaction if returned after the first day of the month and returns are prorated (see the Monthly Pass refund policy here).

When purchasing a Monthly Pass, passengers should select the furthest zone they wish to travel while using the pass.

Regional Connect Pass (Ventra app only)

Monthly Pass holders can purchase a $30 Regional Connect Pass, valid for unlimited rides on CTA and Pace during the same calendar month. Must be purchased in the Ventra app only and requires buyer to have a Ventra card registered in the app to which the pass can be added. Nonrefundable. Click here for instructions.

Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday Day Pass

Good for unlimited rides across all zones on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. Passes purchased from vending machines or conductors are valid on the day of sale until 3 a.m. the next day. Passes purchased in the Ventra app must be used within 14 days and once activated expire at 3 a.m. the next day. Nonrefundable

Weekend Pass (Ventra app only)

Good for unlimited rides across all zones on both Saturday and Sunday. Available in the Ventra app only. Weekend Passes must be used within 14 days and once activated, expire at 3 a.m. on the Monday after the weekend. Nonrefundable.

Reduced Fares for Seniors, Students, Military, etc.

Senior Citizen/Disability Fares

Senior citizens 65 or older, customers with disabilities and Medicare cardholders are eligible for reduced fare tickets; they must first obtain a Reduced Fare Permit from the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and then display the permit when using a reduced fare ticket. If you are enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging’s Benefit Access Program (BAP) and have an RTA-issued Ride Free Permit, you can ride free by displaying your permit. If you are not in possession of either permit, you must contact the RTA to apply. Click here for more information.

Low-income riders

The RTA, Metra, and Cook County are partnering to extend reduced fares to Metra riders experiencing low incomes regionwide through the Access Pilot Program. All recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, living in the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will are eligible to apply for an Access permit, which will allow the purchases of reduced fare tickets, at The program will run from Feb. 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025. Show your Access Card to a conductor to buy a reduced fare One-Way Ticket onboard a train. When selecting tickets or passes to buy on the Ventra app or via a ticket vending machine, look for the Access program under Reduced Fare Tickets; you do not need the Access Card to purchase the ticket or pass but you may be asked to show your Access Card to the conductor when using the ticket or pass.

U.S. Military Fares

Military personnel may purchase reduced fare tickets provided they present proper military identification indicating they are on active duty. These privileges are extended to all branches of the military: Marines, Air Force, Army, Navy and Coast Guard.

Student Fares

Full time students enrolled in a grade school or high school can purchase reduced fare tickets and passes. College students are not included in the program. Student fares are in effect at all times. When purchasing a ticket, students must present a valid letter of certification from their school (on school stationery) or present a valid school I.D. (both are valid through the end of the calendar year) bearing the student's name, school name and authorized signature. Student identification card or letter of certification must be displayed along with the ticket to the conductor. Failure to do so will result in full fare payment. Student tickets are not transferable. Any questions concerning the above may be directed to Metra Passenger Services at 312-322-6777.

Home-schooled Students

All fare policies concerning standard student fares also apply to home-schooled students. To meet documentation requirements, the student must present a letter with the name and address of the person providing the home schooling as teacher/principal at the top, signed and notarized. Click here to download form.

Children's Weekday Fares

Children ages 7 to 11 save 50 percent over One-Way fares. Children under 7 ride free when accompanied by a fare-paying adult (up to three children free per adult). Under no circumstances will children under 7 years of age be permitted to travel alone.

Family Fares

On weekends and select holidays, kids ride FREE with Metra's Family Fares. Up to three children age 11 and under ride free with each fare-paying adult. Purchase a ticket or use your Monthly Pass as the adult fare. Family Cars are available on weekends and non-rush hour weekday trains. Family Fares are also available on weekdays during the summer between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Save Money with Transit Benefits

To find out about how you can save money using pre-tax dollars to pay for commuting costs, click here.

Group Travel

Prearranged groups of 25 passengers or more can save up to 50 percent off the cost of regular One-Way fares. Group rates are available on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and after 7 p.m., and anytime Saturday, Sunday and recognized national holidays (some restrictions may apply). Groups must consist of a minimum of 25 passengers and cannot exceed 135 passengers.

  • No more than one group on the train at the same time. Metra will contact the group within two business days of receipt of Group Travel Request Form.
  • The entire group must be together on platform ready to board train.
  • Group requests approvals will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Minimum 21-day advance notice required.
  • If the size of your group meets the requirements specified above, please complete the necessary Group Travel Request Form and email it to You will be contacted within two business days.
  • Full payment (checks only) and final headcount must be received a minimum of 14 days in advance of your trip. Changes to the headcount cannot be accommodated. Checks must be payable to Metra-Group Travel and mailed to Metra’s Passenger Services Department at 547 W. Jackson Blvd – 10th Floor, Chicago, IL 60661
  • A Group Travel Boarding Pass will be issued to you once full payment is received. Boarding Pass must be presented to crew members upon boarding.
  • A 24-hour notification of a cancellation is necessary for a refund.
  • Click here to view and print a Group Travel Request Form
  • Questions? Call a Group Travel Representative at 312-322-6772

*Metra is not responsible for any inconvenience resulting from delayed, canceled or missed train and/or connections due to mechanical failures, accidents, track obstructions or other issues.

Metra Fare Policies 

View Metra fare policies effective Nov. 13, 2024