Station-Level Data | Metra
Station data pertaining to boarding/alighting, mode of access and parking capacity, and utilization by station. The reports below will provide specific, in-depth station level data.
This report contains boarding station mode of access and egress information which is based on data from Metra’s 2019 Origin-Destination Survey. Riders on all weekday morning Metra trains were surveyed. The survey was conducted in Spring 2019.
This report summarizes the results of the boarding and alighting count that took place in the fall of 2018 on each weekday train. As Metra is an “open system”, one without fare gates and has fare zones containing multiple stations, this count is important for Metra to determine boardings and alightings at the station level.
This report presents the results of the fall 2018 boarding and alighting count for each weekday train in the Metra system. Passenger boardings and alightings are organized by rail line. Station data are displayed by train and are organized according to downtown station arrival (inbound trains) and departure (outbound trains) times.
This report contains boarding station mode of access information which is based on data from Metra’s 2016 Origin-Destination Survey. Riders on all weekday morning Metra trains were surveyed and the survey was conducted concurrently with Metra’s 2016 Boarding/Alighting Counts.
This report summarizes the results of the boarding and alighting count that took place in the fall of 2016 on each weekday train. As Metra is an “open system”, one without fare gates and has fare zones containing multiple stations, this count is important for Metra to determine boardings and alightings at the station level.
This report presents the results of the fall 2016 boarding and alighting count for each weekday train in the Metra system. Passenger boardings and alightings are organized by rail line. Station data are displayed by train and are organized according to downtown station arrival (inbound trains) and departure (outbound trains) times.
This report summarizes the results of the boarding and alighting count that took place in the spring of 2014 on each weekday train. As Metra is an “open system”, one without fare gates and has fare zones containing multiple stations, this count is important for Metra to determine boardings and alightings at the station level.
This report presents the results of the spring 2014 boarding and alighting count for each weekday train in the Metra system. Passenger boardings and alightings are organized by rail line. Station data are displayed by train and are organized according to downtown station arrival (inbound trains) and departure (outbound trains) times.
This report contains boarding station mode of access information which is based on data from Metra’s 2014 Origin-Destination Survey. Riders on all weekday morning Metra trains were surveyed and the survey was conducted concurrently with Metra’s 2014 Boarding/Alighting Counts.
This report summarizes the results of the boarding and alighting count that took place on weekend days in the summer and fall of 2010.
This data contains information on automobile parking capacity and utilization at all Metra stations system-wide. Field counts at stations are conducted once per year to monitor changes in both parking capacity and utilization rates and can help Metra determine whether and where additional parking capacity is needed.
This data is a comprehensive inventory of all bicycle facilities throughout the Metra system (not including downtown stations). This data was developed thanks to collaboration between Metra and the League of Illinois Bicyclists and the Active Transportation Alliance in 2008. The data provides a thorough assessment of both the quality and quantity of bicycle facilities at Metra stations. Additional analysis examine bicycle parking capacity and utilization at the station, county and rail line levels.