How to use Metra Mobile Tickets | Metra

After you've bought a mobile ticket for use on Metra in the Ventra app, it's stored on your device until you're ready to use it. Once you're on board and your train departs, you can activate your ticket. 

To Activate your Ticket

  • Go to the "Metra Tickets" section of the Ventra app home screen.  You can also activate your Metra tickets from "Tickets" page of the app.
  • Tap "Use" next to the ticket you wish to use from your "Stored Tickets" list.
  •  You'll be prompted to confirm that you wish to use this ticket. (Do this only once you're on board your train, as you can't undo the activation of a ticket.) Once you confirm, you'll be shown an animated ticket that you can show to the conductor. You can go and do other things on your phone while you wait for the conductor to come around. If you leave the app and come back, tap "Show" to view your ticket.
  • Show the ticket to the conductor when he or she comes around to check for tickets. The conductor will ask you to tap your screen; when you do, a pattern of rectangles will appear that will verify the ticket is valid.
  • There's no limit to how many times you can leave the app (and do other things on your phone) and come back to a ticket that has been activated and is still valid.

Recently expired tickets

If you activate your ticket and something happens that delays your train, no worries. Tickets that have been recently used will remain on your phone as “Expired” for three hours after they expire, and your conductor will know whether to accept an expired ticket as valid in such circumstances.

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