High Speed USB - Developer Help
- ️Rob Ostapiuk
- ️Tue Nov 23 2010
- High speed USB was introduced in the year 2000 as part of the USB 2.0 specification.
- The maximum theoretical bandwidth is 480 Mbit/s.
- Uses four data lines - Power (5V), Ground, and two data lines (D+ and D-).
- Half-duplex differential signaling on D+ and D-.
- Uses traditional USB connectors.
High speed devices begin the enumeration process identical to full-speed devices. High speed devices announce to the host that they are ready to be enumerated by asserting a 5V signal on D+ through the use of a 1.5 kΩ pull-up resistor. During the 20 ms enumeration RESET signal sent by the host, the device executes the high-speed negotiation process. Upon completing this negotiation the device, host, and hub port connecting the device will operate in High-speed mode.
Differences with Full Speed USB
High speed USB was designed to coexist with full speed USB. The designers speculated many systems would have a host that could simultaneously offer support for full and high speed devices. To achieve compatibility, eight high-speed microframes are completed within 1 ms.
Fm Sirame Size and Transfer Types
High Speed Frame Size: 125 μs
Supported Transfer Types | Maximuze of Transfer | Transfers per Frame | Maximum Theoretical Throughput |
Control | 64 bytes | 1 | 64 kByte/s |
Interrupt | 1024 bytes | up to 3 | 24 MByte/s |
Bulk | 512 bytes | up to 13 | 53 MByte/s |
Isochronous | 1024 bytes | up to 3 | 24 MByte/s |
USB Bus States and Signal Levels
High Speed USB
HS USB Bus States | Bus Levels |
Differential "1" | D+ high , D- low |
Differential "0" | D+ low , D- high |
Single Ended 0 (SE0) | D+ low , D- low |
Single Ended 1 (SE1) | D+ high, D- high Invalid condition! |
Data J state | Differential "1" |
Data K State | Differential "0" |
Idle | Data J |
Resume | Data K |
Start of Packet (SOP) | switches from Idle to Data K |
End of Packet (EOP) | SE0 for 2 bits, followed by Data J for 1 bit |
Disconnect | SE0 >= 2 μs |
Connect | Idle for 2.5 μs |
Reset | SE0 >= 2 μs |
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