Mark Alves | Montgomery College -
- ️mark alves
- ️Tue Jul 27 2010
Vietnamese Historical LInguistics by Mark Alves
Languages, 2024
This article presents an updated view of the language history of Vietnamese from its native Austr... more This article presents an updated view of the language history of Vietnamese from its native Austroasiatic roots, including key historical phonological, morphological, and syntactic features and developments; a characterization of its Austroasiatic etyma; and the context of this information in Vietnamese linguistic ethnohistory. It is now possible to make better supported claims and more precise characterizations due to improved understanding of the history of Austroasiatic and Vietic and their reconstructions, the nature and effect of language contact with Chinese, and the process of typological convergence of the ancestral language of Vietnamese. This study shows that, while Vietnamese is not a typologically characteristic Austroasiatic language, the Austroasiatic components of the Vietnamese lexicon and linguistic structure are more prominent than previously supposed.
Austroasiatic Linguistics In honour of Gérard Diffloth (1939-2023), 2024
Diffloth (1991b) first proposed this grouping (what he called “Proto-Katuic-Vietic”) primarily ba... more Diffloth (1991b) first proposed this grouping (what he called “Proto-Katuic-Vietic”) primarily based on phonological evidence, while also positing that vocabulary was shared by Vietic and Katuic, though he did not provide supporting lexical data. Later, the current author (Alves 2005) proposed a few dozen lexical isoglosses shared by Vietic and Katuic. Other scholars accepted the Vieto-Katuic hypothesis in historical linguistics publications, as to be discussed in Section 2, and it has been tied to speculation about early migrations of ancestors of the Vietnamese. The hypothesis has even been noted in a chapter on prehistory in Vietnam in an English-language historical text (Kiernan’s 2017 “Việt Nam: A History of the Earliest Times to the Present”), with the idea that this early group migrated northward from the Annamite Cordillera in north-central Vietnam and bordering parts of Laos.
However, (a) the historical phonological data seemed persuasive but is minimal, (b) the lexical data was more limited than that available today and was gathered through paper texts, not digital tools effective for sifting data, and (c) no archaeological evidence was presented or indeed available to support Diffloth’s assertion. In view of current available data—much more than just 20 years ago—with an overview of the phonological, morphological, lexical, and ethnohistorical aspects and weighing the evidence, the Vieto-Katuic hypothesis can no longer be considered valid.
The goal of this article is not only to demonstrate how current data and methods show that the Vieto-Katuic hypothesis does not hold water. It is also aimed at pointing out that archaeological evidence strongly suggests a north-to-south movement of Austroasiatic speakers into Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA hereafter), and that the result of this event significantly complicates claims of a south to north migration of early Vietic peoples, or a homeland near central Vietnam, a claim lacking archaeological support. Also, the linguistic evidence shows that Katuic and Vietic are distinct branches within Austroasiatic and that they share features likely due to language contact with each other at various times over history, and not necessarily with substantial time depth.
An Etymological Study of Vietnamese Words for Weaving and Woven Objects
Studies in Vietnamese Historical Linguistics. Global Vietnam: Across Time, Space and Community. , 2024
This etymological study surveys the origins of 160 monosyllabic Vietnamese words for weaving and ... more This etymological study surveys the origins of 160 monosyllabic Vietnamese words for weaving and related materials, implements, and products. It incorporates data from textual, ethnohistorical, and archaeological research to increase the certainty of claims and present an ethnolinguistic and chronological context for etymological research in this semantic domain. While the impact in this domain due to language contact with Chinese in multiple periods has led to additions and restructuring of original semantic subsystems, core native elements (Austroasiatic, Vietic, and Viet-Muong) are evident. Moreover, Vietnamese appears to have generated numerous lexical innovations related to weaving materials and woven products in the 2nd millennium.
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2024
This study reviews the reduction of disyllabic Proto-Vietic words to monosyllabic Vietnamese word... more This study reviews the reduction of disyllabic Proto-Vietic words to monosyllabic Vietnamese words and the development of Vietnamese voiced fricative onsets. Thompson (1976:1131-1133) in reconstructing Proto-Viet-Muong, and later Ferlus (1982 & 1992) based on his Proto-Vietic reconstructions, hypothesized the spirantization of stops *p/t/c/k and *b/d/ɟ/ɡ in previous intervocalic positions and the loss of presyllables, resulting in Vietnamese onsets ‘v’ [v], ‘d’ [z] (from hypothesized Middle Vietnamese *ð), ‘gi’ [z] (from hypothesized Middle Vietnamese *ʒ), and ‘g/gh’ [ɣ] in monosyllabic words. For this study, relevant Proto-Vietic and Old Chinese lexical reconstructions were compared, and the phonological data partially supports this claim while revealing a more complex picture. First, the changes involve classes of sounds rather than specific consonants (e.g., Vietic labial material (excluding nasals or implosives) in intervocalic position becomes Vietnamese ‘v’ [v] in onset position). Also, while this tendency is dominant in available data, some exceptions exist: (a) reconstructed disyllabic words for which modern Vietnamese items lack lenited onsets and (b) reconstructed monosyllabic words for which Vietnamese items have voiced fricative onsets, but without apparent conditioning factors. Evidence shows these features in modern Vietnamese developed many centuries later than in Sinitic.
本文回顧原始越語支(Vietic)的雙音節單詞到越南語單音節單詞的弱化現象(reduction)以及越南語濁輔音的發展。Thompson (1976: 1131-1133) 重建的越芒語支(Viet-Muong)以及後來 Ferlus (1982 & 1992)重建的原始越語支都假設塞音*p/t/c/k 和 *b/d/ɟ/ɡ 的擦音化發生在雙音節之間的位置和前音節丟失時,也因此產生越南語聲母‘v' [v]、‘d' [z](來自假設的中古越南語*ð)、‘gi'[z](來自假設的中古越南語*ʒ),以及單音節詞中的 'g/gh' [ɣ]。本文比較相關的原始越語支和上古漢語詞彙的重建,語音資料支持Thompson 和 Ferlus 的假設,但同時也揭示了更複雜的情況。
Journal of Viet Nam Hoc, 2023
Abstract: The goal of... more Download:
Tóm tắt: Mục tiêu của bài viết này là chia sẻ những hiểu biết về nghiên cứu ngôn ngữ học lịch sử về tiếng Việt với những người không chuyên về ngôn ngữ học và kết nối những nghiên cứu đó với các chủ đề lịch sử dân tộc. Các mặt của lịch sử ngôn ngữ của tiếng Việt được xem xét bao gồm nguồn gốc ngữ hệ Nam Á, sự lưu giữ ngôn ngữ và thay đổi ngôn ngữ của các yếu tố nguyên gốc đó, sự tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với tiếng Hán và các từ mượn tiếng Hán, và sự phát triển lịch sử của thanh điệu tiếng Việt và những thay đổi trong cấu trúc âm tiết. Nhìn chung, tuy rằng sự tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với tiếng Hán trong hai thiên niên kỷ qua đã dẫn đến nhiều từ mượn trong các thời kỳ khác nhau và một số thay đổi ngôn ngữ so với cấu trúc âm vị gốc Nam Á, những thay đổi đó đã diễn ra trong một thời gian dài lắm. Ngoài ra, một số đặc điểm ngôn ngữ bản địa vẫn còn tồn tại thậm chí cả thiên niên kỷ sau khi tiếp xúc với tiếng Hán, và tiếng Việt vẫn giữ được các từ và đặc điểm cấu trúc ngôn ngữ Nam Á. Bức tranh ngôn ngữ lịch sử này có ý nghĩa đối với vị thế ngôn ngữ xã hội của ngôn ngữ Việt tổ tiên ở thiên niên kỷ thứ nhất và của tiếng Việt ở thiên niên kỷ thứ hai.
Abstract: The goal of this article is to share insights of historical linguistic research on Vietnamese with non-linguists and relate such research to ethnohistorical topics. The aspects of Vietnamese language history considered include Austroasiatic origins, retentions and changes of those original linguistic elements, language contact with Chinese and Chinese loanwords, and the historical development of Vietnamese tones and changes in syllable structure. Overall, while language contact with Chinese over the past two millennia has resulted in numerous loanwords from different periods and some changes from the original Austroasiatic phonological structure, those changes happened over a long period of time. Some native linguistic features remained even a millennium after contact with Chinese, and Vietnamese has still retained Austroasiatic words and various linguistic structural features. This historical linguistic picture has implications for the sociolinguistic status of the ancestral Vietic language in the 1st millennium and of Vietnamese in the 2nd millennium.
Lịch sử tiếng Việt trong bối cảnh liên ngành
Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò 'stove, oven, kiln' is... more Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò 'stove, oven, kiln' is an early Chinese loanword borrowed in the 1st millennium CE before the Late Middle Chinese period and the development of the pronunciations of Sino-Vietnamese Chinese character readings. This word belongs to the domain of early Chinese loanwords related to ceramics. In addition, this word fits into a larger ethnohistorical context in Mainland Southeast Asia and supports the archaeological hypothesis of two regions (a "Coastal Zone" and an "inland Zone") of the spread of Chinese-style crossdraft kilns (Hein 2008). Lexical data shows that, for words referring to 'stove, oven, kiln', (a) one early Chinese loanword (爐/炉 lú) 1 is shared by Vietnamese and Khmer with a low vowel [ɔ, ɑ] (not high vowels [u, o] of varieties of Chinese); (b) to the west in Mainland Southeast Asia, many Tai languages have a form [taw] likely from Chinese 匋 táo 'pottery; kiln'; (c) in southern China, multiple Chinese loanwords (匋 táo, 窯/ 窑 yáo, 竈/灶 zào) are seen throughout Kradai and Tibeto-Burman languages. 2
Abstract: Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò (stove, oven... more Abstract: Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò (stove, oven, kiln) is an early Chinese loanword borrowed in the 1st millennium CE before the Late Middle Chinese period and the development of the pronunciation of the corresponding Sino-Vietnamese Chinese character reading of 爐/炉 lô. This word belongs to the domain of early Chinese loanwords related to ceramics. In addition, this word fits into a larger ethnohistorical context in Mainland Southeast Asia and supports the archaeological hypothesis of two regions (a “Coastal Zone” and an “Inland Zone”) of the spread of Chinese-style crossdraft kilns (Hein 2008). Lexical data shows that, for words referring to ‘stove, oven, kiln’, (a) one early Chinese loanword (爐/炉 lú (Hanyu pinyin), lô) is shared by Vietnamese and Khmer with a low vowel [ɔ, ɑ] (not high vowels [u, o] in its Chinese varieties); (b) to the west in Mainland Southeast Asia, many Tai languages have a form [taw] this is likely from the Chinese word 匋 táo, đào ‘pottery; kiln’; (c) in southern China, multiple Chinese loanwords (匋 táo, đào; 窯/窑 yáo, diêu; 竈/灶 zào, táo) are seen throughout Kra-Dai and Tibeto-Burman languages. The Inland Zone corresponds to (b) and (c), while the Coastal Zone partially matches (a). Tóm tắt: Bằng chứng ngôn ngữ học và dân tộc học cho thấy từ lò “stove, oven, kiln” của tiếng Việt là một từ mượn tiếng Hán sơ kỳ, được vay mượn vào thiên niên kỷ 1 sau công nguyên (SCN) trước thời kỳ tiếng Hán trung cổ và sự phát triển cách đọc/phát âm Hán Việt, 爐/炉, lô. Từ lò thuộc về lĩnh vực liên quan đến nghề gốm sứ. Ngoài ra, từ này phù hợp với bối cảnh dân tộc học lịch sử ở Đông Nam Á lục địa. Nó ủng hộ giả thuyết khảo cổ học của Hein (2008) về hai khu vực (tức là “vùng ven biển” và “vùng nội địa”) lan truyền vắt chéo nhau (crossdraft) của các lò gốm kiểu Trung Quốc. Dữ liệu từ vựng cho thấy rằng, đối với các từ chỉ “bếp, lò, lò nung”, (a) một từ mượn Hán sơ kỳ (爐/炉 lú (bính âm Hán ngữ), lò “bếp, lò nung”)1 có trong cả tiếng Việt và tiếng Khơ-me với một nguyên âm thấp [ɔ, ɑ] (không phải là nguyên âm cao [u, o] của các biến thể tiếng Hán); (b) về phía Tây ở Đông Nam Á lục địa, nhiều ngôn ngữ Tai có từ dạng [taw], có thể gốc từ từ/chữ 匋 táo, đào “gốm sứ, lò nung” của tiếng Hán; (c) ở miền Nam Trung Quốc, có nhiều từ mượn Hán (匋 táo, đào “gốm sứ; lò nung”; 窯/窑 yáo, diêu; “lò”, 竈/灶 zào, táo “bếp”) được tìm thấy ở suốt các ngôn ngữ Kra-Dai và Tạng - Miến Điện2. Vùng nội địa tương ứng với (b) và (c), và vùng ven biển phù hợp một phần với (a).
Researching and Applying Linguistics and Vietnamese Language Studies, 2023
This is an etymological study of Vietnamese words for pottery, with notes on related words for ce... more This is an etymological study of Vietnamese words for pottery, with notes on related words for ceramic production. Over 60 monosyllabic words have been assembled, and of these, fewer than half are loanwords or words with undetermined regional sources. Over half are either native Viet-Muong words or words without identifiable outside sources, and thus possible lexical innovations in Vietnamese. I explored relative chronologies of the words based on (a) historical phonological features, (b) historical texts, and (c) archaeohistorical information. While pottery has a several-thousand-year history in the region, besides a Proto-Vietic word vung ‘lid of a pot’, the earliest period to which the almost all the words can be safely dated is the early 1st millennium CE. The several early Chinese loanwords related to ceramic production (e.g., lò ‘kiln’ and thó ‘potter’s clay) highlight the influence of Chinese ceramic production practices from the Han Dynasty onward. However, the two dozen words of potential native Vietnamese origin may be related to the growth of ceramic production in Vietnam in the 2nd millennium. Many questions remain about the histories of these words, which will require attention from Hán-Nôm researchers, archaeologists and ethnohistorians specializing in Vietnamese ceramics.
Conference: Bài trình bày tại Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội., 16-06-2023, 2023
Bài trình bày tại Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gi... more Youtube:
Bài trình bày tại Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội., 16-06-2023 Tóm tắt: Chúng ta làm sao biết được tiếng Việt không chỉ cùng gốc với tiếng Khơ-me mà còn với tiếng Katu, Ba-na ở Tây Nguyên và cả với các ngôn ngữ Aslia ở Mã Lai và Munda ở miền đông Ấn Độ, mặc dù những ngôn ngữ đó đều không có thanh điệu như trong tiếng Việt? Làm sao chúng ta có thể biết rằng ba cái từ đũa ‘chopsticks’, gương ‘mirror’, và mả ‘grave’ có thể đã được vay mượn từ tiếng Hán vào thời nhà Hán cách đây 2.000 năm? Trong sự trình bày này, tôi sẽ tóm tắt những hiểu biết hiện tại của nghiên cứu về ngôn ngữ học lịch sử về tiếng Việt. Tôi sẽ trình bày bằng một cách phi kỹ thuật để các nhà giáo dục ngôn ngữ ở Việt Nam và những người nghiên cứu các mặt khác của tiếng Việt cũng có thể hiểu được kiến thức này. Một số chủ đề chính trong sự trình bày này bao gồm nguồn gốc Nam Á “Austroasiatic” của tiếng Việt; ảnh hưởng do tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với tiếng Hán và các ngôn ngữ lân cận khác; sự thay đổi ngôn ngữ từ Nam Á sang Việt-Mường sang tiếng Việt hiện đại; và dữ liệu và phương pháp được sử dụng trong nghiên cứu ngôn ngữ học lịch sử để cho thấy các điều này. Tôi cũng sẽ thảo luận về một số giả thuyết mà tôi đã đưa ra trong những năm gần đây bằng cách kết hợp dữ liệu ngôn ngữ lịch sử với dữ liệu từ nghiên cứu sử học, khảo cổ học, và dân tộc học.
Conference: Workshop on Crossdisciplinary studies in East and Southeast Asian Historical LinguisticsAt: Institute of Han-Nom Studies, Hanoi (online), 2023
(VIDEO OF TALK: In this talk, I present an overview of the etymolog... more (VIDEO OF TALK: In this talk, I present an overview of the etymological origins of Vietnamese words in the domain of clothing, textiles, and related products. These include textile materials (e.g., silk, rattan, etc.), actions of manufacturing (e.g., weaving, plaiting, etc.), aspects of colors and coloration (e.g., dye, color terms, etc.), clothing (e.g., hats, lower/upper-body garments, etc.), and other woven products (e.g., rugs/carpets, curtains, mats, baskets, etc.). Relative chronologies of the words can be posited through historical phonological study. For a still general but more precise chronology, a combination of the historical linguistic lexical data and archaeo-historical information shows how these words are associated with historical periods and ethnohistorical events (e.g., the Austroasiatic dispersal c. 2000 BCE, the Han Dynasty expansion circa c. 200 BCE to 200 CE, the post-Chinese-administration period of the 2nd millennium, the Colonial era, etc.). This etymological study thus presents a broad picture of past language contact and ethnohistorical linguistic developments in this domain in Vietnamese.
Ngôn Ngữ và Đời Sống, 2022
PREPUBLICATION ENGLISH-LANGUAGE VERSION OF THE VIETNAMESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION “CÁC TỪ NGUYÊN CỦ... more PREPUBLICATION ENGLISH-LANGUAGE VERSION OF THE VIETNAMESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION “CÁC TỪ NGUYÊN CỦA SỐ TỪ TIẾNG VIỆT VÀ HÀM Ý CỦA TIẾP XÚC NGÔN NGỮ SINITIC-VIETIC” IN VIETNAMESE IN THE JOURNAL NGÔN NGỮ VÀ ĐỜI SỐNG, SỐ 9(330)-2022, PP. 3-12 (LAST UPDATE: 28 MARCH 2023); SUBSEQUENT ENGLISH-LANGUAGE PRESENTATION WITH ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION: Chinese loanwords have entered many semantic domains in Vietnamese, but the native Vietnamese system of numerals has been retained without replacements. Moreover, Chinese numerals have limited usage in modern Vietnamese, especially spoken Vietnamese. This is in contrast with the replacement of native Tai words for '2' to '99' with Chinese words and with the common use of Chinese numerals in Japanese and Korean. The 1651 Annam-Lusitan-Latinh dictionary contains evidence of more frequent use of Chinese numerals, but native Vietic numeral terms were still dominant in the introductory grammar section and dictionary entries. That data supports the hypothesis of a prior Chinese-speaking population in northern Vietnam centuries before that time and of a diglossic situation. Nevertheless, a millennium of Chinese administration and settlement in Vietnam and subsequent centuries of language contact with local Chinese-speakers did not affect the native numeral terms of Viet-Muong. The retention of native numerals in Vietnamese is one indication of the sociolinguistic status of Vietic and Viet-Muong even after the settlement of Chinese speakers.
Ngôn Ngữ và Đời Sống, 2022
TÓM TẮT: Các từ mượn tiếng Hán đã tham gia vào nhiều lớp từ vựng-ngữ nghĩa trong tiếng Việt, nhưn... more TÓM TẮT: Các từ mượn tiếng Hán đã tham gia vào nhiều lớp từ vựng-ngữ nghĩa trong tiếng Việt, nhưng hệ thống số từ bản địa của tiếng Việt vẫn được giữ nguyên mà không thay thế từ nào, đặc biệt là trong tiếng Việt khẩu ngữ. Hơn nữa, các số từ gốc Hán được sử dụng hạn chế trong tiếng Việt hiện đại. Điều này trái ngược với việc thay thế các số từ Thái (Tai) bản địa từ "2" tới "99" bằng các từ gốc tiếng Hán và với việc sử dụng phổ biến các số từ gốc Hán trong tiếng Nhật và tiếng Hàn. "Từ điển Việt-Bồ-La" xuất bản năm 1651 cho ta bằng chứng về việc sử dụng thường xuyên hơn các số từ gốc tiếng Hán; nhưng số từ nhóm tiếng Việt (Vietic) bản địa vẫn phổ biến trong phần giới thiệu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt và các mục từ trong từ điển. Dữ liệu đó hỗ trợ giả thuyết về một nhóm cư dân nói tiếng Hán ở miền Bắc Việt Nam từ nhiều thế kỉ trước thời điểm ra đời của từ điển đó và về một cảnh huống lưỡng ngôn (cũng gọi là song thể ngữ; diglossia). Tuy nhiên, một thiên niên kỉ định cư và cai trị của người Hán ở Việt Nam và những thế kỉ tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với cư dân nói tiếng Hán đã không ảnh hưởng đến hệ thống số từ bản địa của chi Việt-Mường. Việc lưu giữ lại các số từ bản địa trong tiếng Việt là một dấu hiệu cho thấy cương vị xã hội ngôn ngữ trong cộng đồng ngôn ngữ nhóm tiếng Việt (Vietic) và Việt-Mường kể cả sau khi có sự định cư của người nói tiếng Hán. TỪ KHÓA: từ vay mượn; tiếng Hán; tiếng Việt; số từ; tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ.
ISVL-3, 2023
DOI - 10.13140/RG.2.2.36713.98405/2
YouTube recording of the presentation: more DOI - 10.13140/RG.2.2.36713.98405/2
YouTube recording of the presentation:
From the Conference: Workshop on Vietnamese Linguistics (ISVL-3), 18-19 March 2023
Abstract: Chinese loanwords have entered many semantic domains in Vietnamese, but the native Vietnamese system of numerals has been retained without replacements. Moreover, Chinese numerals have limited usage in modern Vietnamese, especially spoken Vietnamese. This is in contrast with the replacement of native Tai words for ‘2’ to ‘99’ with Chinese words and with the common use of Chinese numerals in Japanese and Korean. The 1651 Annam-Lusitan-Latinh dictionary contains evidence of more frequent use of Chinese numerals, but native Vietic numeral terms were still dominant in the introductory grammar section and dictionary entries. That data supports the hypothesis of a prior Chinese-speaking population in northern Vietnam centuries before that time and of a diglossic situation. Nevertheless, a millennium of Chinese administration and settlement in Vietnam and subsequent centuries of language contact with local Chinese-speakers did not affect the native numeral terms of Viet-Muong. The retention of native numerals in Vietnamese is one indication of the sociolinguistic status of Vietic and Viet-Muong even after the settlement of Chinese speakers. In this talk, I will (a) introduce cross-linguistic tendencies in borrowing of numerals, (b) present an overview of Chinese numeral loanwords in Vietnamese, Thai, and Cambodian for a comparative view, and (c) consider hypotheses for the Vietic-Sinitic language contact situation and of the language status of northeastern Vietic and Viet-Muong in view of the retention of native numerals.
Keynote talk for the 5th International Conference on Vietnamese and Taiwanese Studies / 第五屆台越人文比較... more Keynote talk for the 5th International Conference on Vietnamese and Taiwanese Studies / 第五屆台越人文比較研究國際研討會 / Hội thảo Quốc tế về Việt Nam Học và Đài Loan Học lần thứ V năm 2022
20 November 2022
The Vietnamese language can contribute to understanding of both language history and sociocultural history in Mainland Southeast Asia. This is due to extensive research on Vietnamese as a national language, its long literary tradition, and its geographic position connecting China with Mainland Southeast Asia. Moreover, in the last two decades, massive quantities of digitized linguistic data on hundreds of languages in the region have been made available, and analytical methods and insights in the field of historical linguistics have progressed. This makes it possible to explore Vietnamese language history even more deeply and with regional implications. Vietnamese language history is also informed by the growing ethnohistorical and ethnoarchaeological studies in Vietnam and surrounding areas.
Within this context in mind, in my talk, I will review four notable linguistic aspects of Vietnamese and consider how historical linguistic insights of these interact with—and can inform—historical and archaeological research. The topics include the following.
1. The Austroasiatic origins of Vietnamese
2. The historical stages of Chinese loanwords in Vietnamese
3. The historical origin of Vietnamese tones
4. The development of Vietnamese monosyllabic words from earlier bisyllabic words
For each topic, I will characterize in a non-technical way relevant linguistic phenomena, describe current understanding of the historical linguistic developments, and then relate these to aspects of ethnohistory. I will conclude with an appeal for interdisciplinary collaboration to further understand such issues.
(Note: This talk is aimed at a general academic audience, not a linguistic one. However, some knowledge of Vietnamese and/or Chinese by audience members is assumed, and some simple linguistic terminology, such as that in the abstract above, will be used and clarified as needed.)
Crossroads, 2020
This article reviews multiple lines of data in an attem... more
This article reviews multiple lines of data in an attempt to determine the ethnolinguistic situation of the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam in the Ðông Sơn period (c. 600 BCE–200 CE) prior to the establishment of a Chinese administration there circa 200 BCE. A variety of possible scenarios are considered in light of linguistic, ethnological, archaeological, archaeogenetic, and historical textual data. Some scenarios must be excluded as they lack supporting evidence, while the remaining few are weighed against each other and ranked. At this point, the scenario with the most support, consisting primarily of archaeological and historical linguistic data, is that a community of Austroasiatic speakers resided in the Red River Delta from about 4000 BP, but that by the time of the arrival of Chinese groups, Vietic (a later stage of the original Austroasiatic group there) and early Tai groups had a presence in that region. Furthermore, comparative linguistic evidence most strongly supports a dominant Vietic linguistic presence in that region at that time, the portion of Vietic that eventually split off to become the Việt-Mường sub-branch and finally, within that, Vietnamese.
Vietnamese Linguistics: State of the Field, May 1, 2022
This study presents Vietnamese words which are Vietic... more DOWNLOAD:
This study presents Vietnamese words which are Vietic etyma or early Chinese loanwords in the domain of the household (e.g., structures, implements, clothing, decorations, cuisine). The Vietic etyma correspond to the Neolithic lifestyle of Austroasiatic agriculturalists, but some words may stem to the Metal Age. The early Chinese loanwords correspond to Chinese-style households of the Han Dynasty and some centuries after. Few early Chinese loanwords are found in Vietic languages outside of Viet-Muong, which highlights sociolinguistic circumstances making Viet-Muong distinct. Combined with ethnohistorical and archaeological data, this lexical data leads to hypotheses about changes in this semantic domain and lifestyles in northern Vietnam in the early 1st millennium CE.
Journal of Language Relationships, 2021
We present a new internal classification of the Vietic languages, covering all recognized subgrou... more We present a new internal classification of the Vietic languages, covering all recognized subgroups and languages for which we could source suitably comparable data. The analysis reconciles results from two distinct methodologies: (1) computational phylogenetics based on a 116-item basic word list, and (2) historical phonological changes among syllable codas. The analysis identifies five principal subgroups: Thavung-Malieng (TM), Chut-Arem, Pong-Toum, Cuoi-Tho, and Viet-Muong (VM). While the identification of these subgroups is not original, aspects of the branching structure are. We find that the Vietic tree has a binary structure at the root, splitting between TM and the rest of the branch, which we may call the Eastern Vietic clade. Within that Eastern clade, we further find a north-south division, in which the northern VM group is most innovative while those to the south are more conservative. Previously, scholars have tended to group TM and Chut together as archaic lects based on broad typological features of word structure without suggesting specific common phonological innovations to link them. Our findings suggest that syllable restructuring and tonogenesis, which are hallmarks of Vietic languages, have developed largely independently among subgroups, notwithstanding very broad commonalities in phonological change which have contributed to strong areal convergence. Additionally, the Vietic homeland question is briefly discussed, with a northern locus of dispersal arguably supported by old loanword evidence and archaeological data. 1
This is a PPT of a talk at the ISVL-2 online wo... more VIDEO PRESENTATION:
This is a PPT of a talk at the ISVL-2 online workshop of Vietnamese linguistics. It updates the hypothesis of voiceless fricative onsets in Vietnamese.
Papers from the 30TH MEETING of the southeast asian linguistics society (2021), 2022
In this study, over a hundred and twenty Vietna... more DOWNLOAD HERE:
In this study, over a hundred and twenty Vietnamese function words with Vietic reconstructions and/or status as early Chinese loanwords (i.e., those borrowed before the Sino-Vietnamese layer associated with Late Middle Chinese character readings) have been assembled, grouped by subcategory, and given historical linguistic context. In this lexical data, most basic function words (e.g., numerals, pronouns, locative terms, time words related to the natural world) are native etyma, while most words with other functions (e.g., aspect, modality, comparison, time/aspect, etc.) are early Chinese loanwords. Despite the early borrowing of Chinese function words, current evidence suggests structural/typological changes in Vietic happened primarily in the later Viet-Muong period, and before that, this northern Vietic group did not undergo substantial morphophonological restructuring for several centuries from the time of language contact with Sinitic. This scenario implies significant Sinitic-Vietic bilingualism in those early centuries, but it also shows Vietic maintained sufficient sociolinguistic status to retain core function words. However, this early language contact set the stage for typological convergence into the second millennium and the speciation of Viet-Muong.
Nguyễn Tài Cẩn - Tư Tưởng, Tác Phẩm Và Kỷ Niệm [Nguyen Tai Can - Thoughts, Works, and Memories], 2021
(Note: This is a prepublication English version of the Vietnamese-language chapter “Thảo luận về ... more (Note: This is a prepublication English version of the Vietnamese-language chapter “Thảo luận về một vài điểm trong giả thuyết của Nguyễn Tài Cẩn về các từ mượn tai ở Vietic” in the book Nguyễn Tài Cẩn - Tư Tưởng, Tác Phẩm Và Kỷ Niệm [Nguyen Tai Can - Thoughts, Works, and Memories], ed. by Nguyễn Hồng Cổn, Trần Trí Dõi, Trịnh Cẩm Lan, and Dương Xuân Quang, 222-251. Hanoi National University Press. A Vietnamese-language video is available at
Languages, 2024
This article presents an updated view of the language history of Vietnamese from its native Austr... more This article presents an updated view of the language history of Vietnamese from its native Austroasiatic roots, including key historical phonological, morphological, and syntactic features and developments; a characterization of its Austroasiatic etyma; and the context of this information in Vietnamese linguistic ethnohistory. It is now possible to make better supported claims and more precise characterizations due to improved understanding of the history of Austroasiatic and Vietic and their reconstructions, the nature and effect of language contact with Chinese, and the process of typological convergence of the ancestral language of Vietnamese. This study shows that, while Vietnamese is not a typologically characteristic Austroasiatic language, the Austroasiatic components of the Vietnamese lexicon and linguistic structure are more prominent than previously supposed.
Austroasiatic Linguistics In honour of Gérard Diffloth (1939-2023), 2024
Diffloth (1991b) first proposed this grouping (what he called “Proto-Katuic-Vietic”) primarily ba... more Diffloth (1991b) first proposed this grouping (what he called “Proto-Katuic-Vietic”) primarily based on phonological evidence, while also positing that vocabulary was shared by Vietic and Katuic, though he did not provide supporting lexical data. Later, the current author (Alves 2005) proposed a few dozen lexical isoglosses shared by Vietic and Katuic. Other scholars accepted the Vieto-Katuic hypothesis in historical linguistics publications, as to be discussed in Section 2, and it has been tied to speculation about early migrations of ancestors of the Vietnamese. The hypothesis has even been noted in a chapter on prehistory in Vietnam in an English-language historical text (Kiernan’s 2017 “Việt Nam: A History of the Earliest Times to the Present”), with the idea that this early group migrated northward from the Annamite Cordillera in north-central Vietnam and bordering parts of Laos.
However, (a) the historical phonological data seemed persuasive but is minimal, (b) the lexical data was more limited than that available today and was gathered through paper texts, not digital tools effective for sifting data, and (c) no archaeological evidence was presented or indeed available to support Diffloth’s assertion. In view of current available data—much more than just 20 years ago—with an overview of the phonological, morphological, lexical, and ethnohistorical aspects and weighing the evidence, the Vieto-Katuic hypothesis can no longer be considered valid.
The goal of this article is not only to demonstrate how current data and methods show that the Vieto-Katuic hypothesis does not hold water. It is also aimed at pointing out that archaeological evidence strongly suggests a north-to-south movement of Austroasiatic speakers into Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA hereafter), and that the result of this event significantly complicates claims of a south to north migration of early Vietic peoples, or a homeland near central Vietnam, a claim lacking archaeological support. Also, the linguistic evidence shows that Katuic and Vietic are distinct branches within Austroasiatic and that they share features likely due to language contact with each other at various times over history, and not necessarily with substantial time depth.
An Etymological Study of Vietnamese Words for Weaving and Woven Objects
Studies in Vietnamese Historical Linguistics. Global Vietnam: Across Time, Space and Community. , 2024
This etymological study surveys the origins of 160 monosyllabic Vietnamese words for weaving and ... more This etymological study surveys the origins of 160 monosyllabic Vietnamese words for weaving and related materials, implements, and products. It incorporates data from textual, ethnohistorical, and archaeological research to increase the certainty of claims and present an ethnolinguistic and chronological context for etymological research in this semantic domain. While the impact in this domain due to language contact with Chinese in multiple periods has led to additions and restructuring of original semantic subsystems, core native elements (Austroasiatic, Vietic, and Viet-Muong) are evident. Moreover, Vietnamese appears to have generated numerous lexical innovations related to weaving materials and woven products in the 2nd millennium.
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2024
This study reviews the reduction of disyllabic Proto-Vietic words to monosyllabic Vietnamese word... more This study reviews the reduction of disyllabic Proto-Vietic words to monosyllabic Vietnamese words and the development of Vietnamese voiced fricative onsets. Thompson (1976:1131-1133) in reconstructing Proto-Viet-Muong, and later Ferlus (1982 & 1992) based on his Proto-Vietic reconstructions, hypothesized the spirantization of stops *p/t/c/k and *b/d/ɟ/ɡ in previous intervocalic positions and the loss of presyllables, resulting in Vietnamese onsets ‘v’ [v], ‘d’ [z] (from hypothesized Middle Vietnamese *ð), ‘gi’ [z] (from hypothesized Middle Vietnamese *ʒ), and ‘g/gh’ [ɣ] in monosyllabic words. For this study, relevant Proto-Vietic and Old Chinese lexical reconstructions were compared, and the phonological data partially supports this claim while revealing a more complex picture. First, the changes involve classes of sounds rather than specific consonants (e.g., Vietic labial material (excluding nasals or implosives) in intervocalic position becomes Vietnamese ‘v’ [v] in onset position). Also, while this tendency is dominant in available data, some exceptions exist: (a) reconstructed disyllabic words for which modern Vietnamese items lack lenited onsets and (b) reconstructed monosyllabic words for which Vietnamese items have voiced fricative onsets, but without apparent conditioning factors. Evidence shows these features in modern Vietnamese developed many centuries later than in Sinitic.
本文回顧原始越語支(Vietic)的雙音節單詞到越南語單音節單詞的弱化現象(reduction)以及越南語濁輔音的發展。Thompson (1976: 1131-1133) 重建的越芒語支(Viet-Muong)以及後來 Ferlus (1982 & 1992)重建的原始越語支都假設塞音*p/t/c/k 和 *b/d/ɟ/ɡ 的擦音化發生在雙音節之間的位置和前音節丟失時,也因此產生越南語聲母‘v' [v]、‘d' [z](來自假設的中古越南語*ð)、‘gi'[z](來自假設的中古越南語*ʒ),以及單音節詞中的 'g/gh' [ɣ]。本文比較相關的原始越語支和上古漢語詞彙的重建,語音資料支持Thompson 和 Ferlus 的假設,但同時也揭示了更複雜的情況。
Journal of Viet Nam Hoc, 2023
Abstract: The goal of... more Download:
Tóm tắt: Mục tiêu của bài viết này là chia sẻ những hiểu biết về nghiên cứu ngôn ngữ học lịch sử về tiếng Việt với những người không chuyên về ngôn ngữ học và kết nối những nghiên cứu đó với các chủ đề lịch sử dân tộc. Các mặt của lịch sử ngôn ngữ của tiếng Việt được xem xét bao gồm nguồn gốc ngữ hệ Nam Á, sự lưu giữ ngôn ngữ và thay đổi ngôn ngữ của các yếu tố nguyên gốc đó, sự tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với tiếng Hán và các từ mượn tiếng Hán, và sự phát triển lịch sử của thanh điệu tiếng Việt và những thay đổi trong cấu trúc âm tiết. Nhìn chung, tuy rằng sự tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với tiếng Hán trong hai thiên niên kỷ qua đã dẫn đến nhiều từ mượn trong các thời kỳ khác nhau và một số thay đổi ngôn ngữ so với cấu trúc âm vị gốc Nam Á, những thay đổi đó đã diễn ra trong một thời gian dài lắm. Ngoài ra, một số đặc điểm ngôn ngữ bản địa vẫn còn tồn tại thậm chí cả thiên niên kỷ sau khi tiếp xúc với tiếng Hán, và tiếng Việt vẫn giữ được các từ và đặc điểm cấu trúc ngôn ngữ Nam Á. Bức tranh ngôn ngữ lịch sử này có ý nghĩa đối với vị thế ngôn ngữ xã hội của ngôn ngữ Việt tổ tiên ở thiên niên kỷ thứ nhất và của tiếng Việt ở thiên niên kỷ thứ hai.
Abstract: The goal of this article is to share insights of historical linguistic research on Vietnamese with non-linguists and relate such research to ethnohistorical topics. The aspects of Vietnamese language history considered include Austroasiatic origins, retentions and changes of those original linguistic elements, language contact with Chinese and Chinese loanwords, and the historical development of Vietnamese tones and changes in syllable structure. Overall, while language contact with Chinese over the past two millennia has resulted in numerous loanwords from different periods and some changes from the original Austroasiatic phonological structure, those changes happened over a long period of time. Some native linguistic features remained even a millennium after contact with Chinese, and Vietnamese has still retained Austroasiatic words and various linguistic structural features. This historical linguistic picture has implications for the sociolinguistic status of the ancestral Vietic language in the 1st millennium and of Vietnamese in the 2nd millennium.
Lịch sử tiếng Việt trong bối cảnh liên ngành
Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò 'stove, oven, kiln' is... more Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò 'stove, oven, kiln' is an early Chinese loanword borrowed in the 1st millennium CE before the Late Middle Chinese period and the development of the pronunciations of Sino-Vietnamese Chinese character readings. This word belongs to the domain of early Chinese loanwords related to ceramics. In addition, this word fits into a larger ethnohistorical context in Mainland Southeast Asia and supports the archaeological hypothesis of two regions (a "Coastal Zone" and an "inland Zone") of the spread of Chinese-style crossdraft kilns (Hein 2008). Lexical data shows that, for words referring to 'stove, oven, kiln', (a) one early Chinese loanword (爐/炉 lú) 1 is shared by Vietnamese and Khmer with a low vowel [ɔ, ɑ] (not high vowels [u, o] of varieties of Chinese); (b) to the west in Mainland Southeast Asia, many Tai languages have a form [taw] likely from Chinese 匋 táo 'pottery; kiln'; (c) in southern China, multiple Chinese loanwords (匋 táo, 窯/ 窑 yáo, 竈/灶 zào) are seen throughout Kradai and Tibeto-Burman languages. 2
Abstract: Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò (stove, oven... more Abstract: Linguistic and ethnohistorical evidence shows that the Vietnamese word lò (stove, oven, kiln) is an early Chinese loanword borrowed in the 1st millennium CE before the Late Middle Chinese period and the development of the pronunciation of the corresponding Sino-Vietnamese Chinese character reading of 爐/炉 lô. This word belongs to the domain of early Chinese loanwords related to ceramics. In addition, this word fits into a larger ethnohistorical context in Mainland Southeast Asia and supports the archaeological hypothesis of two regions (a “Coastal Zone” and an “Inland Zone”) of the spread of Chinese-style crossdraft kilns (Hein 2008). Lexical data shows that, for words referring to ‘stove, oven, kiln’, (a) one early Chinese loanword (爐/炉 lú (Hanyu pinyin), lô) is shared by Vietnamese and Khmer with a low vowel [ɔ, ɑ] (not high vowels [u, o] in its Chinese varieties); (b) to the west in Mainland Southeast Asia, many Tai languages have a form [taw] this is likely from the Chinese word 匋 táo, đào ‘pottery; kiln’; (c) in southern China, multiple Chinese loanwords (匋 táo, đào; 窯/窑 yáo, diêu; 竈/灶 zào, táo) are seen throughout Kra-Dai and Tibeto-Burman languages. The Inland Zone corresponds to (b) and (c), while the Coastal Zone partially matches (a). Tóm tắt: Bằng chứng ngôn ngữ học và dân tộc học cho thấy từ lò “stove, oven, kiln” của tiếng Việt là một từ mượn tiếng Hán sơ kỳ, được vay mượn vào thiên niên kỷ 1 sau công nguyên (SCN) trước thời kỳ tiếng Hán trung cổ và sự phát triển cách đọc/phát âm Hán Việt, 爐/炉, lô. Từ lò thuộc về lĩnh vực liên quan đến nghề gốm sứ. Ngoài ra, từ này phù hợp với bối cảnh dân tộc học lịch sử ở Đông Nam Á lục địa. Nó ủng hộ giả thuyết khảo cổ học của Hein (2008) về hai khu vực (tức là “vùng ven biển” và “vùng nội địa”) lan truyền vắt chéo nhau (crossdraft) của các lò gốm kiểu Trung Quốc. Dữ liệu từ vựng cho thấy rằng, đối với các từ chỉ “bếp, lò, lò nung”, (a) một từ mượn Hán sơ kỳ (爐/炉 lú (bính âm Hán ngữ), lò “bếp, lò nung”)1 có trong cả tiếng Việt và tiếng Khơ-me với một nguyên âm thấp [ɔ, ɑ] (không phải là nguyên âm cao [u, o] của các biến thể tiếng Hán); (b) về phía Tây ở Đông Nam Á lục địa, nhiều ngôn ngữ Tai có từ dạng [taw], có thể gốc từ từ/chữ 匋 táo, đào “gốm sứ, lò nung” của tiếng Hán; (c) ở miền Nam Trung Quốc, có nhiều từ mượn Hán (匋 táo, đào “gốm sứ; lò nung”; 窯/窑 yáo, diêu; “lò”, 竈/灶 zào, táo “bếp”) được tìm thấy ở suốt các ngôn ngữ Kra-Dai và Tạng - Miến Điện2. Vùng nội địa tương ứng với (b) và (c), và vùng ven biển phù hợp một phần với (a).
Researching and Applying Linguistics and Vietnamese Language Studies, 2023
This is an etymological study of Vietnamese words for pottery, with notes on related words for ce... more This is an etymological study of Vietnamese words for pottery, with notes on related words for ceramic production. Over 60 monosyllabic words have been assembled, and of these, fewer than half are loanwords or words with undetermined regional sources. Over half are either native Viet-Muong words or words without identifiable outside sources, and thus possible lexical innovations in Vietnamese. I explored relative chronologies of the words based on (a) historical phonological features, (b) historical texts, and (c) archaeohistorical information. While pottery has a several-thousand-year history in the region, besides a Proto-Vietic word vung ‘lid of a pot’, the earliest period to which the almost all the words can be safely dated is the early 1st millennium CE. The several early Chinese loanwords related to ceramic production (e.g., lò ‘kiln’ and thó ‘potter’s clay) highlight the influence of Chinese ceramic production practices from the Han Dynasty onward. However, the two dozen words of potential native Vietnamese origin may be related to the growth of ceramic production in Vietnam in the 2nd millennium. Many questions remain about the histories of these words, which will require attention from Hán-Nôm researchers, archaeologists and ethnohistorians specializing in Vietnamese ceramics.
Conference: Bài trình bày tại Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội., 16-06-2023, 2023
Bài trình bày tại Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gi... more Youtube:
Bài trình bày tại Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội., 16-06-2023 Tóm tắt: Chúng ta làm sao biết được tiếng Việt không chỉ cùng gốc với tiếng Khơ-me mà còn với tiếng Katu, Ba-na ở Tây Nguyên và cả với các ngôn ngữ Aslia ở Mã Lai và Munda ở miền đông Ấn Độ, mặc dù những ngôn ngữ đó đều không có thanh điệu như trong tiếng Việt? Làm sao chúng ta có thể biết rằng ba cái từ đũa ‘chopsticks’, gương ‘mirror’, và mả ‘grave’ có thể đã được vay mượn từ tiếng Hán vào thời nhà Hán cách đây 2.000 năm? Trong sự trình bày này, tôi sẽ tóm tắt những hiểu biết hiện tại của nghiên cứu về ngôn ngữ học lịch sử về tiếng Việt. Tôi sẽ trình bày bằng một cách phi kỹ thuật để các nhà giáo dục ngôn ngữ ở Việt Nam và những người nghiên cứu các mặt khác của tiếng Việt cũng có thể hiểu được kiến thức này. Một số chủ đề chính trong sự trình bày này bao gồm nguồn gốc Nam Á “Austroasiatic” của tiếng Việt; ảnh hưởng do tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với tiếng Hán và các ngôn ngữ lân cận khác; sự thay đổi ngôn ngữ từ Nam Á sang Việt-Mường sang tiếng Việt hiện đại; và dữ liệu và phương pháp được sử dụng trong nghiên cứu ngôn ngữ học lịch sử để cho thấy các điều này. Tôi cũng sẽ thảo luận về một số giả thuyết mà tôi đã đưa ra trong những năm gần đây bằng cách kết hợp dữ liệu ngôn ngữ lịch sử với dữ liệu từ nghiên cứu sử học, khảo cổ học, và dân tộc học.
Conference: Workshop on Crossdisciplinary studies in East and Southeast Asian Historical LinguisticsAt: Institute of Han-Nom Studies, Hanoi (online), 2023
(VIDEO OF TALK: In this talk, I present an overview of the etymolog... more (VIDEO OF TALK: In this talk, I present an overview of the etymological origins of Vietnamese words in the domain of clothing, textiles, and related products. These include textile materials (e.g., silk, rattan, etc.), actions of manufacturing (e.g., weaving, plaiting, etc.), aspects of colors and coloration (e.g., dye, color terms, etc.), clothing (e.g., hats, lower/upper-body garments, etc.), and other woven products (e.g., rugs/carpets, curtains, mats, baskets, etc.). Relative chronologies of the words can be posited through historical phonological study. For a still general but more precise chronology, a combination of the historical linguistic lexical data and archaeo-historical information shows how these words are associated with historical periods and ethnohistorical events (e.g., the Austroasiatic dispersal c. 2000 BCE, the Han Dynasty expansion circa c. 200 BCE to 200 CE, the post-Chinese-administration period of the 2nd millennium, the Colonial era, etc.). This etymological study thus presents a broad picture of past language contact and ethnohistorical linguistic developments in this domain in Vietnamese.
Ngôn Ngữ và Đời Sống, 2022
PREPUBLICATION ENGLISH-LANGUAGE VERSION OF THE VIETNAMESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION “CÁC TỪ NGUYÊN CỦ... more PREPUBLICATION ENGLISH-LANGUAGE VERSION OF THE VIETNAMESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION “CÁC TỪ NGUYÊN CỦA SỐ TỪ TIẾNG VIỆT VÀ HÀM Ý CỦA TIẾP XÚC NGÔN NGỮ SINITIC-VIETIC” IN VIETNAMESE IN THE JOURNAL NGÔN NGỮ VÀ ĐỜI SỐNG, SỐ 9(330)-2022, PP. 3-12 (LAST UPDATE: 28 MARCH 2023); SUBSEQUENT ENGLISH-LANGUAGE PRESENTATION WITH ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION: Chinese loanwords have entered many semantic domains in Vietnamese, but the native Vietnamese system of numerals has been retained without replacements. Moreover, Chinese numerals have limited usage in modern Vietnamese, especially spoken Vietnamese. This is in contrast with the replacement of native Tai words for '2' to '99' with Chinese words and with the common use of Chinese numerals in Japanese and Korean. The 1651 Annam-Lusitan-Latinh dictionary contains evidence of more frequent use of Chinese numerals, but native Vietic numeral terms were still dominant in the introductory grammar section and dictionary entries. That data supports the hypothesis of a prior Chinese-speaking population in northern Vietnam centuries before that time and of a diglossic situation. Nevertheless, a millennium of Chinese administration and settlement in Vietnam and subsequent centuries of language contact with local Chinese-speakers did not affect the native numeral terms of Viet-Muong. The retention of native numerals in Vietnamese is one indication of the sociolinguistic status of Vietic and Viet-Muong even after the settlement of Chinese speakers.
Ngôn Ngữ và Đời Sống, 2022
TÓM TẮT: Các từ mượn tiếng Hán đã tham gia vào nhiều lớp từ vựng-ngữ nghĩa trong tiếng Việt, nhưn... more TÓM TẮT: Các từ mượn tiếng Hán đã tham gia vào nhiều lớp từ vựng-ngữ nghĩa trong tiếng Việt, nhưng hệ thống số từ bản địa của tiếng Việt vẫn được giữ nguyên mà không thay thế từ nào, đặc biệt là trong tiếng Việt khẩu ngữ. Hơn nữa, các số từ gốc Hán được sử dụng hạn chế trong tiếng Việt hiện đại. Điều này trái ngược với việc thay thế các số từ Thái (Tai) bản địa từ "2" tới "99" bằng các từ gốc tiếng Hán và với việc sử dụng phổ biến các số từ gốc Hán trong tiếng Nhật và tiếng Hàn. "Từ điển Việt-Bồ-La" xuất bản năm 1651 cho ta bằng chứng về việc sử dụng thường xuyên hơn các số từ gốc tiếng Hán; nhưng số từ nhóm tiếng Việt (Vietic) bản địa vẫn phổ biến trong phần giới thiệu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt và các mục từ trong từ điển. Dữ liệu đó hỗ trợ giả thuyết về một nhóm cư dân nói tiếng Hán ở miền Bắc Việt Nam từ nhiều thế kỉ trước thời điểm ra đời của từ điển đó và về một cảnh huống lưỡng ngôn (cũng gọi là song thể ngữ; diglossia). Tuy nhiên, một thiên niên kỉ định cư và cai trị của người Hán ở Việt Nam và những thế kỉ tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ với cư dân nói tiếng Hán đã không ảnh hưởng đến hệ thống số từ bản địa của chi Việt-Mường. Việc lưu giữ lại các số từ bản địa trong tiếng Việt là một dấu hiệu cho thấy cương vị xã hội ngôn ngữ trong cộng đồng ngôn ngữ nhóm tiếng Việt (Vietic) và Việt-Mường kể cả sau khi có sự định cư của người nói tiếng Hán. TỪ KHÓA: từ vay mượn; tiếng Hán; tiếng Việt; số từ; tiếp xúc ngôn ngữ.
ISVL-3, 2023
DOI - 10.13140/RG.2.2.36713.98405/2
YouTube recording of the presentation: more DOI - 10.13140/RG.2.2.36713.98405/2
YouTube recording of the presentation:
From the Conference: Workshop on Vietnamese Linguistics (ISVL-3), 18-19 March 2023
Abstract: Chinese loanwords have entered many semantic domains in Vietnamese, but the native Vietnamese system of numerals has been retained without replacements. Moreover, Chinese numerals have limited usage in modern Vietnamese, especially spoken Vietnamese. This is in contrast with the replacement of native Tai words for ‘2’ to ‘99’ with Chinese words and with the common use of Chinese numerals in Japanese and Korean. The 1651 Annam-Lusitan-Latinh dictionary contains evidence of more frequent use of Chinese numerals, but native Vietic numeral terms were still dominant in the introductory grammar section and dictionary entries. That data supports the hypothesis of a prior Chinese-speaking population in northern Vietnam centuries before that time and of a diglossic situation. Nevertheless, a millennium of Chinese administration and settlement in Vietnam and subsequent centuries of language contact with local Chinese-speakers did not affect the native numeral terms of Viet-Muong. The retention of native numerals in Vietnamese is one indication of the sociolinguistic status of Vietic and Viet-Muong even after the settlement of Chinese speakers. In this talk, I will (a) introduce cross-linguistic tendencies in borrowing of numerals, (b) present an overview of Chinese numeral loanwords in Vietnamese, Thai, and Cambodian for a comparative view, and (c) consider hypotheses for the Vietic-Sinitic language contact situation and of the language status of northeastern Vietic and Viet-Muong in view of the retention of native numerals.
Keynote talk for the 5th International Conference on Vietnamese and Taiwanese Studies / 第五屆台越人文比較... more Keynote talk for the 5th International Conference on Vietnamese and Taiwanese Studies / 第五屆台越人文比較研究國際研討會 / Hội thảo Quốc tế về Việt Nam Học và Đài Loan Học lần thứ V năm 2022
20 November 2022
The Vietnamese language can contribute to understanding of both language history and sociocultural history in Mainland Southeast Asia. This is due to extensive research on Vietnamese as a national language, its long literary tradition, and its geographic position connecting China with Mainland Southeast Asia. Moreover, in the last two decades, massive quantities of digitized linguistic data on hundreds of languages in the region have been made available, and analytical methods and insights in the field of historical linguistics have progressed. This makes it possible to explore Vietnamese language history even more deeply and with regional implications. Vietnamese language history is also informed by the growing ethnohistorical and ethnoarchaeological studies in Vietnam and surrounding areas.
Within this context in mind, in my talk, I will review four notable linguistic aspects of Vietnamese and consider how historical linguistic insights of these interact with—and can inform—historical and archaeological research. The topics include the following.
1. The Austroasiatic origins of Vietnamese
2. The historical stages of Chinese loanwords in Vietnamese
3. The historical origin of Vietnamese tones
4. The development of Vietnamese monosyllabic words from earlier bisyllabic words
For each topic, I will characterize in a non-technical way relevant linguistic phenomena, describe current understanding of the historical linguistic developments, and then relate these to aspects of ethnohistory. I will conclude with an appeal for interdisciplinary collaboration to further understand such issues.
(Note: This talk is aimed at a general academic audience, not a linguistic one. However, some knowledge of Vietnamese and/or Chinese by audience members is assumed, and some simple linguistic terminology, such as that in the abstract above, will be used and clarified as needed.)
Crossroads, 2020
This article reviews multiple lines of data in an attem... more
This article reviews multiple lines of data in an attempt to determine the ethnolinguistic situation of the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam in the Ðông Sơn period (c. 600 BCE–200 CE) prior to the establishment of a Chinese administration there circa 200 BCE. A variety of possible scenarios are considered in light of linguistic, ethnological, archaeological, archaeogenetic, and historical textual data. Some scenarios must be excluded as they lack supporting evidence, while the remaining few are weighed against each other and ranked. At this point, the scenario with the most support, consisting primarily of archaeological and historical linguistic data, is that a community of Austroasiatic speakers resided in the Red River Delta from about 4000 BP, but that by the time of the arrival of Chinese groups, Vietic (a later stage of the original Austroasiatic group there) and early Tai groups had a presence in that region. Furthermore, comparative linguistic evidence most strongly supports a dominant Vietic linguistic presence in that region at that time, the portion of Vietic that eventually split off to become the Việt-Mường sub-branch and finally, within that, Vietnamese.
Vietnamese Linguistics: State of the Field, May 1, 2022
This study presents Vietnamese words which are Vietic... more DOWNLOAD:
This study presents Vietnamese words which are Vietic etyma or early Chinese loanwords in the domain of the household (e.g., structures, implements, clothing, decorations, cuisine). The Vietic etyma correspond to the Neolithic lifestyle of Austroasiatic agriculturalists, but some words may stem to the Metal Age. The early Chinese loanwords correspond to Chinese-style households of the Han Dynasty and some centuries after. Few early Chinese loanwords are found in Vietic languages outside of Viet-Muong, which highlights sociolinguistic circumstances making Viet-Muong distinct. Combined with ethnohistorical and archaeological data, this lexical data leads to hypotheses about changes in this semantic domain and lifestyles in northern Vietnam in the early 1st millennium CE.
Journal of Language Relationships, 2021
We present a new internal classification of the Vietic languages, covering all recognized subgrou... more We present a new internal classification of the Vietic languages, covering all recognized subgroups and languages for which we could source suitably comparable data. The analysis reconciles results from two distinct methodologies: (1) computational phylogenetics based on a 116-item basic word list, and (2) historical phonological changes among syllable codas. The analysis identifies five principal subgroups: Thavung-Malieng (TM), Chut-Arem, Pong-Toum, Cuoi-Tho, and Viet-Muong (VM). While the identification of these subgroups is not original, aspects of the branching structure are. We find that the Vietic tree has a binary structure at the root, splitting between TM and the rest of the branch, which we may call the Eastern Vietic clade. Within that Eastern clade, we further find a north-south division, in which the northern VM group is most innovative while those to the south are more conservative. Previously, scholars have tended to group TM and Chut together as archaic lects based on broad typological features of word structure without suggesting specific common phonological innovations to link them. Our findings suggest that syllable restructuring and tonogenesis, which are hallmarks of Vietic languages, have developed largely independently among subgroups, notwithstanding very broad commonalities in phonological change which have contributed to strong areal convergence. Additionally, the Vietic homeland question is briefly discussed, with a northern locus of dispersal arguably supported by old loanword evidence and archaeological data. 1
This is a PPT of a talk at the ISVL-2 online wo... more VIDEO PRESENTATION:
This is a PPT of a talk at the ISVL-2 online workshop of Vietnamese linguistics. It updates the hypothesis of voiceless fricative onsets in Vietnamese.
Papers from the 30TH MEETING of the southeast asian linguistics society (2021), 2022
In this study, over a hundred and twenty Vietna... more DOWNLOAD HERE:
In this study, over a hundred and twenty Vietnamese function words with Vietic reconstructions and/or status as early Chinese loanwords (i.e., those borrowed before the Sino-Vietnamese layer associated with Late Middle Chinese character readings) have been assembled, grouped by subcategory, and given historical linguistic context. In this lexical data, most basic function words (e.g., numerals, pronouns, locative terms, time words related to the natural world) are native etyma, while most words with other functions (e.g., aspect, modality, comparison, time/aspect, etc.) are early Chinese loanwords. Despite the early borrowing of Chinese function words, current evidence suggests structural/typological changes in Vietic happened primarily in the later Viet-Muong period, and before that, this northern Vietic group did not undergo substantial morphophonological restructuring for several centuries from the time of language contact with Sinitic. This scenario implies significant Sinitic-Vietic bilingualism in those early centuries, but it also shows Vietic maintained sufficient sociolinguistic status to retain core function words. However, this early language contact set the stage for typological convergence into the second millennium and the speciation of Viet-Muong.
Nguyễn Tài Cẩn - Tư Tưởng, Tác Phẩm Và Kỷ Niệm [Nguyen Tai Can - Thoughts, Works, and Memories], 2021
(Note: This is a prepublication English version of the Vietnamese-language chapter “Thảo luận về ... more (Note: This is a prepublication English version of the Vietnamese-language chapter “Thảo luận về một vài điểm trong giả thuyết của Nguyễn Tài Cẩn về các từ mượn tai ở Vietic” in the book Nguyễn Tài Cẩn - Tư Tưởng, Tác Phẩm Và Kỷ Niệm [Nguyen Tai Can - Thoughts, Works, and Memories], ed. by Nguyễn Hồng Cổn, Trần Trí Dõi, Trịnh Cẩm Lan, and Dương Xuân Quang, 222-251. Hanoi National University Press. A Vietnamese-language video is available at
Papers from the Ninth and Tenth International Conferences on Austroasiatic Linguistics, 2023
After more than a century of serious comparative-historical work on Austroasiatic (AA), and some ... more After more than a century of serious comparative-historical work on Austroasiatic (AA), and some 17 years since the posthumous publication of Shorto’s (2006) A Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary (MKCD), it is time to reflect on what we have learned and update our understanding of proto-Austroasiatic (pAA) lexicon in a new aggregation. To this end, the authors are preparing a pAA lexicon with the MKCD as its starting point. In this paper, we lay out principles and practical matters that are governing the conduct of the work. The project is conducted over multiple years, and input and advice from any and all interested scholars is keenly sought. The current approach supersedes the MKCD in several key aspects: 1) pAA status of individual etyma is established primarily according to attestation in geographically peripheral branches, 2) segmental correspondences and reconstructions are reanalyzed with a view to largely eliminate the MKCD’s numerous “alternances”, and 3) we go beyond Shorto’s focus on lexical roots and propose phonological and morphological words. Grammatical and expressive/ideophonic forms remain especially difficult for reconstruction, and thus the emphasis remains on the prosaic lexicon. As the project currently stands, there is an expectation that a proto-lexicon of 700+ items will be delivered, including a modest addition of new etymologies not included in the MKCD; additionally, a number of MKCD etyma are assigned to Northern and Southern sub-families.
Proceedings of the 9th and 10th International Conferences of Austroasiatic Linguistics, 2023
This study is a review of Austroasiatic reconstructions of etyma in the domain of household struc... more This study is a review of Austroasiatic reconstructions of etyma in the domain of household structures. For this study, lexical reconstructions in Shorto’s Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary (2006) were reassessed. Digitized comparative lexical data sources on languages throughout the region were checked to identify entries with sufficient data to support their status as Proto-Austroasiatic etyma from circa 4,000 years ago. Of the select Proto-Austroasiatic reconstructions, I assembled those related to the home, including ‘house’, ‘wall’, ‘floor’, ‘post’, ‘joist’, ‘roof’, ‘roofing thatch’, ‘door/window’, ‘ladder/stairs’, ‘to weave’, ‘to spread a mat’, and others, seventeen items in total. While not a detailed inventory of elements of the late-Neolithic house in Mainland Southeast Asia, they constitute a core set of terms in that semantic domain. These etyma are expected parts of a raised thatch-house structure, some of which are attested in archaeological literature and others which are not. Archaeological data corroborates some of the lexical reconstructions and provides carbon-dating of items, thereby offering chronological context for the words. Conversely, lexical data also fills gaps in the material record and provides information about Neolithic-era homes of Austroasiatic speakers. These words related to residential structures, along with Proto-Austroasiatic etyma for grain production and other terms, demonstrate elements of the cultural package brought by early Austroasiatic speakers as they expanded throughout Greater Mainland Southeast Asia.*
Loanwords in Shorto’s Austroas... more PRESENTATION AT ICAAL 11 ( References
Loanwords in Shorto’s Austroasiatic Reconstructions
The goal of this talk is to present observations on the approximately 100 loanwords identified in Shorto’s 2,100 Austroasiatic reconstructions since such data is representative of the history of language contact in Mainland Southeast Asia. The dataset comes from a project involving re-evaluation of Shorto’s reconstructions to determine which words can be regarded as (a) valid proto-language Austroasiatic etyma (currently about 750 items), (b) later innovations in Austroasiatic languages that spread to other branches (several hundred), (c) excluded problematic entries (several hundred), or (d) loanwords. Building on Shorto’s “Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary” (2006), we consulted digital databases and reconstructions of all language families in the region and assembled the data and categorized the entries. Of these, I have extracted about 100 possible loanwords, of which 75 items are of high certainty as external loanwords; 15+ items are of less certain status (i.e., possible loans into other language groups); and several others are widespread but of uncertain origin (i.e., Wanderwörter).
• The most common etymological sources are Tai (17+ instances), Malayo-Chamic (18+ instances), Indic (20+ instances), and Chinese (17+ instances). In many cases, words were likely spread secondarily via other languages (e.g., Chinese > Tai > Austroasiatic, Indic > Khmer > Austroasiatic, etc.).
• Regarding parts of speech, while 65+ items are nouns, as expected in any language contact situation, two dozen are verbs and 10 are adjectives. The latter support spread via bilingualism, not just lexical borrowing through trade.
• Regarding semantic categories, the major categories include trade items and clothing (over 20 words), agriculture and cuisine (a dozen), and domesticated or traded animals (15). However, there are also 20 verbs expressing a variety of functions (e.g., boil, beckon, catch, love/like, look forward to, launder, etc.).
• Regarding chronology, phonological and textual evidence puts the earliest transmission of many of the words in the first millennium CE, while others seem more likely to date to the second millennium after the Southwest Tai dispersal. Additional chronological detail must await further historical phonological exploration in minority languages.
There are, of course, many other loanwords in Austroasiatic (e.g., words for pottery, headwear and footwear, woodwind instruments, etc.) beyond what is in Shorto’s work. Thus, this study not only shows how these entries in the Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary are not of Austroasiatic origin but also advances the ongoing study of Austroasiatic etymology and historical language contact in Southeast Asia. The talk will provide additional notes and observations.
Shorto, Harry L. 2006. A Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary, ed. by Paul Sidwell, Doug Cooper, and Christian Bauer. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 579.
ICAAL 10, 2022
Austroasiatic Etymologies of Words Related to Household Structures Mark Alves Limited detail is a... more Austroasiatic Etymologies of Words Related to Household Structures Mark Alves Limited detail is available in archaeological studies of the house from the Southeast Asian Neolithic after the agricultural expansion c. 2000 BCE (e.g., Oxenham et al. 2015, Higham 2017, Carter 2022), as most of those materials leave no trace in the archaeological record. Since the Proto-Austroasiatic dispersal corresponds to this time and region, lexical reconstructions in this semantic domain can be considered to explore aspects of early household structures. For this study, I have assembled Proto-Austroasiatic reconstructions which have been checked for valid attestations in several branches of Austroasiatic in both Mainland Southeast Asia and external regions, making it likely that these words date to the period in question. Other regionally attested words that appear to be later innovations or loanwords are set aside. The assembled Proto-Austroasiatic etyma include a small but core set of terms: 'house', 'wall', 'floor', 'post', 'joist', 'roof', 'roofing thatch', 'door/window', 'ladder/stairs', 'weave', and others. Archaeological evidence shows that some aspects of house structures and weaving practices have been continuous from the the Neolithic to the modern era (e.g., Cameron 2017 on matting impressions). This further supports the notion that these lexical reconstructions can be connected to that early period. While still lacking detail, these reconstructions provide evidence of elements not found in the archaeological record, or which can only be inferred. This is thus a case study in both the contributions and limits of lexical reconstructions in ethnoarchaeological research of the Neolithic. During the talk, I will present the lexical evidence, method of assessment, and historical ethnolinguistic implications of the data.
10th International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics (ICAAL10)
Re-evaluating Shorto's Austroasiatic Reconstructions (or "Will the Real Austroasiatic Etyma Pleas... more Re-evaluating Shorto's Austroasiatic Reconstructions (or "Will the Real Austroasiatic Etyma Please Stand Up?") Paul Sidwell and Mark Alves In 2006, Sidwell, Cooper, and Bauer edited and published Harry Shorto's A Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary (MKCD), which assembles more than 2,000 etymological groupings and reconstructions. Shorto compiled the MKCD in the 1960s to 1970s, aggregating earlier comparative works of Schmidt, Blagden, and Pinnow, with (then) newly available lexicons and reconstructions of Austroasiatic languages. As we understand it, the 2006 publication was of a second draft prepared sometime after the 1973 ICAAL meeting; the latest marginal notes in the manuscript relate to sources published in 1980. While extensive, Shorto's work was tentative and realistically should be regarded as a very useful but unfinished set of provisional notes. The work has been utilized by researchers from various disciplines, often relying upon the reconstructions as proxies for proto-Austroasiatic lexicon and etymologies. However, this is fraught with risk as users are not always in a good position to critically assess the materials and Shorto’s analyses, sometimes undermining well intentioned work.
With the creation of digital databases in the 2000s and diverse additional digital lexical resources in hand, we decided to re-evaluate these lexical comparisons and reconstructions and provide an updated version, with the larger goal of incorporating such updates into a prospective Austroasiatic Etymological Dictionary and Reconstruction. We consider several categories:
(a) Proto-Austroasiatic etyma sufficiently supported by available data to likely date to the Austroasiatic dispersal;
(b) Later-stage innovations in Austroasiatic, including inter-branch loanwords;
(c) External loanwords or areal Wanderwörter;
(d) Invalid entries due to problematic data (e.g., single branch attestations, inconsistent correspondences in phonology and/or semantics, etc.).
In this talk, we will discuss our working methods and progress as we re-assess the complete Shorto data set. Provisional revised proto-Austroasiatic reconstructions, phonological and semantic, will be offered, plus various key observations arising from this project related to the re-assessed phonological and semantic reconstructions, quantities of the categories noted above, semantic/cultural domains of the lexicon, and others.
The file is a116 item lexicostatistical dataset for classification of the Vietic languages. The s... more The file is a116 item lexicostatistical dataset for classification of the Vietic languages. The set includes 30 Vietic doculects, Proto-Vietic, plus Khmu and Jahai as out-groups. Included is a listing of the sources, and the NEXUS file with our cognate value assignments, which we created to run on SplitsTree to generate phylograms and NeighborNets. The 116-item list was the outcome of beginning with the Swadesh 100 and 200 lists and reconciling these with the available data with the aim of achieving at least 80% coverage for each lect in the analysis. Procedurally, sources were selected and lexicons aggregated in a spreadsheet, with rows identified with Swadesh 100 and 200 items, subject to semantic and phonological adjustments as we judged necessary. For most of the languages, full coverage of the Swadesh 100 categories was not possible, with 20 or more gaps being common. Some 40 additional categories were added from the Swadesh 200 list, based on the 40 best represented items in t...
ICAAL 9, 2021
This is a presentation given by Paul Sidwell and Mark Alves at the ICAAL 9 conference held by Lun... more This is a presentation given by Paul Sidwell and Mark Alves at the ICAAL 9 conference held by Lund University 18 November 2021. It presents a phylogenetic tree of the Vietic branch of Austroasiatic. We used lexical data on 29 Vietic languages and lects (Vietnamese, Muong, Ruc, Thavung, etc.), employing computational software, and checked for corroborating phonological and ethnohistorical information. A video version is available here:
Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective, 2020
The editors of this volume collaborated to create this Austroasiatic grammatical lexicon as a res... more The editors of this volume collaborated to create this Austroasiatic grammatical lexicon as a resource for the investigation of the history of PAA syntax. It began as a simple compilation of grammatical and grammaticalised items extracted from Shorto's (2006) reconstruction of Proto-Austroasiatic/Mon-Khmer, and was then augmented with data from the SEAlang Mon-Khmer and Munda Languages Project. Later, special sections on pronouns and morphology were added, extending beyond Shorto's work with other published sources. As noted in the introduction, in the history of Austroasiatic research, mor-phosyntax has been somewhat neglected in favour of lexical and phonological studies, and this has affected the quality and quantity of available grammatical data and remains a serious ongoing problem. This is not to denigrate previous work; researchers legitimately prioritized those facets of language, especially phonology and lexicon that were important to them, and were largely consistent with their immediate professional milieu. In the second half of the 20th century, the diverse and highly dynamic world of grammatical theory often seemed remote from the concerns of those collecting primary data, and work presented within the constraints of particular theoretical approaches was not made more accessible by that fact. Consequently, we feel that it is appropriate to take a back-to-basics approach and present a broad index of grammatical items in etymological context. Austroasiatic reconstruction remains a maturing field. Thus, it is not possible to simply list proto-AA forms for any or all grammatical items, yet it is still often premature to set aside particular etyma that are not widely attested, so we must proceed carefully while always making clear our data sources and reasoning. The compilation presented here is to be regarded as a working document and resource in a highly contingent field of inquiry. Some reconstructions involve only a couple of branches (with a number of items moved to the the final subsection of this paper as items of less likely PAA items or complete exclusions), while others appear in several branches and thus can be considered stronger candidates for original Proto-AA status rather than later innovations which spread aross multiple branches. This data thus gives a sense of Proto-AA grammar, from personal and demonstrative pronouns, to negation and time, to location and comparison.
JSEALS (The Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society), 2018
This paper evaluates Chinese lexical data in Shorto’s 2006 Proto-Mon-Khmer reconstructions to pre... more This paper evaluates Chinese lexical data in Shorto’s 2006 Proto-Mon-Khmer reconstructions to prevent misapplication of his reconstructions, which in a few dozen instances are based on problematic data that affect or even refute his reconstructions. First, Shorto notes about 20 Chinese items to consider for their comparable semantic and phonological properties. While several are probable Chinese loanwords spread throughout the region, a majority of these are unlikely to be Chinese as they are either Wanderwörter seen in multiple language families with undetermined origins or, in most cases, simply partial chance similarities, and these latter items can thus be removed from consideration in Proto-Austroasiatic reconstructions. Second, Shorto also listed about 50 Vietnamese words as supporting data for proto-Austroasiatic etyma which are either (a) clearly Sino-Vietnamese readings of Chinese characters (about 20 instances) or (b) Early Sino-Vietnamese colloquial borrowings (about 30 instances). Many of those proposed proto-Austroasiatic reconstructions must be reconsidered due to the exclusion of these Sino Vietnamese items. While excluding such Sino-Vietnamese or Early Sino-Vietnamese items in some cases has no impact on those reconstructions, other exclusions result in slight changes in the reconstructed forms, and in several cases, proposed reconstructions must be entirely excluded as only Vietnamese and one other branch of Austroasiatic are available as comparative evidence. Finally, both the exclusions of proposed attestations (and the clarification of their actual origin) and the hypotheses of regional spread of Chinese words must be considered not only for Proto-Austroasiatic but also in comparative historical linguistic studies in the region.
Initial Steps in Reconstructing Proto-Vietic Syntax
Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective, 2020
This paper provides hypotheses of the syntax of early stages of Vietic, including clause structur... more This paper provides hypotheses of the syntax of early stages of Vietic, including clause structure and noun phrase structure. In addition, it addresses the issue of the influence of language contact, notably with Sinitic, but also broader language contact in Southeast Asia.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2019
The languages of the Austroasiatic (AA) language family share a core set of derivational prefixes... more The languages of the Austroasiatic (AA) language family share a core set of derivational prefixes and infixes that are largely fossilized. Beyond these, there is a wide range of morphological features throughout these more than 160 languages. Of the 13 branches of AA, there is a geographically central concentration of branches with predominantly isolating morphology (Khmeric, Monic, Vietic, and Pearic), while geographically peripheral branches have more complex morphology (Aslian and Khasic), and some with inflectional morphology (Munda and Nicobaric). Other branches are typologically between, largely lacking inflectional morphology (i.e., systematic, productive grammatical morphology) but having a somewhat more complex range of morphological features (Katuic, Bahnaric, Palaungic, Khmuic, and Mangic), including those with some grammatical functions. Other than Munda and Nicobaric, most AA languages have iambic word-level stress and have only prefixes and infixes while lacking suffixes. This has resulted in a collapsing of older morphological material, while new affixes, with new morphosemantic functions, emerge. Alternating reduplication, in which complete prosodic templates are copied but various segments are alternated, is a common word-formation strategy and sometimes combines with prefixes and affixes. While lexical compounds are common, so are pseudo-compounds with near affix-like semantic, and sometimes phonological, features. Overall, while monomorphemic words are common among the more isolating types of AA languages, ample linguistic descriptions show a substantially wider range of morphological complexity throughout the AA language family.
This is a pleasingly decorated, large (roughly size A paper), tan, hard-cover reference with clea... more This is a pleasingly decorated, large (roughly size A paper), tan, hard-cover reference with clear black print inside but also with numerous vivid drawings referring to lexical entries exemplifying aspects of Kammu culture. A majority of the 700,000 speakers of the Austroasiatic Kammu (also spelled 'Khmu') language live in Laos but also nearby areas of China, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam. However, as the authors state, 'This dictionary records the Yùan dialect of Kammu, spoken in the southern part of Luang Namtha Province in northern Laos. The dictionary is based on Kàm Ràw's native knowledge of the Yuan dialect and his experience with other dialects, as well as on recordings of others speakers, in particular tellers of folk literature'. In the introduction, the stated goal in the introduction is that of documentation of a people whose traditional culture is 'rapidly disappearing', and indeed, the amount and depth of both linguistic and cultural information is exemplary: it is worth emulating this model in Southeast Asia and wherever indigenous cultures are experiencing change and loss. This 462-page culturally focused dictionary is a highly valuable resource to both linguists and anthropologists interested in the Kammu people specifically, but also the indigenous groups of mainland Southeast Asia. This work is the result of decades of research by four authors, including a native Kammu speaker and three Western researchers who have devoted many years of their lives to researching the Kammu people and their language. In the list of references, all four of these contributors each have some 20 plus publications relevant to studies of the Kammu language and culture. Additional data and support come from others noted in the acknowledgements. Not surprisingly, this dedicated team has assembled not just a dictionary but essentially an encyclopedia of Kammu language and culture. In addition to the usual dictionary entries is a special section of socio-cultural terms, such as animals, plants, village, and songs and prayers. The first 30 pages describe the features of the dictionary (e.g., a page of signs and abbreviations used in entries), aspects of Kammu society and culture (e.g., a chart of Kammu kinship terms, a description of the system of personal names, a list of names of years in the agricultural year cycle, etc.), and aspects of Kammu phonology (e.g., charts of major and minor syllables), morphosyntax and word classes (e.g., a lengthy list of classifiers), and Tai loanwords. A recurring point mentioned in the throughout the dictionary is that of expressives, the class of semantico-syntactically distinctive words. Expressives are described in the introduction, and in individual entries, complete morphological paradigms are presented. The primary portion of the dictionary of Kammu consists of 422 pages of Kammu word headings with English translations, explanations, and additional cultural information. This is a strictly Kammu-English dictionary, organized alphabetically by Kammu vocabulary presented in their own systemized IPA. The dictionary contains approximately 6,000 entries but a total of about 14,000 words as entries contain...
In this handout for a presentation in 2001, Mon-Khmer noun phrase structure types are summarized,... more In this handout for a presentation in 2001, Mon-Khmer noun phrase structure types are summarized, with samples of various languages, a chart of the main types, and a map of the key typological regions.
Languages of Mainland Southeast Asia, 2015
This study looks beyond the most common derivational affixes to the complex range of morphologica... more This study looks beyond the most common derivational affixes to the complex range of morphological functions among Mon-Khmer languages, including aspect, mood, case-marking, and a variety of other notable, specialized and often grammatical functions (e.g., desideratives, time deictics, intensification, etc.). While some morphosyntactic categories of morphemes are specific to sub-branches or even languages, some categories are widespread geographically in the language family but still do not have reconstructable forms. The diversity of morphological functions throughout Mon-Khmer shows innovation, often without apparent external sources of influence, which highlights both the time-depth of the sub-branches’ separation as well as a natural tendency for human language to generate morphosyntactic complexity. Moreover, most of the identified categories are grammatical or overlap with grammatical functions. This paper provides the sources of data, the approach for this typological study, key examples to highlight the diversity of morphological categories, and thoughts on issues surrounding the geographic spread of these categories and historical implications of the data. in Nick Enfield and Bernard Comrie (Eds.), Mainland Southeast Asian Languages: The State of the Art. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 523–549
This chapter presents an overview of derivational word-formation processes among Mon-Khmer langua... more This chapter presents an overview of derivational word-formation processes among Mon-Khmer languages, of which the main strategies involve the use of prefixes and infixes, compounding, and a type of reduplication involving phonological alternations. While some core, largely fossilized processes, such as causative prefixes and nominalizing infixes, are nearly universal in this language group and even reconstructable to the proto level, there are many other semantico-syntactic functions of Mon-Khmer morphology spread out less evenly in the region.
Historical Notes a-The data suggests MK connections to Austronesian (causative, nominalizer, an... more Historical Notes a-The data suggests MK connections to Austronesian (causative, nominalizer, and reciprocal (See page 7 for notes on a hypothetical proto-MK reconstruction)), and thus by extension hypothetically to STAN b-The data also highlights the development of MK in (a) its diversification of morphology within sub-branches, (b) degree of stabilization corresponding to amount of literary standardization, and (c) its relationship to Munda as a sister sub-branch within AA rather than Munda forming a group under MK. References Alves, Mark J. 2001a. Distributional properties of causative verbs in Mon-Khmer languages.
Proceedings of the 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-30). 2019. Volume 2., 2019
The Vietnamese system of color terms contains at least a dozen items from Late Old Chinese (LOC) ... more The Vietnamese system of color terms contains at least a dozen items from Late Old Chinese (LOC) and Early Middle Chinese (EMC), though core color terms in Vietnamese are still largely native items (Vietic, Viet-Muong, or Vietnamese (i.e. no other identifiable source)). Some of the Sino-Vietnamese (SV) terms have retained their older senses in earlier stages of Sinitic (‘yellow/gold’, ‘white/silver’, and ‘pink’), thereby supporting phonological evidence that places these loans in the early to mid-first millennium CE. That Sinitic had such a lexical impact on the color system in this variety of Vietic supports the assumed period of Sinitic-Vietic language contact from the Han to Tang Dynasty. While there is archaeological evidence to associate words for metals with related colors, accounting for the borrowing of other color terms will require further ethnohistorical study to determine specific sociocultural factors (e.g. cultural customs/practices, clothing and implements, art and decorations, etc.).
This presentation file provides LISTS of groups of Sino-Vietnamese sounds in Chinese historical c... more This presentation file provides LISTS of groups of Sino-Vietnamese sounds in Chinese historical comparative categories (initials, finals, and tones). Many of these come from Nguyen Tai Can's major 1979 work, published in Vietnamese and largely unknown outside of Vietnam.
Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 2018
Vietnamese has numerous early-era Chinese loanwords with ngang and huyền tones, which in Middle C... more Vietnamese has numerous early-era Chinese loanwords with ngang and huyền tones, which in Middle Chinese loanwords correspond to the pingsheng level tone category, for words that should have sắc or nặng tones, corresponding to the Middle Chinese non-level qusheng departing tone category.1 It is proposed that this layer of Early Sino-Vietnamese represents borrowing of Chinese words in the period after which Old Chinese had lost final *-s and prior to tonogenesis in Viet-Muong, thus leading to words with the level-tone category when tones emerged in Viet-Muong. This paper provides 60 items of Early Sino-Vietnamese that exemplify this phenomenon of ngang/huyền tones in qusheng words, but also 120 items exemplifying the previously noted reversal of sắc/nặng and hỏi/ngã tones between Early Sino-Vietnamese and later Sino-Vietnamese (the formalized readings of Chinese characters). Altogether, this allows for an overall relative chronology of the development of tones in both Sinitic and Vietic.
Presented at the Viện Ngôn Ngũ Học Hà Nội (The Institute of Linguistics in Hanoi), 2019
Đây là một bài trình bày cho thấy bằng chứng về việc từ tiếng tiền Hán-Việt nên có thanh sắc v... more Đây là một bài trình bày cho thấy bằng chứng về việc từ tiếng tiền Hán-Việt nên có thanh sắc và nặng (thanh khứ của tiếng Hán) có thanh ngang và huyền. Nó cũng cho thấy điều này có liên quan đến sự hình thành của thanh điệu trong cả tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.
Proceedings of the 29th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-29), Volume 1, 286-303., 2019
Chinese loanwords have played a significant role in the Vietnamese system of pronouns and terms o... more Chinese loanwords have played a significant role in the Vietnamese system of pronouns and terms of address and reference. Semantic and pragmatic features of Chinese kinship terms and names have been transferred into the overall Vietnamese referential system. However, many of the Chinese loanwords in this semantic domain have undergone grammaticalization quite distinct from those in any variety of Chinese, thereby mitigating the notion of Chinese as being a primary source of the structure of in that system. This paper also considers how kinship terms, titles, and names came to have 1st and 2nd person reference potentially via language contact with Chinese, areal linguistic influence in Southeast Asia, or both. Many related questions will require future studies.
Tạp Chí Ngôn Ngữ, 2018
This paper provides evidence that Vietnamese cũng 'also' and cùng 'with' are both loanwords of th... more This paper provides evidence that Vietnamese cũng 'also' and cùng 'with' are both loanwords of the same Chinese word 共 gòng. 1 However, unlike the standard Sino-Vietnamese reading cộng, formally recognized as a reading of 共 gòng, cũng and cùng were borrowed earlier in the first millennium CE, as shown by comparative data in both Chinese and Vietnamese historical phonology and textual evidence in ancient Chinese and Vietnamese writings. The three distinct tones in each Vietnamese word represent different eras of borrowing in the process of tonogenesis in Chinese. These two grammatical Early Sino-Vietnamese loanwords, likely borrowed via large Sino-Vietnamese bilingual communities, share some semantico-syntactic properties with the Chinese etymon at points in its history. But they have also innovated in various ways since the absorption of earlier Chinese communities into the Vietic speech community after the period of Chinese administration. Thus, this Chinese etymon has status as a triplet loanword in Vietnamese and is an example of the long history of Sino-Vietnamese language contact. These Vietnamese words are also an example of the tendency of grammaticalized morphemes to continue to develop grammatical functions.
Tạp Chí Ngôn Ngữ, 2018
Tóm Tắt: Bài này cung cấp những bằng chứng cho thấy cũng và cùng là hai từ vay mượn có nguồn gốc ... more Tóm Tắt: Bài này cung cấp những bằng chứng cho thấy cũng và cùng là hai từ vay mượn có nguồn gốc từ từ 共 <gòng> cộng trong tiếng Hán. Tuy nhiên, khác với từ Hán-Việt 2 cộng chính thức được công nhận là cách đọc của 共 <gòng>, hai từ cũng và cùng được vay mượn sớm hơn, trong đầu thiên niên kỷ thứ nhất SCN, theo cứ liệu so sánh ngữ âm học lịch sử và tài liệu thành văn tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt (văn bản Nôm). Ba thanh điệu khác biệt ở ba từ này trong tiếng Việt hé lộ cho thấy những giai đoạn vay mượn từ gốc Hán khác nhau trong quá trình hình thành thanh điệu tiếng Hán. Hai từ cùng và cũng vay mượn sớm hơn, trong thời kỳ tiền Hán Việt, có thể vay mượn qua các cộng đồng song ngữ Hán-Việt lớn, đều có chung một số đặc điểm cú pháp ngữ nghĩa với từ Hán 共 <gòng> vào mấy thời điểm trong lịch sử. Nhưng chúng cũng thay đổi từ khi cộng đồng tiếng Hán cộng cư với cộng đồng tiếng Việt sau thời Bắc thuộc (tức là "language shift" của Sinitic với Vietic 3). Do đó, từ gốc Hán này là từ được vay mượn ba lần ("triplet") và là một ví dụ 1 Xin cảm ơn TS. Nguyễn Tuấn Cường (Viện trưởng Viện nghiên cứu Hán Nôm) đã giúp tôi xác định vị trí của một số chữ Nôm và trao đổi một số vấn đề về dữ liệu trong bài này, và TS. Edith Aldridge (University of Washington) và TS. Marc Miyake (the British Museum) đã đọc bài này và cung cấp ý tưởng. Nguyễn Đức Nghiệu (Đại Học Quốc Gia, Hà Nội) cũng đưa ra rất nhiều gợi ý làm cho bài này tự nhiên hơn theo kiểu tiếng Việt. 2 Trong bài này, từ viết tắt bao gồm: HV = Hán Việt, THV = tiền Hán Việt (như Nguyễn N. S. 2003), HC = Hán cổ, HTĐ = Hán trung đại. Phục nguyên Hán cổ và phiên mã Hán trung đại là của Baxter và Sagart [4, 5]. Tôi cho rằng tù Hàn-Việt là cách đọc của Hán trung đại, và tiền Hán-Việt là từ được vay mượn trước đó.Tôi không sử dụng "cổ Hán-Việt" theo Vương Lực vì "cổ" thường xuyên biểu thị phục nguyên (theo ý kiến của Phan, mà sử dụng "Early Sino-Vietnamese" song song với THV). Về "Hán-Việt Việt-hóa" của Vương Lực, nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng những từ được coi là nhiều từ Hán-Việt Việt-hóa thực sự là tiền Hán Việt, như từ cung trong bài này. 3 Mặc dù từ "Hán" thường được sử dụng để chỉ ngôn ngữ Trung Quốc quá khứ cổ đại, từ "Sinitic" tiếng Anh rất hữu ích vì nó phân biệt rõ ngôn ngữ và văn hóa. Hơn nửa, từ Sinitic chính sách: nó là tổ tiên của tất cả biến thể Trung Quốc hiện nay. Từ Vietic cũng vậy: nó chỉ một cộng động ngôn ngữ là tổ tiên của cả tiếng Việt, mường, Chứt..., không phải là tiếng Việt cổ.
SEALS 28, 2018
This was a presentation given at SEALS 28 (Wenzao Ursuline University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 17-... more This was a presentation given at SEALS 28 (Wenzao Ursuline University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 17-19, 2018). It presents Early Sino-Vietnamese data that suggests borrowing during a period in Sinitic had lost final fricatives in words that developed qusheng/Type C tones. In Vietnamese, for these Sinitic words, the earlier period have level ngang/huyền tones (e.g. pingsheng), whereas the later standard Vietnamese have the expected qusheng tones, or Vietnamese sắc/nặng tones. Following the ideas of Pulleyblank 1962, the most likely scenario is a period in which Vietic in that period did not yet have tones, but and so speakers borrowed the Sinitic words, which had lost final fricatives, and later, after tonogenesis in Viet-Muong, these words simply had level tones. The later later of Sino-Vietnamese was in the period in which Viet-Muong had tones. This ping-for-qu layer of Early Sino-Vietnamese was thus borrowed approximately in the 300s to 600s.
This is a presentation at the NACCL-30 on March 10, 2018. It presents lexical data of Vietnamese ... more This is a presentation at the NACCL-30 on March 10, 2018. It presents lexical data of Vietnamese color terms and notes the significant number of Chinese loanwords, mostly of the Early Sino-Vietnamese layer (i.e. Early Middle Chinese or Late Old Chinese). The implication is that, while most of the primary color terms are native in Vietnamese, the overall color term system of Vietnamese during the Vietic period (i.e. before the emergence of Viet-Muong) gained a significant number of color words and was restructured by language contact with Sinitic in the first millennium CE.
A noticeable portion of grammatical vocabulary in Vietnamese is Chinese in origin. While many of ... more A noticeable portion of grammatical vocabulary in Vietnamese is Chinese in origin. While many of these words were borrowed from Chinese already grammaticalized, others were grammaticalized only after being borrowed into Vietnamese. In other cases, words originally grammaticalized in Chinese have developed new grammatical functions in Vietnamese. This study presents Sino-Vietnamese grammatical vocabulary in several grammatical categories and discusses the grammatical clines involved.
Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 2017
Specialists in Chinese historical phonology have claimed that some Vietnamese words with final /-... more Specialists in Chinese historical phonology have claimed that some Vietnamese words with final /-j/ come from Old Chinese words with final *-r. This is reasonable to speculate as Proto-Austroasiatic finals *-r and *-l became final /-j/ in Vietnamese, parallel to the case in Sinitic. However, these Vietnamese words offer little evidence for oc *-r. Vietnamese did borrow a number of Late Old Chinese or Early Middle Chinese words reconstructed with final *-r after *-r merged with *-n in Eastern Han or later, and thus these words also have /-n/ in Vietnamese. Several other Vietnamese words with final /-j/ which are possibly from Old Chinese words having *-r were borrowed earlier in the bce period, likely before large migrations of Sinitic speakers arrived. Those words include verbs and an adjective, words less likely than nouns to be borrowed without large bilingual communities. The small number of words and general uncertainty suggests some Vietnamese words with /-j/ purportedly from Old Chinese words with *-r may be chance similarities. Few are probable Chinese loanwords from that period.
Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 2017
This article is a linguistics paper but with an interdisciplinary approach. Chinese loanwords in ... more This article is a linguistics paper but with an interdisciplinary approach. Chinese loanwords in Vietnamese from the first half of the 1st millennium CE are grouped by semantic domains (along with ethnohistorical and archaeological support), thereby offering a way to explore the sociocultural circumstances of Sino-Vietnamese contact in that early period. -------------------------------------------------
In this study, over 60 Chinese loanwords in Vietnamese are claimed to have been borrowed during the East Han or West Jin Dynasties. These Early Sino-Vietnamese (ESV) words are identified via a combination of linguistic, historical, archaeological, and ethnological data sources and frameworks. Such an interdisciplinary method helps to confirm or refute these words’ status as loanwords and as belonging to this specific historical period. The combined linguistic and extralinguistic data also leads to hypotheses about possible phonological changes in Chinese from the Old Chinese (OC) to Middle Chinese (MC) periods. In particular, while Sino-Vietnamese words from the mc period have expected qusheng tones for Chinese qusheng loanwords, OC-era ESV words have either shangsheng or, unexpectedly, pingsheng tones. It is hypothesized that esv words with shangsheng tones for OC qusheng words were borrowed earliest, while ESV items with pingsheng represent a later stage in OC in which final *-s was in the process of being lost in the first few centuries CE.
This is a PowerPoint presentation given at the NACCL-29 at Rutgers University on June 16, 2017. I... more This is a PowerPoint presentation given at the NACCL-29 at Rutgers University on June 16, 2017. It reviews lexical and sociopragmatic aspects of the Vietnamese system of terms of reference and address, including pronouns, kin-derived terms, titles, and names, and considers the impact that Chinese has historically had from the Han Dynasty up through the pre-modern era. While lexical and pragmatic aspects clearly have Chinese influence, Southeast Asian regional influence and internal innovation have also been major parts of the process of development of the overall system. Periods of timing are considered, partly based on historical phonological patterns in Sino-Vietnamese and partly based on historically documented periods of more intense Chinese language contact. Phan's 2013 hypothesis of Annamese Chinese is supported as the data requires a large bilingual population for such vocabulary and sociopragmatics to spread. Notes are embedded in the PDF.
This is a presentation given to Foreign Service Institute students of Vietnamese who had previous... more This is a presentation given to Foreign Service Institute students of Vietnamese who had previous advanced knowledge of the Chinese language. The goal was to give them knowledge of the historical and linguistic connections between Vietnamese and Chinese in order to utilize their knowledge of Chinese to advance their Vietnamese vocabulary. It also identifies points of contrast between the languages.
This list of 112 Sino-Vietnamese readings of characters, with representation two-syllable compoun... more This list of 112 Sino-Vietnamese readings of characters, with representation two-syllable compounds, is intended for beginning learners of Vietnamese with some literacy in Chinese for vocabulary development.
This is a handout for a talk given at ''Recent Advances in Old Chinese Historical Phonology" at t... more This is a handout for a talk given at ''Recent Advances in Old Chinese Historical Phonology" at the University of London, SOAS on the 6th of November, 2015. Old Chinese era loanwords in Vietnamese are considered in light of both linguistic and extralinguistic evidence. Presentation notes are embedded on each page. The video version is available on Youtube:
This presentation provides samples of corroborating archaeological and historical evidence for Ol... more This presentation provides samples of corroborating archaeological and historical evidence for Old Chinese era loanwords in Vietnamese, focusing on the word 'roof tile', for which recent archaeological data suggests a late Zhou or early West Han time of borrowing.
This entry in the Brill Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics is an overview of Chines... more This entry in the Brill Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics is an overview of Chinese loanwords in Vietnamese incorporates new ideas regarding the socio-historical context and timing of loanwords. Mark ALVES, “Chinese Loanwords in Vietnamese”, in: Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, General Editor Rint Sybesma. Consulted online on 24 July 2016 <>
First published online: 2015
SEALS 33, 2024
This is a presentation given at SEALS 33 in Taipei, Taiwan. It gives an overview of regionally bo... more This is a presentation given at SEALS 33 in Taipei, Taiwan. It gives an overview of regionally borrowed words in Mainland Southeast Asia for which evidence suggests a starting point in the 1st millennium CE. VIDEO:
Historical Relationships of East and Southeast Asian Languages, 2022
In this talk, I presen... more VIDEO LECTURE FOR THIS PPT:
In this talk, I present lexical evidence including hundreds of languages and dialects from all major language families in Mainland Southeast Asia to present preliminary ethnohistorical linguistic observations about the spread of pottery practices. Much of the data is associated with Common Era ethnohistory despite the history of pottery dating back to the late Neolithic period. The influence of Chinese is profound in both the lexical semantic domain of pottery objects and ceramic-production practices.
Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 2021
In this historical linguistic treatise, Hill utilizes comparative linguistic data from Tibetan, B... more In this historical linguistic treatise, Hill utilizes comparative linguistic data from Tibetan, Burmese, and Chinese—three related languages with ancient literary traditions—to summarize the historical phonological relationships among these languages with respect to their membership in the Trans-Himalayan (TH hereafter) language family (aka. Sino-Tibetan). With reference to key preceding research, and while acknowledging the periodic lack of "exceptionless phonological patterns", Hill concisely presents an assemblage of reconstructions of the phoneme systems and key sound changes from TH to later stages of TH branches to more recent stages of the languages. Thus, this work can serve as a reference for historical phonological investigation of those languages, TH as a whole, or neighboring contact languages outside the language family.
The 31st Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, 2022
This talk presents preliminary historical linguistic observations on lexical data related to pott... more This talk presents preliminary historical linguistic observations on lexical data related to pottery (e.g., bowls, cups, jars, to mold (clay), etc.) among languages of Mainland Southeast Asia. The primary data comes from both modern languages and reconstructions of Austroasiatic, Tai, Sinitic, Malayo-Chamic, and Indic (and secondarily, Tibeto-Burman and Hmong-Mien).
Linguistic influence of Chinese in Southeast Asia
Linguistic influence of Chinese in Southeast Asia, 2021
The Sinitic branch of Sino-Tibetan has been spr... more
The Sinitic branch of Sino-Tibetan has been spreading to the south of its original Yellow River and central plains homeland for three millennia. Southern China, which is today solidly “Chinese” linguistic and cultural territory, is the starting point of language contact and linguistic influence, which later extended into both Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA hereafter) and Insular Southeast Asia (ISEA). This connection between languages of this general region makes it necessary to discuss Southern China together with Greater Southeast Asia. A broad characterization of the historical linguistic situation is as follows.
(a) Sinitic entirely replaced languages previously spoken in large portions of mod-ern-day Southern China.
(b) Widespread typological convergence occurred in which Sinitic itself was morphophonologically restructured along with Kradai, Hmong-Mien, and Vietic.
(c) Lexical borrowing from Chinese was most intense inside that core convergence area (sometimes referred to as the ‘Sinosphere’ [cf. Matisoff 1990]) in the early period.
In MSEA and ISEA, later periods of Chinese immigrant groups, as well as Tai and Vietic languages, further spread Chinese loanwords in those regions, often with impact on semantic domains in those languages. The remainder of section 27.1.1 summarizes the history of the spread of Sinitic, the types of language contact with Sinitic, and the degrees of linguistic influence. Section 27.1.2 covers the types of linguistic influence inside and outside the core convergence area, including the lexical influence on semantic domains and various types of structural change.
“Contact Zones & Colonialism in China's South” Pennsylvania State University, May 10-12, 2019, 2019
This presentation provides linguistic, archaeological (material culture, genetic, and dental/cran... more This presentation provides linguistic, archaeological (material culture, genetic, and dental/cranial), and ethnonym data to explore possible language scenarios of the Dong Son culture (600 BCE to 200 CE) in the Red River Delta. The most well-supported scenario is one in which Austroasiatic was present in the RRD from 4000 BP, and that by the Dong Son, Vietic was the dominant language group spoken there, but there is substantial evidence of a Tai presence and Tai-Vietic contact, though the details of such contact remains unclear.
This talk was given at a workshop/round-table entitled "The Greater South China Sea Interaction Z... more This talk was given at a workshop/round-table entitled "The Greater South China Sea Interaction Zone" ( Aimed at an interdisciplinary audience, but still containing linguistic data and description, it summarizes the issues of the linguistic typological convergence of Sinitic, Tai-Kadai, Hmong-Mien, and Vietic (e.g., Haudricourt 1954a, 1954b), starting in the first half of the 1st millennium CE (but continuing into the 2nd mill.). While lexical material largely moved from Sinitic to the other language groups, all of them together underwent simplification, such as the loss of affixes, presyllables, and final fricatives and glottal stop, and the reduction of initial consonant clusters. The convergence is suggestive of McWhorter's (2007) notion of "Non-hybrid conventionalized second language" and imperfect L2 acquisition (i.e. not creoles, but reduction in language contact over a period of centuries). In addition, the development of tones occurred in parallel ways in all of the languages. The timing of the tonogenesis, as seen in the parallel lexical data sets in all the languages, is strongly supportive of borrowing in the first centuries CE, thereby allowing considering of such words as metals and metal implements and their exchange among the language groups/speech communities.
This presentation at the ICSTLL 48 is a preliminary overview of grammatical Sino-Tai vocabulary o... more This presentation at the ICSTLL 48 is a preliminary overview of grammatical Sino-Tai vocabulary of several classes of function words, with comparative phonological support, notably the tone categories, to identify likely Sinitic loans, or to exclude them as possible loans. It reviews the typological convergence event in Southeast China that contributed to that borrowing and, in some cases, subsequent parallel grammaticalization. Hypotheses are made of the sociolinguistic context in which the borrowing of a wide range of function words and typological convergence could have occurred.
This entry in the Brill Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics is an overview of Chines... more This entry in the Brill Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics is an overview of Chinese loanwords among languages of Southeast Asia, including sections on Khmer, Thai, Hmong, Indonesian, and Tagalog.
Mark ALVES, “Chinese Loanwords in the Languages of Southeast Asia”, in: Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, General Editor Rint Sybesma. <>
First published online: 2015
The Spread of Chinese Words for Metals in Southern China and Mainland Southeast Asia
This presentation (given at SEALS 26 in Manila) is on words for Chinese words for metals (copper,... more This presentation (given at SEALS 26 in Manila) is on words for Chinese words for metals (copper, bronze, iron, steel, gold, and silver) in Proto-Hmong-Mien, Proto-Tai, Proto-Vietic and Vietnamese, and other neighboring languages. Each word is considered in relationship to the archaeohistory of these metals in the region. While some main ethnohistorical conclusions are provided based on the linguistic and archaeological data, some questions cannot be answered in light of limitations of the data. (Complete presentation notes are viewable in the PDF via the icon in the upper left corner).
Linguistic evidence supports the claim in archaeological studies that early metallurgy practices ... more Linguistic evidence supports the claim in archaeological studies that early metallurgy practices moved from north to south in China and Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA). This historical linguistic study of words for knives, sickles, swords, and other metal tools and weapons in the region shows an expected region of Chinese influence from China to northern MSEA, encompassing Hmong-Mien, Tai, and Vietic. However, there is also a region with Tai as the apparent source language group for such terms that appear to have spread later into Austroasiatic languages. The sociocultural circumstances and history of the spread of these words and their associated implements are explored and described.
This paper considers the history of words for domesticated poultry, including ‘chicken’, ‘goose’,... more This paper considers the history of words for domesticated poultry, including ‘chicken’, ‘goose’, and ‘duck’, in China and mainland Southeast Asia to try to relate associated domestication events with specific language groups. Linguistic, archaeological and historical evidence supports Sinitic as one linguistic source, but in other cases, Tai and Austroasiatic form additional centers of lexical forms which were borrowed by neighboring phyla. It is hypothesized that these geographic regions of etyma for domesticated birds may represent instances of bird domestication, or possibly advances in bird husbandry, by speech communities in the region in the Neolithic Era, followed by spread of both words and cultural practices.
Abstract: This paper surveys historical linguistic and relevant zooarchaeol... more PRE-CONFERENCE DRAFT
Abstract: This paper surveys historical linguistic and relevant zooarchaeological studies of words for domesticated poultry, including ‘chicken’, ‘goose’, and ‘duck’, in China and mainland Southeast Asia. Zooarchaeological evidence shows these birds were domesticated in China and Southeast Asia, and all language phyla (Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Hmong-Mien, Sino-Tibetan, and Tai-Kadai) in the region have reconstructions for these words. This situation makes it worth attempting to relate the domestication events to specific language groups. In many instances, the linguistic, archaeological, and historical evidence supports Sinitic as the linguistic source in the Sinosphere, though Austroasiatic and Tai languages in mainland Southeast Asia appear to form additional centers of lexical forms. However, due to conflicting hypotheses within and among the fields of historical linguistics and archaeology, only tentative ethnolinguistic claims can be made pending additional clarifying evidence. Another issue that emerges from the lexical data is recurrence of onomatopoeia as a word-formation strategy for terms for birds (both wild and domestic) among languages in the region. This creates an additional layer of complexity that can further complicate claims of interphyla borrowing. Nevertheless, geographic regions of etyma for domesticated birds may represent initial instances of bird domestication, or significant advances in bird husbandry by the linguistic group in the region, with spread both words and cultural practices.
Vietnamese (regarding onomatopoeia)
Onomatopoeia in the World’s Languages: A Comparative Handbook, 2024
This article provides a linguistic characterization onomatopoeia in Vietnamese.
This study focuses on grammatical vocabulary in Central Vietnamese2 (CV, hereafter) with the goal... more This study focuses on grammatical vocabulary in Central Vietnamese2 (CV, hereafter) with the goal of exploring historical-linguistic developments in Vietnamese in general. One purpose of focusing on grammatical vocabulary is to provide a sample of how this type of vocabulary can innovate over time in different dialectal regions. For research on Central Vietnamese in particular, this focus also allows some identification of historical patterns of lexical preservations (e.g., forms shared with other Vietic languages), innovations or general variation, and the effects of language contact. While CV is quite obviously Vietnamese, there are a number of distinctive traits in its grammatical vocabulary which highlight some of the differentiation over time between CV and standard Vietnamese3 (StV, hereafter). In a number of instances, data suggests reconstructability at the level of Proto-Việt-Mường or even Proto-Vietic forms. These historical points are dealt with throughout this paper and summarized in the conclusion.
Keywords: Vietnamese, Proto-Vietic, grammatical vocabulary
The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages, 2015
This article provides a concise description of Pacoh language situation, phonology, word formatio... more This article provides a concise description of Pacoh language situation, phonology, word formation, and syntax. Some condenses information from the author's 2006 book, but many new examples are provided, some new insights are presented, and all the material fits the compendium's format of consistent presentation to allow for ready comparison with other Mon-Khmer languages.
in Mathias Jenny and Paul Sidwell (Eds.), The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages, Pacific Linguistics, 881-906
"A grammar of Pacoh: A Mon-Khmer language of the central highlands of Vietnam Mark J. AlvesPacoh ... more "A grammar of Pacoh: A Mon-Khmer language of the central highlands of Vietnam Mark J. AlvesPacoh is a member of the Katuic group of the Mon-Khmer language family. It is spoken by about 10,000 people in the central highlands of Vietnam. The language is currently undergoing substantial change under the influence of Vietnamese. Pacoh shares many typological characteristics in common with other Mon-Khmer languages including a topic-comment style of basic SVO syntax. It is a classifier language with noun-modifier word order. The major word formation processes are prefixation with 'presyllables' (deriving such things as causative verbs), infixation (deriving nouns from verbs, for example) and reduplication. In common with many other Mon-Khmer languages, Pacoh has a sesquisyllabic word structure in which presyllables are unstressed, and vowel phonemes show a distinction in register.
This book describes the major features of Pacoh grammar and also contains a glossary of Pacoh words. It is an extensively revised version of the author's PhD dissertation from the University of Hawaii ."
The Grammar You Need Level 3: Writing with Clarity and Accuracy (REFERENCE CARD)
Advanced College-level ESL writing/grammar reference card based on high-frequency CALP and core w... more Advanced College-level ESL writing/grammar reference card based on high-frequency CALP and core writing issues (e.g., grammar plus methods of cohesion and increasing specificity, etc.); concisely presented for use by students during the writing process and for in-class instruction and review; Free 251-page downloadable workbook, Co-authored with EIleen Cotter and Henry Caballero, with Michael Berman as the Editor.
The Grammar You Need Level 2: Developing Details (REFERENCE CARD)
High-Intermediate College-level ESL grammar reference based on high-frequency CALP; concisely pre... more High-Intermediate College-level ESL grammar reference based on high-frequency CALP; concisely presented for use by students in the writing process and for in-class instruction and review; Co-authored with Eileen Cotter and Henry Caballero. A free 238-page downloadable workbook is available.
This paper discusses broad categories of Active Learning for any higher education setting and the... more This paper discusses broad categories of Active Learning for any higher education setting and then provides specific instances of Active Learning for college ESL classes.
This is a substantially modified version of a presentation given on May 23, 2019 at the School of... more This is a substantially modified version of a presentation given on May 23, 2019 at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the National University of Hanoi. It gives general information and suggestions to researchers in Southeast Asian linguistics.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the explosion of information
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2024
Klein’s (Klein, Wolfgang. 1989. Schreiben oder Lesen, aber nicht beides, oder: Vorschlag zur Wied... more Klein’s (Klein, Wolfgang. 1989. Schreiben oder Lesen, aber nicht beides, oder: Vorschlag zur Wiedereinführung der Keilschrift mittels Hammer und Meißel. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 74. 116–119) concerns about and suggestions for dealing with the massive growth in research publishing in light of the human limits on the speed at which such quantities of information are amusing, thoughtful, and worth considering. However, whatever worry and frustration one might feel about the seemingly insurmountable amount of assembled data, information, and analyses – flowing without end – we must accept that it is a messy but essential part of scientific progress.