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SEVT operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin as stipulated in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you feel you have been discriminated against based on your race, color, or national origin, you may file a written complaint with the Chief Executive Officer, Southeast Vermont Transit, 45 Mill Street, Wilmington, VT 05363. A written complaint may also be filed with the Title VI Program Coordinator, FTA Office of Civil Rights, East Building, 5th Floor – TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E., Washington, DC 02590, or a complaint may be made to the Vermont Agency of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights by calling 802-249-9291 and stating that you would like to make a Title VI complaint. If you would like more information about your Title VI rights, you may call the Vermont Agency of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights and request it be provided to you, or you may view their website at http://vtrans.vermont.gov/civil-rights/compliance/titlevi . 9 V.S.A. § 4502 (a) Public accommodations states an owner or operator of a place of public accommodation or an agent or employee of such owner or operator shall not, because of the race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity of any person, refuse, withhold from, or deny to that person any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of the place of public accommodation. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you may file a complaint with Vermont Human Rights Commission by calling 1-800-416-2010 or by e-mail at human.rights@vermont.gov. If information is needed in another language, contact 802-464-8487. For a copy of the Title VI complaint form click this sentence. To fill out the complaint form online click here. The Complainant will be contacted within three (3) business days of submission and provided with an explanation of the process and offered guidance and assistance to resolve the subject of the complaint. The Southeast Vermont Transit Title VI Coordinator or designated company representative will initiate an investigation of the complaint and complete a report within no more than 45 days of the acceptance of the complaint. The report shall include a narrative description of the incident, identification of the persons interviewed, findings, and recommendations for disposition. A copy of the complaint and the Southeast Vermont investigation report, letter of finding, and remedial action plan will be submitted within 120 days of the initial receipt of the complaint to Southeast Vermont Transit’s Executive Management and the Vermont Agency of Transportation Civil Rights Section. For a copy of the ADA complaint form click this sentence. To fill out the complaint form online click here. The e-mail address at SEVT is ADAcoordinator@moover.com. ADA complaints will be responded to in writing and are kept for five years as a summary and one year of copies of complaints. Patricia Martin is the Title VI/ADA Coordinator for the State of Vermont 802-595-6959. SEVT’s ADA/Title VI Coordinator is Christine Howe, SEVT General Manager, 45 Mill Street, Wilmington, VT 05363 802-463-2470 e-mail ADAcoordinator@moover.com .