Full record for 'MAY PROCESSION/ CORPUS CHRISTI, ST. PAUL'S' (2879) - Moving Image Archive catalogue
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Reference number: 2879
Date: 1949
Director: [filmed by Bert Mocogni]
Production company: Stradus Films
Sound: silent
Original format: 16mm
Colour: bwcol
Fiction: non-fiction
Running time: 7.36 mins
Description: Footage of the May and Corpus Christi Processions at St. Paul's Hurlford. [Part of a collection of films concerning Catholic liturgical practice in Scotland prior to the changes introduced by the Second Vatican Council. Refs. 2879-2891].
Credits: Stradus Films
[Please note shotlisted from VHS copy, timings converted from 25fps to 18 fps] May Procession at St. Paul's Hurlford 1949 (0.04) [b/w] c/u statue of the Virgin Mary inside church; young women in white lace veils kneeling in rows; ms priest blesses a statue of Mary; priest reads a short prayer and places a medallion around each girl's neck (1.06) [col] procession of young women wearing veils, the Legion of Mary? four carry the statue and remainder follow behind [older veiled women are visible in background] as the congregation leave (1.36) [col] exts. procession continues, veiled women are wearing blue dresses (1.58) small girls in white dresses and veils process, followed by schoolchildren and congregation; women in blue lead the procession around the church (3.26) [b/w] ints. priest lifts the monstrance before the congregation (3.55) blank (4.10) [col] St. Paul's Hurlford. Corpus Christi Procession June 3 1951 ints. church ceremony; c/u monstrance; children follow banner out of the church; exts. procession followed by mothers?; ints. Legion of Mary? followed by altar boys and priest, monstrance is protected under a canopy (6.22) exts. procession (7.37) arrival back at church intercut with exts. procession (8.28) shot of flower girls standing in a group; pan over individual faces. The End (10.33)