Agensi berita - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
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Sebuah agensi berita ialah sebuah organisasi yang mengumpulkan laporan berita laporan dan menjual mereka ke pertubuhan langganan berita, seperti akhbar, majalah dan penyiar radio dan televisyen. Agensi berita mungkin juga disebut sebagai kawat perkhidmatan, berita kawat, atau perkhidmatan berita.
Walaupun ada banyak berita agensi di seluruh dunia, tiga berita agensi global, Agence France-Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP) dan Reuters, mempunyai pejabat di negara-negara yang paling dunia dan meliputi semua kawasan maklumat. Kesemuanya bermula dengan dan terus beroperasi pada asas falsafah menyediakan satu objektif suapan berita untuk semua pelanggan, mereka tidak memberikan suapan berasingan untuk konservatif atau akhbar liberal. Jonathan Fenby menjelaskan falsafah:
Untuk mencapai apa-apa luas penerimaan, agensi-agensi mengelakkan terang-terangan berat sebelah. Dibuktikan maklumat yang betul adalah saham mereka dalam perdagangan. Secara tradisional, mereka melaporkan pada tahap dikurangkan dari tanggungjawab, mengaitkan mereka maklumat untuk jurucakap, tekan, atau sumber lain. Mereka mengelakkan membuat pertimbangan dan dijauhi keraguan dan kabur. Walaupun pengasas mereka tidak menggunakan perkataan, objektif adalah falsafah dasar untuk perusahaan mereka – atau gagal itu, banyak diterima netral.[1]
- Adnkronos (ITA)
- Agence France-Presse AFP (FRA)
- Agência Brasil ABR (BRA)
- Agenparl (ITA)
- Catalan News Agency CNA (ESP)
- Agencia EFE (ESP)
- Agenția de Presă RADOR (National Radio) (ROU)
- Agenția Română de Presă AGERPRES (ROU)
- Agenzia Giornalistica Italia AGI (ITA)
- Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata ANSA (ITA)
- AKIpress news agency (KGZ)
- Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau ANP (NLD)
- Algeria Press Service APS (DZA)
- All Headline News AHN (US)
- Anadolu Agency (AA)
- Antara (IDN)
- Armenpress (ARM)
- Asian News International ANI (IND)
- Associated Press AP (US)
- Associated Press Service APS (PAK)
- Associated Press of Pakistan APP (PAK)
- Athens News Agency-Macedonian Press Agency AMNA
- Australian Associated Press AAP (AUS)
- Austria Presse Agentur APA (AUT)
- Azerbaijan Press Agency APA (AZE)
- Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency AzerTAc (AZE)
- Bahrain News Agency BNA (BHR)
- Bakhtar News Agency (AFG)
- Baltic News Service BNS (LVA, LTU and EST)
- Bangladesh Sangbad Shangstha (BGD)
- Belga BELGA (BEL)
- Bloomberg News (US)
- BNO News
- Bulgarian Telegraph Agency BTA (BGR)
- Canadian Press (CAN)
- Central News Agency (TWN)
- China News Service CNS (CHN)
- Czech News Agency CTK (CZE)
- Deutsche Presse-Agentur DPA (DEU)
- Dow Jones Newswires (US)
- Emirates News Agency WAM (UAE)
- European Pressphoto Agency EPA (Europe)
- Gujarati News Service GNS (India)
- Islamic Consultative Assembly News Agency ICANA (IRN)
- Islamic Republic News Agency IRNA (IRN)
- Iranian Students' News Agency ISNA (IRN)
- Indo-Asian News Service IANS (IND)
- Interfax (RUS)
- Inter Press Service IPS (ITA)
- Information Telegraph Agency of Russia ITAR-TASS (RUS)
- Jiji Press (JPN)
- Kenya News Agency (KEN)
- Korean Central News Agency (DPRK)
- Kyodo News (JPN)
- Lankapuvath (SRI)
- Lao News Agency KPL (LAO)
- Libyan News Agency (LANA)
- Lusa news agency LUSA (PRT)
- Magyar Távirati Iroda MTI (HUN)
- Malaysian National News Agency BERNAMA (MYS)
- Namibia Press Agency NAMPA (NAM)
- National Iraqi News Agency NINA (IRQ)
- New Zealand Press Association NZPA (NZL)
- Norsk Telegrambyrå NTB (NOR)
- Notimex (MEX)
- Pacnews (NZL)
- Pakistan Press International PPI (PAK)
- Philippine News Agency PNA (PHL)
- Polska Agencja Prasowa PAP (POL)
- Press Association PA (GBR)
- Pressclub Information Agency PIA
- Press Trust of India PTI (IND)
- Qatar News Agency QNA (QAT)
- Reuters (GBR)
- Rossiya Segodnya (RUS)
- Ritzaus Bureau Ritzau (DNK)
- Ruptly (RUS)
- Saba News Agency or Yemen News Agency SABA (YEM)
- Saudi Press Agency SPA (KSA)
- Schweizerische Depeschenagentur SDA (SUI)
- Sipa USA
- Samachar Bharti SB (IND)
- Slovenian Press Agency STA (SVN)
- Suomen Tietotoimisto STT (FIN)
- Syrian Arab News Agency SANA (SYR)
- Tahitipresse ATP (PYF)
- Tanjug (SRB)
- Telenoticiosa Americana TELAM (ARG)
- Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (SWE)
- Turkmenistan State news agency (TKM)
- Ukrainian Independent Information Agency UNIAN (UKR)
- United News of Bangladesh UNB (BGD)
- United Press International UPI (US)
- World Entertainment News Network WENN
- Vietnam News Agency (VIE)
- Via News Agency VIANEWS (PRT)
- vision News Service VNS (IND)
- Xinhua News Agency XINHUA (CHN)
- Yonhap News Agency YONHAP (KOR)
- ZUMA Press (US)
- ABN Newswire
- African Press Organization
- Business Wire
- CisionWire
- CNW Group
- CSRWire Canada
- GlobeNewswire
- Japan Corporate News Network
- Marketwired
- PR Newswire
- PR Web
- Korea Newswire
- ^ Jonathan Fenby, The International News Services (1986) p. 25
- Fenby, Jonathan. The International News Services (1986)
- Gramling, Oliver. AP: The Story of News (1940)
- Kenny, Peter. "News agencies as content providers and purveyors of news: A mediahistoriographical study on the development and diversity of wire services" (MPhil Diss. University of Stellenbosch, 2009) online, with a detailed bibliography pp. 171–200
- Morris, Joel Alex. The Deadline Every Minute: The Story of the United Press (1957)
- Paterson, Chris A., and Annabelle Sreberny, eds. International news in the 21st Century (University of Luton Press, 2004)
- Putnis, P. "Reuters in Australia: the supply and exchange of news, 1859–1877" Media History (2004). 10#2 pp: 67–88.
- Read, D. The power of news: the history of Reuters (Oxford UP, 1992).
- Schwarzlose, Richard Allen. The American wire services: a study of their development as a social institution (1979)
- Stephens, M. A history of news (3rd ed. Oxford UP, 2007).
- Sterling, C. H. "News agencies" in Encyclopedia of international media and communications (2003) 3: 235–246.
- Storey, Graham. Reuter's Century (1951)
- Xin, X. "A developing market in news: Xinhua News Agency and Chinese newspapers" Media, Culture & Society (2006) 28#1 pp: 45–66.
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