The workshop will take place fully online from December 2 to December 3, 2022 at zoom 864 7253 9133 with passcode 123456.
Confirmed Speakers
Daniel Berwick-Evans, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Severin Bunk, University of Oxford
Chi-Kwong Fok, New York University in Shanghai
Derek Krepski, University of Manitoba
Peter Kristel, Hausdorff Center, Bonn
Matthias Ludewig, University of Regensburg
Urs Schreiber, New York University in Abu Dhabi
Konrad Waldorf, University of Greifswald
Schedule (GMT+8, China Standard Time)
Fri. Dec. 2
15:00-16:00 Konrad Waldorf
16:20-17:20 Severin Bunk
Sat. Dec. 3
8:30-9:30 Daniel Berwick-Evans
9:50-10:50 Derek Krepski
11:10-12:10 Chi-Kwong Fok
Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Urs Schreiber
15:20-16:20 Peter Kristel
16:40-17:40 Matthias Ludewig