Cynthia Sheppard

Cynthia Sheppard
General Information
Status Active: Innistrad to Commander 2019
Education/ Training W.T. Woodson High School
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Cynthia Sheppard is a Magic: The Gathering artist and a former Senior Art Director for Wizards of the Coast.

Career[ | ]

While working as a freelance illustrator, Cynthia Shephard created illustrations for Magic: The Gathering cards and Dungeons & Dragons products since November 2009. She also participated in the creation of concept art for the Magic brand. She joined Wizards of the Coast in February 2015, taking over resposibilities formerly executed by Jeremy Jarvis.[1][2]

Sheppard left Wizards of the Coast in May 2021.

Some notable illustrations[ | ]

Art Director as Lead[ | ]

Designing[ | ]

Developing[ | ]

  • Rivals of Ixalan

References[ | ]