Dark Legacy

Ambox important

This publication may no longer be canonical. Stories written prior to The Brothers' War are generally ignored by later writings, and are of uncertain relevance.
Dark Legacy

Dark Legacy

Publishing Information
Author(s) Robert E. Vardeman
First printing November 12, 1996
ISBN-13 978-0061056970
Preceded By
And Peace Shall Sleep
Followed By

Dark Legacy is the tenth Magic novel, and the final pre-revisionist book. It was published in November 1996, and written by Robert E. Vardeman.[1]

Overview[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Dark Legacy Robert E. Vardeman November 1996 The Dark Dominaria Yunnie, Mytaru, Essa, Heryeon, Mehonvo, Usru, Noadia, Peemel, Offero, Apepei, Digody, Edara, Pioni, Dylees, Deguhe, Maeveen O'Donagh, Vervamon, Jenns, Boyzen, Quopomma, Iro, Isak Glen'Dard, Ihesia, Sacumon, Tiyint, Coernn, Ferantia, Aesor, Hoty, Oseltei, Slyfoot, Sten El-rohar, Lani Thesavert, Pardano, Otto, Felal, Nesha, Dalalego, Oji, Rontiquerio, Wesim, Adterlo, Tavora, Pardano, Feyne, Ehno

Blurb[ | ]

War rages under the double moons of Dominaria. It is MinotaurElf in a bloody conflict of dirty politics and foul magics.

The human orphan Yunnie brings two formidable weapons to the battle. One is the Living Armor, which turns its wearer into a berserk killing machine. The other is the stone idol Tiyint, which slaughters with grim abandon once awakened.

But Yunnie soon finds there is even more at stake than a kingdom. There is a third relentless enemy, under the ground - keeping the war going, and dining on the dead of both armies!

Story[ | ]

Yunnie[ | ]

Yunnie is a human orphan who is accepted into the Urhaalan Valley minotaur community. The minotaurs are at war with the elves of Eln Forest, but Yunnie quickly discovers that there is a third party involved. These liquid stone elementals, called the Niroso and their coal golem minions, are manipulated by the witch Sacumon to instigate the war by burning down both elven and minotaur homes, which the warring factions blame on each other. Sacumon tricks Yunnie into donning the Living Armor, which prevents him from speaking out about all he has seen to his minotaur tribe and transforms him into a berserk warrior to lead them.

Maeveen[ | ]

Maeveen O'Donagh is human soldier who protects Vervamon the Elder, a scholar who wanders Terisiare to write about its history, cultures, and geography. They get tasked by lord Peemel of Iwset to find the Sigil of Iwset, the missing seal of his office. This quest, which is made more difficult by several members of both the Inquisition and various other factions in Iwset infiltrating their party eventually brings them to the Urhaalan Valley. It turns out that Yunnie has this sigil since he is the bastard son of the fourth wife of lord Peemel and Vervamon. Maeveen's group helps defeat Sacumon and end the war, at the cost of much blood on both sides. In the process, they animate a giant statue of Tiyint, the god of the minotaurs. The statue starts to kill elves, but this goes awry because of a misspoken command done by Mytaru, and Tiyint then turns on the minotaurs. Maeveen and Yunnie grow attracted to each other, but nothing comes of this, as neither dares admit their feelings for the other.

Peemel[ | ]

Meanwhile, Lord Peemel has declared war on the neighboring island nation of Jehesic. The war is made more complicated by Ferantia, advisor of Edara, the queen of Jehesic, plotting against her mistress, and no fewer than three advisors to Peemel - Digody, Apepei and Ihesia, trying to oust him. Isak Glen'Dard is a shapeshifter who is secretly working for several sides as a messenger. Several factions in Iwset want the elves and minotaurs to be distracted by their war so no anti-Iwset alliance between them and Jehesic could arise. In the end, Maeveen brings Yunnie to Iwset, which results in the death of Peemel and Digody, leaving Edara and Apepei in charge of Jehesic and with a tenuous grip on their rule of Iwset.

Featured events[ | ]

  • Iwset-Jehesic War

References[ | ]

  1. Squirle (March 11, 2015). "Dark Legacy". Multiverse in Review. Tumblr.