Dars Gostok

  • ️Wed Jun 19 2013
Dars Gostok

Race Human
Birthplace Ravnica
Lifetime Mending Era

Dars Gostok is a Boros Firefist captain, who fought with Gideon Jura against the Gruul and the Rakdos in the Battle of the Ninth District.


During the Battle of the Ninth District, Dars Gostok was part of a battle where the Boros tried to lure Gruul and Rakdos forces together in order to make them kill each other. Gideon Jura and Anza had gone to lure the Gruul clansmen from the Scab-Clan, while Tajic was in charge of attracting the horde of Rakdos into the same square.

Dars stood with his Firefist and waited. He heard the chaos echoing through the narrow streets of the Ninth District. All manner of hell was breaking loose and he still had no sign of Jura. On Gideon's orders, Dars had assembled the Firefist in the square, hidden in the surrounding buildings. The unguilded citizens looked from behind their barred doors and shuttered windows at the Firefist.

When the sounds of destruction echoed up the street to the square, they were much closer. Dars's corporal, Jazek, reported that the soldiers were ready when Anza arrived ahead of Gideon, reporting that the Gruul were massing and heading towards the square. When Gideon finally appeared, Dars readied his men, and when the enemy was within range, he had his secret firecasters blast the Gruul from windows and doorways.

Gideon's forces charged into the fray, while Dars updated the commander on the lack of Rakdos' presence so far. Just then, though, Tajic entered the square with a yell, chased by a swarm of Rakdos defilers.

Dars ordered a knight to sound the trumpet, and the Firefist disengaged from the Gruul and fought their way back to form a bristling wall of Boros spears and swords as the Rakdos poured into the square in a scrabbling stream of insanity. They instantly tore into the Gruul with frenzy and relish.

Gideon, Dars, and Tajic all yelled to their soldiers to contain their enemies as they rushed to help hold areas of the Firefist line that showed signs of faltering.

Every effort of the Firefist was put into containing the chaos. Rakdos and Gruul slaughtered each other in the center of the square, lost in a frenzy of blood and rage. The Boros closed ranks on the outskirts of the battle and slowly closed in like the noose of a snare-trap. All told, a glorious battle.

Dars would later serve during a Goblin gang war between Krenko and the Shattergang Brothers, coming to the rescue of Gideon Jura and some trapped hostages.[2]

Story appearances[]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Battle for the Ninth Adam Lee 2013-06-19 Dragon's Maze Ravnica Gideon Jura, Anza, Dars Gostok, Jazek, Tajic, Aurelia
Limits Ari Levitch 2015-07-15 Prologue to Battle for Zendikar Zendikar, Ravnica Gideon Jura, Munda, Dars Gostok, Shattergang Brothers, Krenko, Tazri, Vorik, Jori En, Kendrin

In-game references[]

Represented in:
Quoted or referred to:


  1. Adam Lee (June 18, 2013). "Battle for the Ninth".
  2. Ari Levitch (June 12, 2019). "Limits". Wizards of the Coast.







