
Race Human
Birthplace Tondhat, Iwset, Lat-Nam, Terisiare, Dominaria
Lifetime Dark Age

Deguhe was a graverobber in the Dark Age of Terisiare, on the plane of Dominaria.[1]

Description[ | ]

Deguhe had broken, blackened teeth, dirty strings of braided hair, and a flat face with a mashed nose, water eyes, and a furtive expression. He had sharpened fingernails to tear the clothes of the dead while digging for treasure.[1]

History[ | ]

Deguhe was working on a victim, digging up a fresh corpse and removing the goods buried with him when he was spied upon by Vervamon, Maeveen O'Donagh, and Quopomma. When multiple ghouls converged on the site, Vervamon engaged them, trying to communicate with the creatures. This stirred the interest of the Inquisition, and Offero's soldiers set up an ambush, which chased Deguhe from the scene. [1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Dark Legacy Robert E. Vardeman November 1996 The Dark Dominaria Yunnie, Mytaru, Essa, Heryeon, Mehonvo, Usru, Noadia, Peemel, Offero, Apepei, Digody, Edara, Pioni, Dylees, Deguhe, Maeveen O'Donagh, Vervamon, Jenns, Boyzen, Quopomma, Iro, Isak Glen'Dard, Ihesia, Sacumon, Tiyint, Coernn, Ferantia, Aesor, Hoty, Oseltei, Slyfoot, Sten El-rohar, Lani Thesavert, Pardano, Otto, Felal, Nesha, Dalalego, Oji, Rontiquerio, Wesim, Adterlo, Tavora, Pardano, Feyne, Ehno

References[ | ]

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