Ganzan Pass

Ganzan Pass

Mossfire Valley

Plane Kamigawa
Part of Sokenzan

Ganzan Pass (GAHN-zahn[1], which means “rock-cut”),[2] is an important pass in the Sokenzan mountains, well known for its treacherous conditions.

History[ | ]

Because of its natural formation as a bottleneck that made it a prime spot for ambushes, Ganzan Pass was the site of several bloody skirmishes before and during the Kami War. Godo's parents were killed in the Pass, forcing him to survive off the land and this led to his rise as a a bandit lord.[3]

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails came to Ganzan Pass at some point during the Kami War, and was immediately waylaid by eight nezumi bandits. A kami of shadows also struck, but Eight-and-a-Half-Tails used his magical defense to defeat the spirit handily, scaring the nezumi off in the process.[2]

The Battle at Ganzan Pass was one of the Great Battles of Kamigawa and was a testament to human endurance. An untrained and frightened group escaped three legions of kami, leaving more than their share of slain foes in their wake.[4] The battle left the land so saturated with blood and twisted kami magic that it was a century before a single blade of grass could take root.[5]

Gallery[ | ]

  • Map of Kamigawa

    Map of Kamigawa

In-game references[ | ]

Referred to:

References[ | ]









The Maro


