Takeshi Konda

Takeshi Konda

Race Human
Birthplace Towabara Plains, Kamigawa
Lifetime Kami War (The Thaw)
Born c. 3150 AR
Died 3227 AR (disintegrated)
Spouse Yoshino (concubine)
Children Michiko Konda
Outlaw: Champions of Kamigawa, Heretic: Betrayers of Kamigawa, Guardian: Saviors of Kamigawa

Daimyo Takeshi Konda (KOHN-dah)[1] was one of the greatest human rulers of the plane of Kamigawa. He resided in the great castle of Eiganjo from which he established his reign over the majority of Kamigawa.[2][3]


Born on the Towabara Plains, Konda became a military prodigy and strategist. As a young man, Konda built Eiganjo Castle, drove out the surrounding bandits, and united a dozen local warlords to consolidate his power.[4][5] He had multiple concubines, his favorite of which, and the mother of his future daughter, was Lady Yoshino.

Konda's Crime[]

Years later, over fifty years old and ruling a united Towabara, Konda wanted to ensure eternal peace and prosperity for his people.[6] To achieve this objective, he did not hesitate to change the world. With the help of the results of Eight-and-a-Half-Tails' research, personal participation of ambassador Meloku of the soratami, Sensei Hisoka of Minamo, General Takeno, and an outbreak of sympathetic spiritual energy accompanying the birth of his daughter Michiko - whom Lady Yoshino died giving birth to - he performed a sacrilegious ritual.[7] During this time he broke the barrier between the mortal and spirit worlds, captured and imprisoned a major spirit - an important part of O-Kagachi himself. That Which Was Taken became his major interest, granting him immortality, a stop to his aging, incredible power, and invulnerability to kami, at the cost of most of his ki and perhaps all of his honor. Konda's crime triggered the Kami War, a devastating, twenty-year conflict between Kamigawa's mortal and spiritual worlds.

The Reckoning[]

At the climax of the Kami War, Konda and O-Kagachi were struck down by their daughters Michiko Konda and Kyodai (the Taken One), respectively. After her release, the Taken One punctured Konda's eyes, then petrified his immortal body and crushed him into a million pieces. Hundreds of years later, Konda's undying remains presumably still lie in the Jukai Forest.


Story appearances[]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Outlaw: Champions of Kamigawa Scott McGough September 2004 Champions of Kamigawa Kamigawa Pearl-Ear, Yoshino, Michiko Konda, Nagao, Munetsugu Takeno, Iki Hisoka, Meloku, Takeshi Konda, Myojin of Cleansing Fire, Terashi, Kyodai, Toshiro Umezawa, Marrow-Gnawer, Eitoku, Chiyo, Uramon, Kiku, Kobo, Hidetsugu, Seitaro and Shujiro Yamazaki, Godo, Ben-Ben, Ichi, All-Consuming Oni of Chaos, Riko, Choryu, Sharp-Ear, Myojin of Life's Web, Myojin of Infinite Rage, Kaze, Ichikawa, Silk-Eyes, Cloud-Fur, Silver-Foot, Dawn-Tail, Blade-Tail, Frost-Tail, Mochi, Uyo, O-Kagachi, Myojin of Night's Reach
Heretic: Betrayers of Kamigawa Scott McGough January 2005 Betrayers of Kamigawa Kamigawa Takeshi Konda, Pearl-Ear, Michiko Konda, Yosei, Toshiro Umezawa, Kiku, Uramon, Marrow-Gnawer, Uchida, Yuki-Onna, Hidetsugu, Choryu, Sharp-Ear, Silk-Eyes, Silver-Foot, Blade-Tail, Dawn-Tail, Frost-Tail, Nagao, Riko, Godo, Myojin of Infinite Rage (mentioned), Myojin of Night's Reach, Myojin of Life's Web (mentioned), Isamaru, Munetsugu Takeno, Kyodai, O-Kagachi, Fuan, Hon, Uyo, Chiyo, Mochi, Meloku (mentioned), Okazawa, Seitaro and Shujiro Yamazaki, Iki Hisoka, Myojin of Cleansing Fire (mentioned), All-Consuming Oni of Chaos, Keiga, Okabe
Guardian: Saviors of Kamigawa Scott McGough May 2005 Saviors of Kamigawa Kamigawa Michiko Konda, Riko, Toshiro Umezawa, Hidetsugu, Uramon (mentioned), One-Eye, Kyodai, All-Consuming Oni of Chaos, Nagao, Silver-Foot, Kiku, Isamaru, Aoyama, Yosei, Okazawa (mentioned), Marrow-Gnawer, Myojin of Night's Reach, Takeshi Konda, O-Kagachi, Mochi, Uyo, Chiyo, Sosuke, Sachi, Myojin of Life's Web, Jugan, Godo, Yuki-Onna, Pearl-Ear, Sharp-Ear, Silk-Eyes

In-game references[]

Represented in:
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Quoted or referred to:


  1. Magic Arcana (September 14, 2004). "A Kamigawa Glossary, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Rei Nakazawa (August 30, 2004). "We Are the Champions, My Friend". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Magic Arcana (August 30, 2004). "Konda and Eiganjo Concept Art". Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Scott McGough. (2004.) Outlaw: Champions of Kamigawa, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 0-7869-3140-X.
  5. Character Profile: Daimyo Konda (archived)
  6. Scott McGough. (2005.) Heretic: Betrayers of Kamigawa, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 0-7869-3575-8.
  7. (2005). Betrayers of Kamigawa Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  8. Magic Arcana (December 08, 2004). "Four Degrees of Konda". Wizards of the Coast.








The Maro


