List of secondary characters/Kamigawa

The following Kamigawan characters are only mentioned in flavor text, or appear as minor characters in the storyline.

Name Title Description Cards Amaya Officer Amaya An Imperial officer who reported on kami sightings in Towashi during the Age of Enlightenment.[1] Ansho Master Ansho An old monk and one of Dosan’s most senior students.[2] Aoha General Aoha General to the First Emperor Aoyama Acting Constable Ayoyama A constable who stayed in the ruins of Eiganjo with Isamaru. Was knocked unconscious when Toshiro Umezawa came to Eiganjo to steal a moth mount.[3] Asuka A Fudaiju monk who helped defend against the kami attack. After Jugan's death, he fought for six years, swapping out every seventh bell. He was eventually killed by the kami Ayumi.[4] Atsuko Shimazaki The head librarian at the Minamo school until her poisoning and replacement by Azami Ozu.[5] Atsumori Fushimi Advisor to Daimyo Konda.[6] Aya The nezumi captain of Forked Tongue’s guards. Killed by Iizuka after taking his son Ken'Ishi captive.[7] Black-Nose A nezumi and former Okiba-Gang shinobi.[8] Blackwhisker A nezumi messenger serving Forked-Tongue.[7] Blade-Tail A kitsune from Sugi Hayashi, one of three brothers who were appointed to escort Michiko Konda to the orochi.[9] Bonetooth A nezumi shogun and leader of the Katsuro gang.[10] Son of Swamp-Eye. Killed by Jace Beleren. Carrion-Breath A guard at the nezumi village of Kitanosu.[11] Chinsen A jushi who taught Sakashima the illusionary arts.[8] Chiyoko Chiyoko, Jukai elder Cloud-Fur A kitsune from Sugi Hayashi who worked as a messenger.[9] Dawn-Tail A kitsune from Sugi Hayashi, one of three brothers who were appointed to escort Michiko Konda to the orochi.[9] Eita Eita, Futurist Agent Emire Emire, director of the Saiba Futurists Director of the Saiba Futurists. Etsumi Urano A student at Minamo with Azami Ozu. Left for dead by Azami after the two stole scrolls from a nezumi settlement.[5] Fleet-Foot The fastest of the Nezumi in Kitanosu Village.[11] Forked-Tongue A well-respected nezumi shaman turned warlord who commanded hundreds of other nezumi and controlled a vast treasure hoard.[11][7] Frost-Tail A kitsune from Sugi Hayashi, one of three brothers who were appointed to escort Michiko Konda to the orochi.[9] Fuan A wizard of the Minamo academy. Together with Hon, she received Pearl-Ear and her escort at Lake Kamitaki.[12] Furuijin The oldest of the village elders in a village wiped out by Kataki in vengeance for a villager killing the kami's prey.[13] Fumika Fumika, Imperial enforcer Gen A student at the Minamo school expelled for stink bombing the Great Library.[14] Grey-Brow The oldest and most respected of the Nezumi.[11] Hamano A Fudaiju monk who helped defend against the kami attack. After Jugan's death, he fought for six years, swapping out every seventh bell. He was eventually killed by the kami Ayumi.[4] Hashimono Kazue An Enlightenment Era scholar at the University of Towashi whose work focused on the history and nature of kami in Towashi.[1] Hayato (HAH-yah-toh)[15] Hayato, Master Sailor A master mariner.[15] Hideaki A veteran soldier serving under Iizuka.[7] Hideaki Minematsu Apprentice to Master Yamazaki.[16] Hideji An apprentice Futurist pilot under Katsumasa.[17] Hiroku Moonfolk. A son of Tamiyo and Genku.[18][19][20] Hirori A small kid who piloted a giant mech. Hisata A man murdered by a Bog Wraith in Takenuma. Hizawa An Imperial officer who reported on kami sightings in Towashi during the Age of Enlightenment.[1] Hojo The samurai captain of a northern fortress infiltrated by Kenshi Sakashima.[8] Hon A wizard of the Minamo academy. Together with Fuan, he received Pearl-Ear and her escort at Lake Kamitaki.[12] Hoto (HOH-toh)[15] Hoto, temple guardian A budoka temple guard.[15] Hu-Hu An akki scavenger who was killed by a shard of the akki patron kami serving Ik-Uk.[21] Ichi Leader of Ben-Ben's akki tribe.[9] Ichikawa The kami of the great river, a source of power and orders for Choryu.[9] Ikko An akki warrior Ik-Uk Ik-Uk the akki An akki scavenger who found a shard of the akki patron kami. After following it to the rest of its body, he was sacrificed to the kami, suffering inside its body for nearly a year and a day before his eventual death.[21] Iron-Claw A young kitsune apprentice of Eight-and-a-Half-Tails. Left Susuki Village to become a samurai and disappeared at a battle in the Sokenzan Mountains, presumed dead. His katana was later recovered by Eight-and-a-Half-Tails.[22] Jade-Claw A former kitsune apprentice of Eight-and-a-Half-Tails. Sister of Iron-Claw.[22] Jiro (JEE-roh)[15] A budoka temple guard.[15] Kagero Master Kagero A master ninja and teacher of shinobi, including Higure, at the Temple of the Black Scroll.[23] Kaito A Fudaiju monk who helped defend against the kami attack. After Jugan's death, he fought for six years, swapping out every seventh bell. He was eventually killed by the kami Ayumi.[4] Kajiya A student at the Minamo school who proclaimed himself a master sage at 17 years old. Summoned Towazo, The Unspeakable, and subsequently lost his mind.[14] Held in the cells under Minamo for observation by Azami until he was rescued by Nozomi during the Hidetsugu attack.[8] The Kami of Exultant Revelry A kami of celebration in Towashi.[24] The Kami of Empty Graves[24] Kaminari (ka-mee-NAR-ee; lit. "lightning")[25] The great kami of thunder and lightning. Kaori Leader of the Kamigawa branch of the Infinite Consortium after the previous two leaders were removed by Tezzeret and tortured to death by a nezumi shogun, respectively.[10] She has some moonfolk ancestry. Kapi-Chapi The sister of Kiki-Jiki. Thrown into a lava flow by her brother.[26] Kataniwa An Imperial officer who reported on kami sightings in Towashi during the Age of Enlightenment.[1] Kaze The horse used by Michiko Konda when she left Eiganjo.[9] Kazuki A Fudaiju monk and member of the Order of the Sacred Bell.[27] When his monastery came under attack, he rang the sacred bell for six years until the kami Ayumi arrived. In return, she killed him and the remaining monks.[27] Keimi A former Minamo student who escaped during Hidetsugu's attack.[8] Keisaku (KAY-sah-koo)[15] One of Kamigawa's finest swordsmiths.[15] Ken'Ichi Iizuka's only son and heir. Taken captive by Aya and killed by his father along with his captor.[7] Keni-Keni Keni-Keni, Akki Smith Kenji Kenji, Sokenzan artisan Kenjiro A wolf pup rescued by Ryo.[28] Kensai Lord Kensai A samurai lord who fell from grace.[7] Kenshin A veteran soldier serving under Iizuka.[7] Kensuke Kensuke, houndmaster Kio A young noblewoman, daughter of and heir to Nitta. Assassinated by Higure.[23] Kiokuri A scholar, scribe, and teacher from a village wiped out by Kataki in vengeance for a villager killing the kami's prey.[13] Ku-Ku Ku-Ku, akki poet Kuromoto An Imperial officer who reported on kami sightings in Towashi during the Age of Enlightenment.[1] Dated fellow officer Tategami. They had bursitis. Makie An apprentice keeper at Minamo.[29] Mariko A student at the Minamo school and grand niece of Seitaro and Shujiro Yamazaki.[16] Maruichi Mr. Maruichi[1] Matsuda Captain Matsuda Captain of the small outpost in Kodaira besieged by Nezumi. Arrested for allowing the citizens of the town to shelter in the outpost.[6] Moon-Hand the Third Former nezumi shogun and leader of the Katsuro gang.[10] Parent of Swamp-Eye, at least the eighth generation of their family to lead the gang. Mori A mysterious kami who aids the Order of Jukai in their anti-technology mission.[30] Motomura A student at the Minamo school.[14] Mud-Tail An older gray nezumi female with silver fur around her mouth who harvests mushrooms.[20] Muro A former ochimusha serving under Kentaro. Killed by an oni.[31] Muzan An ogre who nursed the nezumi shinobi Ink-Eyes back to health and trained her as an apprentice. He was eventually killed by his apprentice to appease their master, the oni Kuro, and then resurrected to serve as Ink-Eyes's apprentice.[32] Nanashi A veteran soldier serving under Iizuka.[7] Naoto A Fudaiju monk who helped defend against the kami attack. After Jugan's death, he fought for six years, swapping out every seventh bell. He was eventually killed by the kami Ayumi.[4] Natsumi An orphan who grew up with Sakashima and the first person he impersonated.[8] Niseno A yamabushi shaman who Kenshi Sakashima disguised himself as.[8] Nitta A samurai merchant of the merchant house of Nitta, longtime allies of the Konda clan and their main supporter in the Kami War.[23] Noboru (NOH-boh-roo)[15] Noboru, Master Kitemaker A kitemaker who lives in Eigan Town.[15] Nozomi A student at the Minamo school whose parents, uncle, and older brother were killed by kami. During Hidetsugu's attack on the school, she helped many students escape, including Keimi and Kajiya, before being killed by the ogre herself.[8] Okabe Captain Okabe One of Konda's military Captains. Helped remove the rubble blocking the chamber of the Daimyo after O-Kagachi attacked the Eiganjo tower and Toshi stole Kyodai.[12] Okazawa Captain Okazawa A captain in Konda’s army. He led the soldiers that defended the Eiganjoan refugees against the akki horde and the Myojin of Infinite Rage.[12] Oku-Doku (OH-koo-DOH-koo)[15] A goblin shaman.[15] One-Eye One of Boss Uramon's hired assassins, who led Toshiro Umezawa to Hidetsugu to confront him, and was brutally murdered by the o-bakemono.[3] Onyx-Eye Onyx-Eye, architect of Eiganjo Paku-Paku The akki elder of Kiki-Jiki's tribe.[26] Rina A student at the Minamo school.[14] Riko Laughing Riko An akki who was said to have aided a fire kami, and was rewarded with great power, becoming a great shaman among the akki.[21] Rokuan Master Rokuan Master of the Fudaiju monks and the Order of the Sacred Bell.[27] If not killed in the ensuing six-year battle, he was presumably killed by the kami Ayumi at its conclusion.[4] Rumiyo Rumi Moonfolk. A daughter of Tamiyo and Genku.[18][20] Rushatsu A guard from a village wiped out by Kataki in vengeance for a villager killing the kami's prey.[13] Ryo A refugee whose parents stayed to learn at Dosan's monastery.[28] Ryota A veteran lieutenant of Iizuka.[7] Saite An orochi.[8] Sakoda A former ochimusha serving under Kentaro.[31] Saku Saku, Futurist technician Saruka A young Fudaiju budoka who helped defend against the kami attack. After Jugan's death, he fought for at least 6 years, swapping out every seventh bell. He was eventually killed by the kami Ayumi.[4] Sasabuchi An Imperial officer who reported on kami sightings in Towashi during the Age of Enlightenment.[1] Senka An Orochi female who left the colony of her birth to found a new colony as a broodmistress. Shin Shin, Towashi street performer Shiro A hikyaku (courier) stationed in an outpost in Kodaira. Killed by a nezumi.[6] Shiori A human woman and futurist hacker. Snow-Fur Snow-Fur, Kitsune Poet A kitsune poet and author of Leaves of Kamigawa.[23] Sonokura A human warrior serving as an ochimusha mercenary at the nezumi village of Kitanosu. Sacrificed to Horobi, the kami of death's wail.[11] Sonzaki General Sonzaki[5] Split-Tail Old Split-Tail A nezumi known for stealing a bundle of scrolls from the Minamo School four generations before the Kami War, which spawned the first generation of nezumi shamans. Sugihara A Hand of Honor.[33] Suroshian A village elder from a village wiped out by Kataki in vengeance for a villager killing the kami's prey.[13] Swamp-Eye Former nezumi shogun and leader of the Katsuro gang.[10] Daughter of Moon-Hand the Third and mother of Bonetooth. Takada Takada, last of the rearguard Taimanto Old Taimanto A villager from a village wiped out by Kataki in vengeance for another villager killing the kami's prey.[13] Takumi Takumi, Reckoner enforcer An ogre member of the Reckoners compleated during New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse. Tanae An Imperial officer who reported on kami sightings in Towashi during the Age of Enlightenment.[1] Tategami Intercessor Tategami An Imperial officer who reported on kami sightings in Towashi during the Age of Enlightenment.[1] Dated fellow officer Kuromoto. Tender-Hand Tender-Hand, Kitsune Healer Kitsune Toru An apprentice keeper at Minamo.[29] Toshusai An ochimusha banished by his daimyo to wander Takenuma Swamp. Wandered for two years before joining Kentaro, hoping to redeem his honor by killing an oni.[31] Touma An ogre. Uchida One of Boss Uramon's hatchet men, who joined Kiku traveling to the Heart of Frost hunting Toshiro Umezawa. Killed by the Yuki-Onna.[12] Umeyo Ume Moonfolk. A niece of Tamiyo.[18] White-Whisker A guard at the nezumi village of Kitanosu.[11] Yamazaki Master Yamazaki Father of Seitaro and Shujiro Yamazaki, killed by his sons while channeling his soul into a guardian of his village.[16] Yoshino Lady Yoshino Favorite concubine of Lord Konda and mother to princess Michiko.” She either died in childbirth[34] or was one of the first to be killed in the Kami War when her caravan was attacked en route to a kitsune healer.[9][3] Yoshinobu A former ochimusha serving under Kentaro. Killed by an oni.[31] Yui Yui, Imperial intercessor An Imperial. Yumi A Fudaiju monk who helped defend against the kami attack. After Jugan's death, she fought for six years before being killed by a horde of kumo. He was eventually killed by the kami Ayumi.[4]