List of secondary characters/Ravnica

The following Ravnican characters are only mentioned in flavor text, or appear as minor characters in the storyline.

Name Title Guild Description Cards A Dr. A A member of the Foundway Associates. Assassin's Trophy (Murders at Karlov Manor) Adreya Selesnya A dear Selesnya friend of Commander Yaszen of the Boros Legion.[1] Agmand Sarv Agmand Sarv, Azorius hussar
Hussar Commander Sarvis
Azorius The capital of the Lyev Column, the Azorius Senate's law enforcement branch. Despite the fact that he has never been in combat, he has earned a reputation as a brilliant military strategist.[2] He was replaced by Dovin Baan. Agosto Agosto, Azorius imperator Azorius Akamal Cray Gruul A Gruul warrior, who followed Domri Rade's leadership.[3][4] Aklechin Selesnya A member of the Ledev Guardians[5] Alcarus Alcarus, Selesnya archer Selesnya An elven high priest and teacher at the Kasarna Training Grounds, whose family was killed in a Rakdos "thrill-kill" spree.[1] Member of the Selesnya high council during Return to Ravnica block.[6] Alena A girl whose dog was likely eaten by Kuba as revenge for bothering Ruslan.[7] Algrom A member of the Foundway Associates. Torch the Witness Alovnek Alovnek, Boros guildmage Boros Alst A member of the Foundway Associates. They Went This Way Alvis A person of interest. Andalum Andrik Seaman Andrik The last survivor, as a spirit, of the pirate ship Heckless that raided the Simic 80 years before the War of the Spark.[8] Anksa Lieutenant Anksa Boros Human commander of the former Boros Theater of Integrity.[9] A female Wojek — the youngest ever to reach her rank. Now commander of the Wojek League.[1] Anne Hannover A mother in Tovrna who owed money to Nicol Bolas in his persona of Master Venati.[10] Anza Boros A legionnaire who was part of the Battle of the Ninth.[11] Aradoz Wageboss Aradoz Orzhov A half-demon hired by Teysa Karlov to build her a mansion in Utvara.[12] Argyle Argyle, Agency junior detective A junior member of the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations. Ari Shokta Gruul Araithia Shokta's mother. A Gruul warrior.[13] Arin Arin, Selesnya healer Selesnya Armin Morov Pontiff Morov Orzhov A human that is part of the Orzhov Triumvirate, and the acting head of the church. He is the patriarch of the Morov oligarchs. Very old with graying skin and absolutely no hair.[4] Aun Yom Gruul A Gruul clanleader who was killed and possessed by an Orzhov Taj assassin.[12] Azdomas Golgari A kraul Krunstraz warrior from the Golgari Swarm. Leading the kraul after Mazirek's death.[13] Aszala Aszala of House Dimir Dimir Avult A member of the Foundway Associates. Azka Judge Azka Azorius An Azorius judge killed by Vraska's cultists, possibly Javy, as part of her revenge against the guild.[14] His heart was removed and sent to the victims he denied justice.[15] Bart A Goblin regular at the Titan's Keg Tavern in Merrytown. Brother of Ruk and Yeep. Burned to death in the Tavern.[16] Barvisa Barvisa, courtroom scribe Azorius Bazda A twelve-year-old orphan girl whose parents died in the destruction of the Basilica of the Opportune.[17] Bea Great Aunt Bea Dimir A Dimir spy placed in Merret's household by Lazav to watch over his special baby boy.[18] Belko Belko, owner of Titan's Keg tavern Owner and bartender of the Titan's Keg Tavern in Merrytown. Burned to death in the Tavern.[16] Bell Migellic Bell Migellic, Azorius hussar Azorius Becham Master Chemister Becham A name used by Tamsyn Sweene to recruit test volunteers.[19] Bender A worker at the docks, employed by Grimbly Wothis. Mentioned as being unavailable.[18] Benitov Gracca Orzhov A bearded human and member of an Orzhov great family that served the guild for thousands of years. His father, Orsov, pledged service to Karlov in return for financial support.[20] Benzi Golgari A fungus drudge serving Bozak.[21] Berta Suszat Berta Suszat, civic healer Blaise Madame Blaise Orzhov Chief servitor of Orzhova.[4] Sometimes impersonated by Lazav.[22] Blovinac A citizen caught with a murder weapon. Bogo Sternwhistle Izzet The famous Izzet Goblin inventor of the rockapult, which became the Nivix elevator.[23] Bogumil Bem Wojek Scribe-Sergeant Bogumil Bem[24] Boros Bolkru A Lord of the Void.[25] Bombop Gruul An Ogre Gruul warrior, who rejected Domri Rade's leadership.[3] Killed by the Dreadhorde. Bonmod Bonmod, caravan rear guard Brazer Boros A male human Boros informant poisoned by a Boros minotaur guard under orders of Sergeant Skormak in order to hide his treason. Negotiated the release of Baas.[26] Brev Grezar Brev Grezar, Boros lieutenant Boros Brevia Childhood friend of Hekara who died while spending three weeks under the floorboards of the Flaming Whips during a game of hide-and-go-seek.[10] Brimini Orzhov A member of an Orzhov great family.[20] Briska Briska, Ninth District freemage Guildless Brutus Rakdos The Rakdos leader of “Brutus’s Improvised Comedy Fun-Time Show,” who killed Mazirek on Hekara and Vraska's orders.[27] Busa A market vendor and one of Tanek's friendly contacts.[28] Calomir Captain Calomir Selesnya The paramour of Emmara Tandris. Impersonated by Lazav. Caz Selesnya A formerly gateless Selesnyan initiate.[29] Cevraya Cevraya, Golgari shaman Golgari A leading Devkarin Elf in the Golgari Swarm.[13] Passed over as matka by Izoni.[22] Chagrach Chagrach, Rakdos cursemage
Chagrach, Rakdos keggermage[30]
Rakdos A Rakdos wizard. Chessa Simic A smart, young merfolk and a Simic protector.[8] Cica Cica, Skyjek scout Boros Czaric Czaric, Orzhov prelate Orzhov Daeska Solvar Gruul A Gruul Cyclops raider.[31][26] Dahlya Trul Writer of the Irbitov Lament Daiva Daiva, Gruul storyteller Gruul Danika Selesnya A former Azorius arrester who became a Selesnyan initiate after the Udzec riot.[29] Darijo Darijo, Ivy Street ruffian Dasha Dasha, Orzhov Priest Orzhov Dax Foley Master Dax Izzet A high-level Izzet chemister specializing in arcane metallurgy and practical alchemy.[19] Daxiver Daxiver, Izzet electromancer Izzet Devesh Devesh, Golgari shaman Golgari Devin Sidian Second Lieutenant Devin Sidian Boros A Boros officer poisoned with zombie fungus by their subordinate, Sergeant Skormak.[26] Dhuuz Dhuuz, kronch wrangler Dibor Golgari An assassin and member of Vraska's cult sent by the gorgon to monitor her meeting with Jace Beleren.[32] Dimas Simic A young merfolk and a Simic protector.[8] Dravash Dravash, dowsing shaman Gruul Dravin Dravin, Gruul deserter
Dravin, free citizen of Ravnica[33]
Gruul Former member of the Gruul Clans who deserted after witnessing the might of a Blazing Archon. Drovo An acquaintance of Bosco, who tricked him into entering the tomb of a Crypt Ghast and becoming its victim. [34] Dryzek Gruul A legendary Ghor Clan Giant, recently let go from the Udzec prison. Loyal to Ruric Thar. In his 830s during the War of the Spark, though he didn't discover his rage until age 106.[31] Dvika A member of the Foundway Associates. Out Cold Ecaban Ecaban, Boros scout Boros Eksari Eksari, Boros patrol leader Boros Ellin Golgari A kraul and the best flyer of Mother's brood.[21] Embrel Skormak Sergeant Skormak Boros A male Boros flamekin in charge of Sunhome Annex Four. Had his superiors Second Lieutenant Sidian, and Guildmage Atalay poisoned with zombie fungus to rise out of the annex, but was caught by Wojek Weslyn.[26] Enezesku Patriarch Enezesku Orzhov A member of the Obzedat before they were killed by Kaya. He joined the council on 25 Paujal 9103 ZC, and presumably died shortly beforehand.[12] Erika A member of Tanek's thieving circle.[28] Erno Zslod Izzet A legendary chemister who invented the hypermana focusing lens, able to create teleportals to other parts of Ravnica [35] Esfir Esfir, Rakdos dragon wrangler Rakdos Eshton Owner of Eshton's Tavern, a bar.[36] Assassinated by Tezzeret. Esperanza Morov Orzhov A member of the influential Morov family. Great-aunt of Armin Morov, and therefore probably a ghost.[22] Evern Capobar A master thief who is contracted by Momir Vig for an exorbitant amount of money to use his retrieval service.[37] Ran a semi-legitimate thievery business named Capobar and Associates out of 15017 Funnel Street, Midtown, Center of Ravnica. Evkara Belott Author of The Happy Little Dromad, published by the Matka Children's Press in 7290 Z.C.[37] Ezoc Ezoc, Golgari rot farmer Golgari Fadka A full-time seamstress and part-time healer. She was friends with Dack Fayden, but didn't like that he stole artifacts for a living.[38] Fania Simic A young merfolk and a Simic protector.[8] Fautomni Patriarch Fautomni Orzhov A member of the Obzedat before they were killed by Kaya. He was on the council by 4211 ZC.[12] Feather and Fire Sisters
Flame Sisters
Boros A pair of Boros angels stationed in Sunhome to protect various magical relics. Stopped Dack Fayden from looting a particularly powerful weapon, although the thief was able to take a magical Therosian gauntlet before planeswalking away.[39] Forgio Orzhov A member of an Orzhov great family.[20] Fredon Izzet An Izzet engineer on the Interplanar Beacon.[40] Frexus Chemister Frexus Izzet An Izzet chemister whose contructs helped construct the Interplanar Beacon.[20] Garg Boros A Boros goblin. Gariel A friend of Jace Beleren's during the time his mind was swapped with Kallist Rhoka's.[36] Garo Glademaster Garo Selesnya Elven glademaster of the Selesnya Conclave. Possessed by Nicol Bolas, and killed by Ral Zarek.[41] Garulsz An ogre bartender at the Backwater.[42][12] Gats Tin Street street urchin.[43] Gaven A warehouse owner whose building was infested with zombie rats. Gebris Azorius A notoriously cruel novice guard at the Azorius Detention Compound.[44] Gemreth A diabolist and member of Ravnica's branch of the Infinite Consortium.[36] He has an imp companion named Ignixnax. He was killed by a drake summoned by Jace Beleren. Ghut Rak Ghut Rak, Gruul guildmage Gruul Ginoria Rakdos Part of Rinni's triple act, who died with him in their final act.[45] Gloomplug Chemister Gloomplug Izzet Inventor of Chemister Gloomplug's Intelligent Auto-Filing System Mark IV, which later became Chemister Gloomplug's Patent Shredder/Incinerator Mark V.[46] Glogus Glogus, Golgari leechbreeder Golgari A Golgari leechbreeder. Glovax An octopus fish Gna Gna, Gruul Shaman Gruul Golbet Frezzle Izzet The Izzet Goblin inventor of the Cloud-Lifter, a quadrotor-style skyship originally designed for pureeing cattle. Grangle An unusual goblin who sat for hours deep in thought. He was largely ignored by his fellow goblins. Grazda Grazda, veteran armorer Grozdan Commander Grozdan Boros Aggressive minotaur commander of the Boros Kamen Fortress.[1][9] Grozgrox Master Chemister Grozgrox Izzet A Viashino mage with a talent for shaping Mizzium.[2] Grupgrup Grupgrup, sluiceway technician Gulistan Gulistan, Simic biomancer Simic Gullifen Izzet An Izzet Goblin woman and one of Ral Zarek’s chief engineers who died during the activation of the Interplanar Beacon after Dovin Baan sabotaged their efforts.[40] Gunther Son of the count who employed Ral Zarek in his youth.[47] Gurras Gurras, Golgari rot farmer Golgari Gusztav Saint Gusztav Orzhov An Orzhov saint. Halok Azorius A Senate official that Jek asked his sister Lavinia to give the Dimir key the had found as evidence.[48] Harta Orzhov A member of an Orzhov great family.[20] Haszin Dycar A terrible citizen killed by Vraska and positioned to spell Jace's name as a message to him. She was chosen for the resemblance between her name and the plane of Zendikar (plane)'s.[32][49] Hellas Vitria Dimir A Dimir lieutenant of Lazav. Killed and mutilated by him for betrayal.[50] Hendrik Azmerak Hennie, Big Hen, B.H., Benny Two-Clocks
Grand Arbiter Azmerak
Izzet An Izzet rogue.[51] Grand Arbiter pro tem of the Thinktank Enclave. Heruj Heruj, Selesnya initiate
Heruj, Selesyna hierophant
Selesnya Hilgur Hilgur, Orzhov euthanist Orzhov Holjo Senior Inspector Holjo Ignixnax Four-winged imp companion of Gemreth.[36] Ilromov Ilromov, traveling storyteller Guildless Imel A member of the Foundway Associates. Offender at Large Imrich A Tin Street Market vendor who sold Bartek the pewter ornament he would give to Andra.[52] Ireena An elf woman and member of Ravnica's branch of the Infinite Consortium.[36] She has tan skin, uses smoke magic, and wears a blood red gown. She was later mindwiped. Isley Co-author of the Warwitt-Isley principle of microfractural gains and allowances, which regulates electricity.[19] Iveta Iveta, rooftop runner May also be the same person as the owner of Iveta's Tavern. [53] Ivo A member of Tanek's thieving circle.[28] Ivos Koba Ivos Koba, indrik handler Ivrelya Ivrelya, Dimir spymaster Dimir J'dashe Orzhov An undead Orzhov pontiff who funded Dack Fayden's heists. Self-proclaimed Greatest Fence in the Multiverse.[54] Jahdeera Gruul A Viashino Gruul warrior, who followed Domri Rade's leadership.[3][4] Twin to Sheeza. Killed in the War.[22] Jaharg Gruul A Gruul Ogre of the Bolrac Clan. Jalan Tosk Jalan Tosk, Simic forcemage Simic Janik Bara Janik Bara, Wojek captain Boros Janin Mooney
Master Chemister Janin
Izzet A lithe human Izzet rogue, raised by Vedalken.[51] Janoc Janoc, Tin Street tinker Jarek Fleshmage Jarek Orzhov An Orzhov fleshmage.[29] Jazek Boros A corporal in Dars Gostok's Firefist team, who was part of the Battle of the Ninth.[11] Johvann III Azorius A judge and arbiter, whose court ruling sent Oana Vitellius I into desperation.[55] Jonik Baker in the neighborhood of Merrytown.[16] Josuri Josuri Jozica Jozica, Orzhov enforcer Orzhov An enforcer who witnessed Bosco's early rise in the ranks of the Orzhov. [34] Juzba Juzba, Izzet tinker Izzet Kadin A name used by Terrik to fake a signature. [17] Kahti A female human child and street urchin.[26] Kallist Rhoka A blademaster and a friend of Jace Beleren in the Infinite Consortium.[36] Killed by Semner. Karlov Uncle Karlov Orzhov A member of the Karlov family; not to be confused with Grandfather Karlov. As he slept with his brother's wife, he was therefore a direct ancestor of his "niece" Teysa Karlov. Teysa inherited the Utvara district from him and became baroness once he passed away and joined the Ghost Council.[12] Karol Elocutor Karol of the Sova Column[56] Azorius Kaszira Simic A young merfolk biomancer and niece of Zegana. She studies at the zonots to find a way to protect the deep waters against the krasis.[8] Kata Golgari A female gorgon mycologist killed by Bozak.[21] Kavin A vedalken who assisted Jace Beleren in studying the Implicit Maze.[32]. He was turned into a vampire by Mirko Vosk and was later killed by Lazav. [57] Kavrova Firemane Kavrova Boros Kella Daughter of Leona.[54] Kellim Selesnya A male Selesnyan architect.[17] Kel'teth Golgari A laid-back Golgari troll, living in the Undercity.[19] Kirce Kirce, Axebane guardian Kitov Kitov, nightguard patrol Klattic Klattic, Boros legionnaire Boros A Boros legionnaire known for his quotes.[26] Knight of Despair Orzhov A hollow-cheeked soldier in the Orzhov military.[58] Kobrev Golgari An assassin and member of Vraska's cult sent by the gorgon to monitor her meeting with Jace Beleren.[32] Korun Nar Korun Nar, Rubblebelt hunter Gruul Kramm Kramm, Wojek security officer Boros Kreat General Kreat, the Boltbringer A female Boros goblin general who carries an electrified sword. Kroshkar Kroshkar, Gruul shaman Gruul Krumnen Owner of a speakeasy at the end of an alley, close to the Cathedral Opulent.[3] Kruno Kruno, Agency clerk Guildless A clerk for the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations Ktank Ktank, Gruul plowmaster Gruul Kuurik Golgari A kraul mycologist of Mother's brood.[21] Kyteringa Golgari A young Devkarin girl saved by Yanling and Vraska, who has grown fond of the queen.[22] Lakkie Gruul One of Domri Rade's best friends before his spark ignited.[59] Lalia Lalia, Selesnya dryad Selesnya Lapt Mr. Lapt Two of his family members were among the four killed when the eighteenth floor of his tenement collapsed. He sought compensation from the Azorius Senate, but was met with inaction by Arbiter Relov.[44] Larchbottom Mr. Larchbottom A dumpling purveyor who schemed to keep competition out of Oxblood Alley. Larysa Likely Orzhov A servant at Karlov Manor.[60] Laszlo Simic A young merfolk and a Simic protector.[8] Lazlo Morov Orzhov A member of the influential Morov family. Cousin of Armin Morov.[22] Left and Right Hands of the Ochran Golgari A pair of Golgari elf assassins. Leland Leland, tax collector Leona Mother of Kella.[54] Libuse Libuse, Boros sergeant Boros Lilyeyama Tylver Selesnya A member of the Ledev Guardians[5] Limin Golgari A male kraul mycologist killed by Zegodonis.[21] Linghu A member of the Foundway Associates. Linna Stradek A terrible citizen killed by Vraska and positioned to spell Jace's name as a message to him. She was chosen for the resemblance between her name and the plane of Innistrad's.[32][49] Pytr Liosh Captain Liosh Azorius A young Azorius human man and captain at New Prahv.[47] Lodusz Lodusz, captain of the watch Lotleth Troll Golgari A Golgari troll who graduated from eating corpses to corpse-haulers to Ravnican citizens. Stalks the canal district and is currently the Azorius Senate's eighth most wanted criminal for practicing non-ritualistic cannibalism.[14] Lucinka Azorius A former Azorius precognitive mage, sympathetic to the Cult of Rakdos. Now operates out of a hovel named Scry Me a River.[61] Lucy A good dog. Luda A little girl mistakenly killed by Myczil Zunich, later revealed to have been a lupul.[42] Ludy Magistrate Ludy Lunicia Rakdos Girl who was inspired by Rinni's Showstopper to become the greatest act in a Rakdos ring.[45] Lusaht A pair of twin heirs to a powerful family. Malacha Gruul A ragged Gruul druid who guards the Cairn of Year's March, awaiting some event that he won't reveal.[1] Mandor Mandor, Selesnya ranger Selesnya Maree Chamberlain Maree Izzet An Izzet Goblin woman and chamberlain of Nivix.[23] Second-in-command to Ral Zarek and leader of the Izzet League mech-mages.[3] Marik[54] Mareena The first girl that Liric ever kissed.[62] Maritta A citizen of Ravnica and mother of two children, whose house was beset by Rakdos during the Slaughter Games.[63] Mathvan Mathvan, Prahv scrollwarden Azorius Matty Tin Street street urchin.[43] Mauriel Pellam A messenger for Nicol Bolas.[36] Maytov A cunning thief considered by some to be the plane's best. Rival and opponent of Dack Fayden.[64] Merle A citizen with a motive for murder. Merree Cryptwitch Merree Rakdos A Rakdos Cultist who had a spat with Rakdos and disappeared. Her 'playthings' still linger, however. Merret's baby son A baby that has shown to possess strong wizardry skills and teleporting abilities.[18] Under the protection of Lazav. Mezim Magrah Mezim Magrah, civic healer Micas Vay Izmagnus Micas Vay Izzet The Izmagus of the High Council of the Izzet. Ordered Bori Andon to solve the riddle of the seven bells.[65] Migen A member of Tanek's thieving circle.[28] Mihas Mihas, spore druid Golgari Miko Simic A brave, but dense, young merfolk.[8] Milada Golgari An assassin and member of Vraska's cult sent by the gorgon to monitor her meeting with Jace Beleren.[32] Milana Milana, Orzhov prelate Orzhov Mindosz Magelord Mindosz the Heretic Izzet Immolated by Niv-Mizzet on 8 Xivaskir 3203 Z.C. Minosz Minosz, Orzhov chief of security Orzhov Minyuli Rakdos A circus act and part of Rinni's ring.[45] Miotri Miotri, auratouched mage Mirela Mirela, Azorius hussar Azorius Moktar Uvrak A Viashino killed by Gruul Raiders.[66] Molander Molander, Archdruid of the Conclave[67] Selesnya An elven high priest and member of the Selesnya high council during Return to Ravnica block.[6] Monax A viashino criminal. Montagon Trevis Possibly loxodon author of the stage play I, Loxodon in 6037 Z.C.[37] Mote Mote, Rakdos madcap Rakdos Mother A giant beetle who had kraul eggs deposited inside her, and whose carapace the brood now lives inside.[21] Mukoz Muck Founder of the Publicans' Union and author of The Care and Feeding of Patrons.[12] Murgul Gruul A clan warrior who encountered Domri Rade after his first planeswalk.[68] Myc Zunich Son of Jarad, Devkarin Guildmaster of the Golgari, and the half-elf Wojek Fonn.[37] Myznar Myznar, Izzet psychomancer Izzet Nak Nak the Ripper Hired muscle for a loan shark in Tovrna.[10] Narbulg Narbulg Nine Fingers Gruul A corpulent Giant, leader of the Gruul Scab Clan. Nasri Gruul A clan warrior who encountered Domri Rade after his first planeswalk.[68] Navona Navona, Simic field tester Simic Nedja Nedja, Gruul shaman Gruul Neero Jax Watch Captain Neero Jak Izzet An innocuous Izzet vedalken who was a fan of the comic opera. Manipulated by Nicol Bolas to shut off the wards of Nivix.[23] Nefara Nefara, Dimir agent Dimir Nelo Nelo, Agency coroner A coroner working for the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations. Nevena Firemane Nevena Boros A Boros angel who led a successful assault on a group of guildless rebels. After being chastised by Aurelia, she has distanced herself from the Boros Legion's leadership. She independently pursues her own vision of justice and punishment.[2] Nico An acquaintance of Bartek's who warned him of the dangers of dealing with Andra.[52] Nikori Rakdos Part of Rinni's triple act, who died with him in their final act.[45] Nila Grevik The wife of Barrin Grevik.[69] Niszka Niszka, Selesnya evangel Selesnya A Selesnya evangel, their quotes are sometimes confused with those of Vaszka. Noz Izzet An Izzet engineer on the Interplanar Beacon.[40] Nyoser Nyoser, Gore-House ringleader Rakdos Manager of the Gore House in the Sixth Precinct. Ol' Doc A doctor in the Thinktank Enclave.[51] Olana Olana, Simic field researcher Simic A Simic field researcher. Repulsive Mutation Olgaia Orzhov An Orzhov laundry woman whose debt was forgiven by Kaya. Grandmother of Svet.[58] Olrich Olrich, Rakdos club owner Rakdos A devil and club owner, and a friend of the demon Kodolaag. Over 3000 years old, he is 300 years older than Kodo.[61] Omik Omik, superintendent of waterworks Orik Troll bouncer of the Titan's Keg Tavern in Merrytown. Burned to death in the Tavern before being reanimated by Uzric and exploding, burning down nearly a third of the neighborhood.[16] Orsov Gracca Orzhov A member of an Orzhov great family that served the guild for thousands of years. Father of Benitov. Pledged service to Karlov in return for financial support.[20] Orval Selesnya A member of the Ledev Guardians[5] Otak Otak, Tin Street shopkeep Otho Vitellius II Azorius A legendary arbiter and judge whose memories were given to his granddaughter Oana Vitellius I after his death.[55] Otiev Azorius Paldor A human man and jovial but ruthless leader of Ravnica's branch of the Infinite Consortium.[36] A short, squat, overweight man with unkempt hair and a dark black beard. He was later mindwiped. Pazapatru Orzhov A golem in the shape of a solifuge.[12] Pelener Pelener, chamberlain of Niv-Mizzet Izzet Niv-Mizzet's chamberlain, who relayed Madarrak the mission of discovering Erno Zslod and his focusing lens. [35] Pesha Pesha, retired blacksmith Petri Azorius An arrester and Lyev soldier, who was part of the court ruling that sent Oana Vitellius I into desperation.[55] Piggy Zombie regular at the Titan's Keg Tavern in Merrytown. Beheaded by a group of elves and later burned to death in the Tavern.[16] Poke Rakdos A Rakdos devil. Polgar Arrester Polgar Azorius Predak Predak, Gateless freemage Guildless Prod Rakdos A Rakdos devil. Promise Gideon's Promise The pegasus that Gideon Jura rode into battle against Nicol Bolas.[70] Killed by Oketra's arrow. Quyzl Quyzl, chronarch prodigy Izzet An Izzet mage studying to be a chronarch.[71] Radula Radula, Simic biomancer Simic A simic biomancer. Razi Golgari A female kraul and the best singer of Mother's brood.[21] Rembic Wezescu Playwright of The Amusing Punishment of Mubb the Hapless and Mubb the Hapless Attends a Feast.[12] Rencz Rencz, Izzet chemister's aide Izzet Resimir Resimir, Zarichi Temple priest Rogad Rogad, Selesnya initiate Selesnya Rook Atalay Guildmage Rook Atalay Boros A Boros guildmage poisoned with zombie fungus by their subordinate, Sergeant Skormak.[26] Ruba Ruba, Rakdos cultist Rakdos Rugar Rugar, Leaguehall Infirmary patient Ruk Goblin regular at the Titan's Keg Tavern in Merrytown. Brother of Yeep and Bart. Burned to death in the Tavern.[16] Rulan A banker with a tidily-trimmed beard.[36] Assassinated by Tezzeret. Runubi A member of the Foundway Associates. Suspicious Detonation Ruslan A boy whose mother bought Kuba for him at the Tin Street Market. [7] Sabast Gruul A shaman in charge of the coming-of-age ceremony of the Gruul, known as the Burying.[59] Saganderis Simic A young merfolk and a Simic protector.[8] Sal Big Sal Hired muscle for a loan shark in Tovrna.[10] Savaryn Selesnya A male Selesnyan loxodon warrior.[17] Scrump A drinking buddy of Barrin Grevik.[69] Semner Leader of a group of bounty hunters who kill Kallist Rhoka.[36] Sergiu Sergiu, Opal Lake magistrate Azorius Sevrien A vedalken warrior and member of Ravnica's branch of the Infinite Consortium.[36] Later mindwiped. Sirislav Sirislav, Dimir spy Dimir Shann Dilara A terrible citizen killed by Vraska and positioned to spell Jace's name as a message to him. She was chosen for the resemblance between her name and the plane of Shandalar's.[32][49] Shauntal Shauntal, Boros legionnaire Boros Sheeza Gruul A Viashino Gruul warrior, who followed Domri Rade's leadership.[3][4] Twin to Jadheera. Shonya Bayle Shonya Bayle, the Balladrix of Tin Street A balladrix and performer or author of Face of an Angel.[37] Silar Orzhov A priest of the Syndicate who greatly enjoyed coming to Rinni's Rakdos ring.[45] Singe Singe, Goblin Chemister of the Izzet[72] Izzet Skorik Skorik Boulder Tooth Gruul The goblin leader of the Gruul Gravel Hide Clan. He adorns himself with the shattered remnants of weapons that he has rent to bits with his own jaws.[2] Skotov Skotov, Tin Street basket vendor Skreeg Izzet Izzet Goblin attendant of Ral Zarek. Skrygix A goblin student of Liric's who gave him a drawing on his last day.[62] Skurad A member of the Foundway Associates. Slavomir Zoltan Tithe-Master Zoltan
Orzhov A vampire that is part of the Orzhov Triumvirate, and controls the finances of the guild. He is dangerously handsome with dark-auburn hair, green eyes and a fetching smile.[4][22] Slubnik Orzhov Teysa Karlov's thrull servant [73] Sobeslav Golgari Elven assistant to Guildmaster Jarad of the Golgari. Killed by the Kraul Mazirek.[74] Soche Merret and Tashi's oldest child, a girl who is energetic and playful.[18] Somhaur Somhaur, Orzhov pontiff Orzhov Stanisil Simic A biomancer who wrote a report about the experiment on the creature Kuba.[7] Strava Strava, Dimir mage Dimir Stroko Rakdos A goblin ringleader, whose ring Darux was a member of before their falling out. [63] Svania Trul Svania Trul, wayfinder novice Svar Svar, Boros signaler Boros Svet Orzhov An Orzhov child. Grandson of Olgaia.[58] Taboro A member of the Foundway Associates. Tagan Azorius An Azorius Sphinx lawmage. Mentor of Reza.[51] Tajini Matka Tajini Golgari A former ruler of the Devkarin elves and one of the authors of the Matka Scrolls.[42] Lived from 331-612 Z.C. Tam Sennic Tam Sennic, Ezrim’s second-in-command Second-in-command of the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations. Tamina Tamina, district guide Tashi Merret's wife, who is struggling to make ends meet and cares for their children, the girl Soche and a younger unnamed son.[18] Thados Arquef Thados Arquef, Guardian Project biomancer Simic Tharashk Tharashk the Bold Thare A member of the Foundway Associates. Undergrowth Recon Theofolz Theofolz, Ravnican terraformer[33] Thorpe Thorpe, street urchin Trigori Trigori, Azorius senator Azorius Trivaz[71] Trivaz, Izzet mage Izzet Troslon Selesnya The Selesnya high priest who oversees the Ivory Oaks, a rugged albino loxodon. A rebellious cleric who puts the natural world before the desires of his guild.[75] Member of the Selesnya high council during Return to Ravnica block.[6] Tuudgrit Arrested for signing a guest ledger with his own pen, in violation of "Processes and Procedures, Implements and Accoutrements Of," Vol. III.[76] Ubea Ubea, Orzhov ministrant Orzhov Udol A member of the Foundway Associates. Gearbane Orangutan Ukl Ukl, Gruul raider Gruul Known for his last words. Urgdar Urgdar, cyclops philosopher Gruul Uthlon Uthlon the Wise Azorius A sphinx who scandalized his society, hooting the answers to riddles as he rampaged through Tin Street. Uvulung Simic Frog aberration bodyguard protecting Nebun.[37] Uzana Arbiter Uzana Azorius A vedalken lawmage and leader of the Jelenn Column (the legislature) of the Azorius Senate. She is renowned for possessing nearly perfect memory and has memorized every statute of Azorius law. Much of her speech is quotations from those statutes.[2] Uzric Uzric, Rakdos guildmage Rakdos Regular at the Titan's Keg Tavern in Merrytown. Created a flesh cloak from a group of elves and zombified Orik, rigging him to burn down the neighborhood, before himself burning to death in the same Tavern.[16] Vaclav Nosek A fence, and an unreliable companion of Dack Fayden.[38] In a fight, he was killed by Sifa Grent after stabbing her in the back, just before Fayden was able to finish her off.[77] Valko The efficient, ratlike little man who works as the maître d' at Milena's, one of the finest restaurants in the Second District. Jace and Liliana were set to dine there together, but they were interrupted by Gideon's arrival and recruitment of Jace to fight Eldrazi on Zendikar.[78] Varo A mage and hired muscle of Gunther.[47] Vasil Selesnya A formerly gateless Selesnyan initiate.[29] Vatek Patrolman Vatek Boros Wojek patrolman killed in an explosion in Merrytown created by Uzric, a Rakdos guildmage.[16] Velika Matka Velika Golgari A former ruler of the Devkarin elves and one of the authors of the Matka Scrolls.[42] Lived from 8403-8674 Z.C. Vell Hussar Captain Vell Azorius An Azorius hussar. Second in command to Dovin Baan.[79] Vennick Vennick of the Gateless Guildless Veszka Veszka, Selesnya evangel Selesnya A Selesnya evangel, their quotes are sometimes confused with those of Niszka. Vildika Rakdos A member of Darux's ring, she used to be part of Massacre Girl's troupe before their falling out. [63] Villiers Lord Villiers A noble in Tovrna.[10] Voka Schlak Voka Schlak, Mauzam Asylum inmate Vuliev Vuliev of the Ghost Council Orzhov A member of the Obzedat before they were killed by Kaya.[2] Warrik A human born to an Anasis Plaza ironmonger around 9945 Z.C., experimented on with cytoplasts by the Simic Combine. Eventually became a cytoplast himself.[43] Warwick A dockhand working under Grimbly Wothis, mentioned as being unavailable.[18] Warwitt Co-author of the Warwitt-Isley principle of microfractural gains and allowances, which regulates electricity.[19] Whip Gruul One of Domri Rade's best friends before his spark ignited.[59] Whipsaw Rakdos Hekara's favorite hellhound.[80] Wilmer Ordinescu Boros Former Wojek Commander-General of Agrus Kos.[81] Wratislav Golgari The current leader of the Golgari Lotleth, a skilled but conceited human necromancer. Enjoys parading his undead retinue through the streets of Ravnica.[82] Wyoryn’vili Boros A Boros viashino and the only viashino commander-general to date.[42] He fell defending the Centerfort in a Rakdos rebellion in 6342 Z.C. Xalmarias A large centaur and member of Ravnica's branch of the Infinite Consortium.[36] He wore a green vest with gold and silver buttons. Killed by Kallist Rhoka. Xil Xaxosz Patriarch Xil Xaxosz Orzhov A member of the Obzedat before they were killed by Kaya. Lived 3882-4211 ZC, and ascended to the council that same year.[12] Yantis A viashino crane driver with sticky fingers who worked under Grimbly Wothis.[18] Yaszen Commander Yaszen of Boros
Commander Yaszen, Horizon Academy
Boros A Boros skyknight who ascended through the ranks based on bravery and strategic thinking. Now superintendent of the Horizon Military Academy, and commander of its garrison.[1][24][83] Yeep Goblin regular at the Titan's Keg Tavern in Merrytown. Brother of Ruk and Bart. Killed a group of elves before burning to death in the Tavern.[16] Yolov Yolov, Simic bioengineer Simic Yrbog Vink Wojek Sergeant Yrbog Vink Boros A Wojek Sergeant who lived from 2525-2642 Z.C.[42] Zaba A map-maker and friend of Bori Andon.[65] Zalin Zalin the Gutter Bard Zandra Boros A historical child commander of the Boros, who dueled the Demon of the Spire. Inspired a play by Symond Halm years later.[84] Zataz Zataz, Izzet clockwork artificer Izzet Zavora Mother of Bazda, freed from her debt by Terrik after her accidental death in the destruction of the Basilica of the Opportune.[17] Zdenia Matka Zdenia Golgari The former leader of the Golgari Devkarin, a severe, black-haired young woman. her hands and arms were tattooed with images of insects and spiders.[82] After her suspicious death, Izoni, Thousand-Eyed, became Matka.[2] Zdenya Golgari An assassin and member of Vraska's cult sent by the gorgon to monitor her meeting with Jace Beleren.[32] Zegodonis Golgari A male Golgari Devkarin elf necromancer.[21] Zelinas Zelinas, Orzhov recruiter Orzhov Zhosmir Zhosmir, urban huntmaster Zi Gruul An abandoned Gruul child from the Rubblebelt adopted by Cecilee and raised by her brother Ruzi, who he was named after, after her death.[85] Has a Gruul tattoo on his back.[86] Zibens Izzet A record keeper for the Izzet League who monitored the first test of an Izzet Polarizer. Izzet Polarizer Zifka A corrupt crate hauler and Bartek's boss.[52] Zija Zija, Simic mutationist Simic Zita A shopkeeper, catering to the Cult of Rakdos. Future wife of the demon Kodolaag.[61] Zorislav Dimir A Duskmantle Seer.[87] Zunak Zunak, Selesnya strategist Selesnya A human teacher at the Kasarna Training Grounds, formerly an Azorius strategist.[1] ZV29K Guildless A guildless human street urchin from Tin Street, underwent cytoplast experimentation by the Simic Combine. Eventually became a cytoplast himself.[43] Zyanek Simic A young merfolk and a Simic protector.[8]