


Race Soltari
Birthplace Dominaria
Rath and Storm

Lyna was the emissary of the Soltari, a group of people trapped between the planes of Dominaria and Rath during Davvol's planeshifting tests.

History[ | ]

Urza met the Soltari when he chased a damaged negator to Rath.[1] There he met Lyna, who told him about the plane and its purpose to aid the Phyrexian invasion. Lyna wanted Urza's help to escape from Rath. Therefore, the two agreed to help one another. If Lyna promised to help Urza's people destroy the Stronghold and escape Rath successfully, then he would help the Soltari escape Rath as well.

As a consequence, Lyna approached Ertai when he studied the runes of the Erratic Portal. First, she drew him in the world of shadows. Thereafter Ertai pulled Lyna into the reality of Rath. She then promised to help him open the portal for the Weatherlight to escape. In return, Ertai would hold it open long enough so that the Soltari could also flee. Once the portal was opened, Lyna went to Hanna aboard the ship telling her to hurry and gather the crew. Augmented by the Skyshaper, the Weatherlight outran her pursuers. Both the ship and the Soltari escaped, but Urza deactivated the portal in order to prevent pursuit. Ertai was stranded on the wrong side and got captured by Greven il-Vec.

Trivia[ | ]

Lyna was named after Mark Rosewater's mother Lynn.[2]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Tempest Storyboard Michael G. Ryan, Mark Rosewater & Pete Venters December 1997 Tempest Rath Gerrard, Crovax, Selenia, Karn, Greven il-Vec, Vhati il-Dal, Hanna, Tahngarth, Oracle en-Vec, Mirri, Orim, Eladamri, Starke, Volrath, Ertai, Lyna
Rath and StormRath Cycle Peter Archer and various July 1998 Weatherlight, Tempest, Stronghold, Exodus Dominaria, Rath Ilcaster, Gerrard Capashen, Volrath, Sidar Kondo, Starke il-Vec, Karn, Multani, Mirri, Rofellos, Sisay, Tahngarth, Crovax, Hanna, Orim, Squee, Morinfen and Gallowbraid, Selenia, Torsten, Javero, Alaric, Rofellos, Kastan, Kindeya, Barrin, Ertai, Maraxus, Greven il-Vec, Vhati il-Dal, Eladamri, Oracle en-Vec, Takara, Lyna, Sliver Queen, Urza
Exodus Storyboard Scott McGough August 1998 Exodus Rath Ertai, Lyna, Eladamri, Tahngarth, Mirri, Crovax, Orim, Hanna, Karn, Greven il-Vec, Sisay, Gerrard Capashen, Starke, Urza
Urza's Moment of Destiny Scott McGough, Daneen McDermott & Jess Lebow August 1999 Urza's Destiny Dominaria, Rath Urza, Karn, Rayne, Barrin, Gatha, Rofellos, Multani, Davvol, Lyna

In-game references[ | ]

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References[ | ]

  1. Scott McGough, Daneen McDermott, & Jess Lebow (August 1999). "Urza's Moment of Destiny". The Duelist #40, p.56-57
  2. Mark Rosewater, Top Ten secrets behind Tempest card names, The Duelist #21 (January 1998), p. 19