Player Spotlight

Player Spotlight cards are Magic: The Gathering cards that celebrate a famous player, similar to Invitational Cards that were made in the years 1997–2007.[1] Player Spotlight cards were introduced in Throne of Eldraine.[2]

Currently, the reigning World Champion is chosen for the player spotlight card. While they won't design it, they will consult with R&D on its selection and will appear pictured in the art.

Year World Champion Set Card
2018 Javier Dominguez Throne of Eldraine Fervent Champion
2019 Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa Strixhaven: School of Mages[3] Elite Spellbinder
2020 Not played[a]
2021 Yuta Takahashi March of the Machine Faerie Mastermind[4]
2022 Nathan Steuer Outlaws of Thunder Junction Duelist of the Mind[5]
2023 Jean-Emmanuel Depraz TBA TBA
2024 Javier Dominguez TBA TBA

Notes[ | ]

  1. The 2020 World Championship was not conducted due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

References[ | ]

  1. Mark Rosewater (May 3, 2021). "Odds & Ends: Strixhaven, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Mark Rosewater (July 21, 2019). "Project Booster Fun". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Mark Rosewater (November 25, 2020). "Are more planned/currently in the works?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  4. Yuta Takahashi (February 19, 2023). "Here is my invitational card!". Twitter.
  5. Wizards of the Coast (February 25, 2024). "The Duelist of the Mind: Nathan Steuer".