


Creature Type
(Subtype for creature/kindred cards)
Beeble Scale 1[1]

360 cards

{C} 0.3% {W} 5.6% {U} 8.3% {B} 5.3% {R} 41.7% {G} 6.9% {W/U} 1.1% {U/B} 1.4% {B/R} 2.5% {R/G} 3.3% {G/W} 1.7% {W/B} 0.3% {U/R} 3.1% {B/G} 0.6% {R/W} 0.6% {G/U} 1.1% {M} 12.8% {artifact symbol} 3.6%

50 Dragon creation cards

{C} 6% {W} 4% {U} 8% {R} 50% {W/U} 4% {B/R} 6% {R/G} 8% {M} 10% {artifact symbol} 4%

as of Murders at Karlov Manor
Scryfall Search

Dragon is a creature type describing huge, four-limbed, two-winged reptilians. These powerful serpentine creatures exist across the multiverse. They have formidable physical strength, and many of them also score high on intelligence and magical capabilities.[2] Head shape, wing shape, body shape, scale colors, and breath weapons vary from plane to plane and from dragon to dragon.[3] They can be found in all colors, although more dragons are aligned with red than with any other color.[4][5] In fact, Dragons are the iconic creature for the color red, and at least one red Dragon has appeared in every core set.[6]

Baby or miniature dragons are referred to as "hatchlings" and "whelps".

Ancient dragons[ | ]

The Ur-Dragon[ | ]

The Ur-Dragon is the essence of all dragonkind within the Multiverse. The Elder Dragons were spawned from the storms caused by its wings. The Primeval Dragons of Dominaria each bear its characteristics and its scion is known to be found there. This may be related to Dominaria being the Nexus of the Multiverse.

Elder Dragons[ | ]

The Elder Dragons were ancient dragons of Dominaria. Their vast power was said to rival that of planeswalkers. Millennia after their birth, the Elder Dragon War shook the plane of Dominaria and killed most of their kind.[7] The winners of the war became the ancestors of all dragons and drakes, while the losers were said to have been stripped of their wings, limbs and most of their power and became the Elder Land Wurms, which spawned all other wurm species.[8] Viashino are also descendants of them, although it is unknown how.

The Elder Dragons differed from other dragons in being conscious the moment they hatched, instinctively knowing their name. Their internal hierarchy was originally derived from the time it cost them to hatch. According to Nicol Bolas, they have multiple hearts.

Only seven Elder Dragons seem to have survived the war. They are the siblings Chromium Rhuell, Arcades Sabboth, Palladia-Mors, Nicol Bolas, Ugin (the latter two are twins), their cousins Vaevictis Asmadi, and Piru, Chromium's lover. However, only the five Elder Dragon Legends were remembered as the survivors, because Ugin had become a planeswalker before the war began and never participated, and Piru was largely forgotten after she was killed by Dakkon Blackblade in ages past.[9] Presently, Nicol Bolas and Ugin are the only known Elder Dragons that still live.[10]

An eighth Elder Dragon, Merrevia Sal was killed in ages past, shortly after her "birth". Others were Rubra, Ravus, and Lividus.

Scarzam dragons[ | ]

The Scarzam dragons were a race of dragons that took their name from a planes-traveling being, Sivitri Scarzam, that used them to wage war on Corondor. They were nearly wiped out by a magical, poisonous flower created by Sol'Kanar to destroy Sivitri's power. Only one, and the biggest of these dragons, survived.

Hellkites[ | ]

Hellkites are a type of fierce and powerful dragon found on many planes.

On Dominaria, hellkites inhabit Bogardan[11], Shiv[12] and New Argive.[13] These dragons survived even in the post-apocalyptic rift-tortured Dominaria. The dragons that destroyed Rashida Scalebane's village were Crimson Hellkites.

On Alara, powerful hellkites known as Hellkite Overlords inhabit the shard of Jund. Hellkites also inhabit Akoum on Zendikar[14] and Ravnica.[15] Hellkites, both organic and mechanical, were also among the creatures native to Mirrodin before its conquest by Phyrexia.[16][17]

Alaran dragons[ | ]

Grixian dragons[ | ]

In the Shard of Alara known as Grixis, one known dragon is remaining, the demon-dragon Malfegor. The bones of a massive dragon do exist, and surround the necropolis of Unx. Malfegor was ancient and powerful, with breath that could easily incinerate his enemies. At one point, Malfegor was in Bant. There, he killed an archangel named Asha but was exiled to Grixis, which led the denizens of Bant to believe he had been killed. After the Mending, the elder dragon Nicol Bolas told Malfegor to prepare an army to attack the other Shards. After advancing through Esper and nearly driving the Sphinxes extinct, he attacked Bant, where he was killed by Elspeth Tirel and Rafiq.

Jundian dragons[ | ]

In the Shard of Alara known as Jund, dragons are the dominant race on the top of the food chain. They are worshiped by the Goblins who consider it an honor to be eaten alive by them.[18] No creature on Jund is a natural predator of dragons, although humans occasionally undertake Life Hunts against them.[19] When a dragon becomes too ancient to protect their territory, they perform a ritual called the Shriek of Flame where they plunge themselves directly into an active volcano, causing that volcano to erupt — often eradicating much of the prey left in its territory.[20][21] Some residents believe all volcanic eruptions are caused by the death of a dragon.[22]

While dragons are fiercely protective of their hunting grounds and nests, they can roam far from their lairs, and the skies are governed by a different set of rules.[21] In the air, dragons will sometimes fly together, displaying feats of acrobatic daring and companionship. Dragons don't reproduce often. A female dragon might lay eggs only once every twenty years. Eggs are hidden in a cleft or a fumarole in the side of a volcano within their mother's territory to keep them warm for the year they need to hatch. The parent tolerates the young dragon in her territory for a while, but once they have grown to the size of horses, she treats them as rivals and might even kill them if they don't leave. Finding new territory is difficult, so the young dragon must either settle for inferior land or try to wrest a holding from another. During this phase of its life, it is an eating machine. Such young dragons are the greatest threats to creatures in the valleys because they can’t afford to be picky about where they hunt and will slaughter anything they can.

Dragons have varied hunting techniques based on the type of prey.[21] Currents of black volcanic haze drift across Jund's skies, and these clouds provide cover for even the largest dragons, who can glide across open ground unseen and destroy an entire settlement. When attacking a large creature, dragons swoop from the sky and inflict a single disabling bite. The dragon then circles high above until the creature bleeds out. When the prey is too weak to fight back, the dragon eats it at its leisure. Because most adult dragons can satisfy their hunger for humans and other beasts, dragons that hunt viashino do so for sport rather than food. Dragons can occasionally be seen cruising directly above the "rivers" of forest in the canyons, diving between the trees with powerful grace to pluck an unsuspecting viashino from the ground.

The most powerful dragons were known as hellkites, ruled by hellkite overlords. Hellkite overlords are among the most powerful dragons in the multiverse—they attack swiftly and mercilessly, incinerating or devouring their prey with brutal ease. Overlords are also difficult to kill, as they possess the ability to regenerate from wounds that would kill lesser dragons. Hellkite overlords are dark red, with massive, crimson wings. They have a row of spines down their back, which prevents an attack from behind, and also deters anyone from riding them. A hellkite overlord's head is angular, with a crown of spikes along the back. These spikes protect the overlord's neck and look like a crown, which could have earned the overlord its name.

Amonkheti dragons[ | ]

The dragons of Amonkhet are fierce firebreathing monsters with heavy reptilian bodies, crocodilian heads, and leathery wings. These dim-witted beasts live mostly in the remote reaches of the desert. On occasion, they are taken captive to be used in the Trials.[23]

Arcavian dragons[ | ]

The Founder Dragons of Arcavios are as old as the plane itself. As the mana of colliding worlds converged and overlapped, powerful vortices of conflicting mana transformed into luminous spheres from which five powerful dragons were birthed. These dragons were the first to master the opposing forces of mana on Arcavios and became the living emblems of those magical dichotomies. The Founder Dragons formed Strixhaven some 700 years ago after realizing that only through education could others master the paradoxical magic of their world. They are now revered as the five deadly sages of the skies, and although they no longer directly participate in the management of Strixhaven, they are ever observant and protective of their creative legacy.[24]

Avishkari dragons[ | ]

Dragons on Avishkar are more feline, with tiger-like features. Their favorite prey is the sky whales that drift through the aethersphere, but they also hunt other large creatures that intrude into their territory. Some are believed to nest in the highest towers of the Freejam, where they occasionally harass skyships.

Capennan dragons[ | ]

On Capenna, all dragons but the Riveteers boss Ziatora were killed during the plane's invasion by Phyrexia.[25] Their remains are currently on display at Lord Xander's museum. It is unknown what non-Demonic individuals looked or acted like, but judging by Ziatora's memory of them, they were at least intelligent enough to form complex societies.

Dominarian dragons[ | ]

Primeval Dragons[ | ]

The five Primeval Dragons are the second generation after the elder dragons,[26] with at least Crosis sired by the Elder dragons Chromium Rhuell and Piru[27], and Rith and Darigaaz by Palladia-Mors. They were self-proclaimed gods and once ruled Dominaria until the Numena managed to imprison them and steal their power. The Primevals were ordinary dragons until all of them were awakened when their combined magic unlocked their magnificent powers. Each was represented in Invasion as a Legendary shard-colored, 6/6 Flying creature for 6, with an ability that triggered damage on the opponent and scaling with a chosen color.

During the Phyrexian Invasion, Tevesh Szat revealed the existence of the Primevals to Rhammidarigaaz, also known as Darigaaz, who was, in fact, a reincarnated Primeval himself. After they were all reawakened, they went on a rampage against both Dominarians and Phyrexians, until Karn convinced Darigaaz of his folly. Darigaaz committed suicide by plunging into a volcano after which the other Primevals could be defeated.

Their names had a special meaning in Old Draconic describing the stages of a dragon's life.[29] The first Primeval was Rhammidarigaaz ("conception"), the second was Rith ("childhood"), the third was Treva ("youth"), the fourth was Dromar ("adulthood"), and the last was Crosis ("death"). It was said that humans stole dominion of fire from Rhammidarigaaz, agriculture from Rith, writing from Treva, and desire from Dromar.

In addition to being godlike, each dragon has a characteristic associated with belonging to the Ur-Dragon, the spirit of all dragonkind. Each characteristic can be found in the flavor text of its respective attendant golem.

A cycle of alternate-world versions of the Primevals was printed in Planar Chaos as wedge-colored dragons, but little is known about them otherwise. Those legendary dragons are Numot Vorosh, Oros, Intet, and Teneb.

Dragon species[ | ]

Alabaster dragons[ | ]

The Alabaster Dragons were white-aligned dragons from Argive and still live in New Argive. They are serene and wise and can be seen soaring at high altitudes among the clouds. They rarely touch the ground, spending weeks aloft.[13]

Artifact dragons[ | ]

Draco is a powerful artifact dragon. It is not known what Draco is or originally was, but the artwork suggests that it might have been a natural dragon (instead of a purely artificial construct) that was later modified with certain metallic parts. Other artifact dragons are Tek and the Clockwork Dragon[30] Teeka's Dragon was an artificial dragon created by the artificer Teeka in the short story "Better Mousetrap" in the Distant Planes anthology.

Canopy dragons[ | ]

Canopy Dragons are native to the Mwonvuli Jungle in Jamuraa.

Krosan dragons[ | ]

The Krosan Dragons of Otaria have no wings but have six legs, are covered in thorny armor, and breathe a magical vapor that causes wild vegetation to grow in their presence. Smaller Krosan dragons called dragonettes were used in the Cabal's pits. However, this caused a fully-grown dragon to come to Cabal City to try to avenge its kin.

Nalathni dragons[ | ]

The Nalathni Dragons are small but intelligent dragons. They helped their Olesian allies fight against the goblin hordes of Pashalik Mons.

Nekoru[ | ]

Nekoru, or Cat-Dragons, are cat-like beings with reptilian wings from Jamuraa. It is unknown whether they were descendants of the Elder Dragons, although their non-reptilian bodies seem to suggest otherwise.

The nekoru Wasitora played an important role in the second Legends Cycle. The race was revisited in Time Spiral — when Teferi's host had transported to Madara near Talon Gates thanks to the call of Nicol Bolas, the party meets the nekoru prince Yurei-teki.

The name "Nekoru" comes from the Japanese word "Neko", for "cat", and "ru" (or "Ryu"), for "dragon". Translated, it means "cat-dragon".

Shivan dragons[ | ]

The red and gold Shivan Dragons are the most powerful red-aligned dragons and hail from the island of Shiv. They are believed to be the descendants of the Elder Dragon Vaevictis Asmadi,[31] are as intelligent as humans and are adept at spellcasting.[32] They are bound together in bands called broods, each led by a broodlord. Sometimes they allied themselves with the Viashino of their homeland; sometimes they fought against them. Historically, the strongest of the Shivan Dragons bears the title of Champion of Shiv. After Teferi phased out a large chunk of Shiv, some of these dragons tried to rebuild their native land and many journeyed away to seek any opportunity to restore the broken pride of their race; Rorix Bladewing was one of those dragons. Rorix fought and died in the Grand Coliseum, but after his death, he was reanimated as Bladewing the Risen.

The champion Rhammidarigaaz and his mother Gherridarigaaz were also Shivan dragons.

The dragons of Shiv have spent centuries in hiding after the devastation of the Phyrexian invasion, but they have taken flight again after the Great Mending.[32] They are now part of the Shivan Nation. However, the reign of the reincarnated Darigaaz is contested by the Bladewing brood.

Vampiric dragons[ | ]

A Vampiric Dragon wreaked havoc on Otaria in the short story "Seasons of Slaughter" in The Monsters of Magic anthology. It is unknown if it is unique.

Viashivan dragons[ | ]

Viashivan Dragons were Jamuraan dragons rivaling the Shivan Dragons in power.

Eldraine dragons[ | ]

Dragons on Eldraine largely exist in the Wilds, away from the Realm. Icy-blue dragons from remote caves are known to form a ring of magical blizzard force by flying in a circle, each chasing the other’s tail.[33] There also exists a subspecies called Indigo Dragons, which are aligned toward blue mana as well.

Eldraine dragons are often intelligent, and able to read and wield magic.[34] Some dragons prefer hoarding forbidden magical secrets over wealth and material goods and are imbued with spellcasting abilities by their hoard.[35] These dragons, known as witchkites, can speak, practice witchcraft, and breathe magical flame.

Gastal dragons[ | ]

Gastal harbors scorpion dragons, which have venom so potent that someone on the receiving end of their sting has severe pain that lasts for the rest of the victim's life. They are also prevalent on Thunder Junction as a result of an Omenpath opening between the two planes.

Ikorian dragons[ | ]

Counterintuitively, on the plane of Ikoria, all of the known dragons are small, evasive, and Faerie-like.

Innistradi dragons[ | ]

Dragons are extremely rare on Innistrad, always hiding and just unexpectedly showing up to swiftly hunt their prey like the Archwing Dragons do. They are mostly confined to the remotest parts of the Geier Reach in Stensia. Most of these dragons are brutal fire-breathers that prey on any creature that strays into their territories. However, some do prefer Vampire or Werewolf, making them "benevolent". These are the Moonveil Dragons, named for their shimmering wings that reflect moonlight. These wings are considered good omens when seen flying.[36]

Ixalani Dragons[ | ]

For a long time. Ixalan was believed to be one of the few planes in the Multiverse with no native dragon population, a fact the planeswalker Angrath was rather quick to note. However, upon entering the plane's core, a draconic Dinosaur species known as a Dracosaur was made known to the surface dwellers for the first time, mixing traits of the plane's familiar dinosaurs with those of dragons on other worlds.

Kaldheimr dragons[ | ]

Several types of dragons live in Kaldheim. Hellkites live in Bretagard, while vampiric dragons roam the skies of Immersturm.

Kamigawan dragons[ | ]

Dragon spirits[ | ]

The Dragon Spirits are powerful kami of Kamigawa. There are five, one for each color of magic. Unlike most dragons, they have neither limbs nor wings. Instead, they are giant serpentine beings akin to wurms, however, they still maintain the ability to fly. During the Kami War, they did not side with O-Kagachi (who himself is considered a dragon, but this has no relevance in the plot), but remained true to their pledge to protect several important places of the mortals.

  • Yosei, the Morning Star protected Eiganjo. His body was ripped apart in the battle against O-Kagachi but survived and helped the Eiganjoan refugees in the battle against the hordes of the Myojin of Infinite Rage.
  • Keiga, the Tide Star protected Minamo. He was killed (if kami can be killed) by Hidetsugu and his yamabushi minions during their attack on the school.
  • Jugan, the Rising Star protected the forest of Jukai. In the initial stages of the war, he was summoned by the monks of the Order of the Sacred Bell to fight in the Battle of Silk. He was killed but blessed the monks with power even after he was gone. During the final stages of the war, he was summoned by Sosuke and Sachi to aid the Orochi against the Soratami invaders. He could come back from the dead (perhaps all kami can).
  • Kokusho, the Evening Star was the guardian of the Takenuma swamp.
  • Ryusei, the Falling Star was the guardian of the Sokenzan mountains.

It is important to note that while they have the shape of a dragon, they are in fact spirits foremost. This is an important distinction when considering the planeswalker Ugin who is known as a spirit dragon and therefore does not have as much in common with them as one would assume.

Dragon spirits reborn[ | ]

More than 1200 years after the Kami War, the dragons have been reborn and continue to be the protectors of Kamigiwa. Ryusei had taken it upon themselves to bring back Jugan. Together, they worked to bring back the other three and themselves in new reborn forms.[37][38]

  • Ao, the Dawn Sky. The reborn form of Yosei.
  • Kairi, the Swirling Sky. The reborn form of Keiga.
  • Junji, the Midnight Sky. The reborn form of Kokusho.
  • Atsushi, the Blazing Sky. The reborn form of Ryusei.
  • Kura, the Boundless Sky. The reborn form of Jugan.

Other[ | ]

The Kamigawa vignette on Kiki-Jiki reveals that there are more dragons on Kamigawa and that not all of them sided against O-Kagachi. Nothing more is known about them, though. An unknown dragon spirit was somehow contained within the legendary sword Tatsumasa, but escaped twelve years later when it came to visit Keisaku, the blacksmith, who created it.[39]

Kylem dragons[ | ]

Dragons on Kylem have a distinctive bony, shield-shaped head. They are known to sometimes have two heads and are sentient, often being willing participants in the Martial Magic tournaments at Valor's Reach.

Mercadian dragons[ | ]

Two-headed dragons[ | ]

Two-Headed Dragons can be found on Mercadia.

Mirran/New Phyrexian dragons[ | ]

Clockwork dragons[ | ]

Clockwork Dragons are artificial dragons found on Mirrodin.

Furnace dragons[ | ]

The Furnace Dragons lived on Mirrodin.[40] They were brought there by Memnarch's soul traps and parts of their bodies were turned into metal by the mycosynth that grows inside Mirrodin. The metal components augmented their offensive power and mobility. Furnace dragons had a literal furnace inside their chest, which generated both their breath weapon and bursts of fire from "exhaust vents" in their wings. Unlike most other dragons, they didn't glide on wind currents; they flew through Mirrodin's skies on pure explosive power. Their metallic modifications left them inherently unstable. Overloading their furnaces for particularly large periods of flame production could have explosive repercussions. A known furnace dragon is Chiss-Goria.

Hellkites[ | ]

Steel Hellkites were dragons that lived on Mirrodin before its corruption like the Hellkite Igniters who were known to wreath themselves into flame when taking flight. This kind of dragon fought against beings like the Consecrated Sphinx during the war between Mirrodin and Phyrexia.

Hoard-Smelter Dragons hoarded large amounts of metal, collecting the precious metals and smelting the rest.

New Phyrexian dragons[ | ]

Skithiryx, a pawn of Sheoldred, was a compleated dragon. Others, aligned with Urabrask, are the Moltensteel Dragons.

Phyrexian dragons[ | ]

Dragon engines[ | ]

Dragon Engines were dragon-like creatures that lived in the first sphere of Phyrexia. They were created by the original planeswalker who made Phyrexia, being described as "serpents" in The Thran, but Yawgmoth corrupted them.[41]

Phyrexian dragon engines are as intelligent and swift as organic dragons, not in the slightest hampered by their mechanical origins. They were used by Mishra during the Brothers' War, such as during the Fall of Kroog. Mishra used both real Phyrexian dragon engines and his own versions called the Mak Fawa, only pale shadows of the original Phyrexian ones. Dragon engines were also used by Phyrexia itself in the Invasion.

Remains of them can still be found in Dominaria among the wreckage of the Invasion. Many of Dominaria's goblin tribes believe that carrying one of the gears or cogs from a dragon engine will keep other dragons from attacking the bearer.[42]

Ramos, a construct worshipped as a god by the Cho-Arrim, is perhaps the most well-known example of a dragon engine. A well known copy made by Mishra is Traxos.

During the Second Phyrexian Invasion, Rona was seen piloting a dragon engine from inside its skull.[44] Sheoldred affixed her humanoid torso to a dragon engine for the Battle of the Mana Rig.[45]

Ravnican dragons[ | ]

Ravnican Dragons, in truly ancient times, were immense and god-like, warring and devastating to nearly as great an extent as the Elders of Dominaria. With dragons deemed too dangerous to exist (Hellkite Tyrant), the Guildpact was signed in part to rid the world of such beings; around the Decamillennial nearly all of them had been killed. The most significant exception being Niv-Mizzet, the parun of the Izzet League and current Living Guildpact, who had led the hunt against the others of his kind to eliminate potential rivals.

There are dragons still free, some real and threatening like the Utvara Hellkites and some lesser ones who are either hunted (Hunted Dragon) or trained as pets (Rakdos Pit Dragon, by the Rakdos). Niv-Mizzet has many cloned dragon underlings.[46]

Zomaj Hauc tried to revive several ancient dragon eggs some years after the Decamillennial, but was foiled by Agrus Kos, Teysa Karlov, and their allies. The incubating dragons were meant to be the contemporaries of the Firemind and the ancient Ravnican dragons that "burned the world into being." Hatched from gigantic eggs, the young dragons were born large enough to swallow a drake whole and were intensely territorial. Teysa commented on her interactions with the albino hatchling before it died that it was able to speak upon birth and possessed knowledge that it could not have personally gained, indicating strong, ancient magic that even she could not comprehend.[47]

Shadowmoor dragons[ | ]

In Shadowmoor there is a Knollspine Dragon who is believed to be hidden in the Spinerock Knoll during the Lorwyn phase.

Shandalar dragons[ | ]

Not much is known about the dragons of Shandalar, only that they seem to prefer to make their lairs away from civilization, like in the mountains of Valkas. One specimen, Kalyntri, lived near the Kapsho Sea and ruled over the local drakes. His rule was ended by Talrand when the dragon refused to submit to the hydromancer.

Astral dragons[ | ]

Also known as faerie dragons, these dragons were unique to the plane of Shandalar. One of them defeated the planeswalker Faralyn.[48]

Shenmeng dragons[ | ]

On Shenmeng, Dragons are more closely based on the lung of Chinese mythology, much as Kamigawa's dragons are based on the Ryu. They are divine creatures associated with white mana, giving them a light-oriented spin on 'firebreathing'. The primordial dragon Yinglong gave birth to kirin and phoenixes and later to all hairy and flying creatures of the world, granting it the title of Ancestor Dragon.

Theran dragons[ | ]

Dragons are also among the numerous beasts found in Theros. Theran Dragons range from about the size of a monitor lizard to the size of a small kraken. They rule the skies above the highest mountains of Theros, preying on rocs, griffins, and large animals such as boar. The Akroans revere the majesty of the large dragons and fashion their helm crests to resemble a dragon's dorsal crest.[49] Most of the dragon broods are associated with a powerful dragon called Thraxes, who is believed to rest in Purphoros sacred peak.[50] Sparks from Purphoros forge are told to fill the belly of every dragon.[51] Some Theran dragon variants have been observed to use lightning and magma besides their usual fiery breath.

Tarkir dragons[ | ]

In present-day Tarkir, dragons were originally extinct, leading to Sarkhan Vol's fascination with them when he became a planeswalker. They were born from Ugin's elemental storms, which spawned different types of dragons per the mana in different terrains.[52] These beasts once terrorized the plane's inhabitants; as such, the local clans hunted them to extinction, a task made easier by Ugin's death at the hands of Nicol Bolas and the subsequent end to the elemental storms. However, Sarkhan eventually traveled back in time, bringing dragons back to life as he saved Ugin's life, and thus the storms. As the dragon slumbered, the storms increased over several years, to the point that Tarkir was more overrun by dragons than ever. Eventually, however, each of the clans surrendered to the reptiles, and the dragons have lorded over them ever since in the timeline.

Dragon Broods[ | ]

  • Dromoka's Brood, named after their female champion, were revered by the Abzan Houses for their endurance. They were robust, ankylosaur-like beasts well protected by scaly armor, and breathed beams of light. They were drawn to Tarkir's hot and sunlit deserts. They attacked the Abzan over their "necromantic" ways, seeing their summoning of the spirits of the ancestors as an affront to nature and life, and thus massacred them until their khan, Daghatar, was brought before Dromoka's presence in the new timeline, years after Ugin's injury. Learning why she acted as she did, he ordered the end of the Abzan kin-tree traditions, installing instead a pact with the dragons.[53]
  • Ojutai's Brood, named after their male champion, were admired by the Jeskai Way. They were lithe, feathered winged creatures drawn to Tarkir's cold peaks, and with an icy breath. They were cunning and treacherous, forcing the Jeskai into a battle of wits for their survival. Though Ojutai's motivation to kill the Jeskai was never made entirely clear, he and his brood established themselves as exceptionally dogmatic individuals after taking over the Jeskai, when they attacked the meeting of the khans. Accepting Shu Yun's terms of surrender, Ojutai ordered the execution of every ghostfire Jeskai warrior. Finally, as the new leader, he demanded that the records of the Jeskai be edited to rewrite history in his favor, declaring himself ruler and the clan abolished.[53]
  • Silumgar's Brood, named after their male champion, were inspirational to the Sultai Brood. They were snake-headed creatures with a corrosive, venomous breath, associated with the misty jungles and swamps, stealing treasure and spreading death everywhere. In the new timeline, the Sultai khan offended the Rakshasa and the Nagas, prompting them to abandon the clan, and forcing them thus to make a pact with Silumgar and his brood. Tasigur betrayed the other khans by revealing the location of their meeting, under the promise of a special place of power under Silumgar's regime.[53]
  • Kolaghan's Brood, named after their female champion, were imitated by the Mardu Horde. They were slim creatures with four feathered wings and an assortment of frills and spines, capable of conjuring lightning. Taking dominion over the hills and steppes, they fought viciously against the Mardu. In the new timeline, Kolaghan and her brood initially established themselves as the sole non-tyrannical dragons, not interested in enslaving the Mardu. In time, however, the dragonlord became a fearsome leader, using violence, cruelty, and her trademark unpredictability to keep the clan in line.[53]
  • Atarka's Brood, named after their female champion, were honored by the Temur Frontier. They were robust, bestial dragons with antlers and horns and fur, breathing green flames. Preferring the cold slopes, they were driven by hunger alone. In the new timeline, Atarka's barely sapient mentality proved to be the salvation of the Temur, as Yasova satiated her hunger by feeding her mammoth carcasses, distracting the dragons from attacking her clan.[53]

Tarkir Elders[ | ]

Following the rise of the broodlords and the passage of time, the dragons matured to new levels of power, gaining the additional title of Elder. While these five dragons are no doubt the most powerful on Tarkir, the term is used separately for the Elder Dragons that once waged war across the multiverse, making them a distinct breed of dragon rather than dragons of the same caliber as those ancient creatures.[54]

Zendikari dragons[ | ]

The dragons of Zendikar are mainly found on Akoum but have appeared in mountainous regions all over the plane. The dragons of Zendikar are not particularly intelligent, focusing solely on the hunt for prey and the devastation of perceived threats.

Notable Dragons[ | ]

Mirrodin/New Phyrexia
Dungeons & Dragons
Universes Beyond

^ Due to Sol Ring, one may argue that a Sol character should exist somewhere (probably at some point in Dominaria history).

Tokens[ | ]

Tokens marked with {A} are created by Acorn cards.

Token Name Color Type Line P/T Text Box Source Printings
Dragon Red Creature — Dragon 2/2 Flying
{R}: This creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Red Creature — Dragon 4/4 Flying
Red Creature — Dragon 5/5 Flying
Red Creature — Dragon 6/6 Flying
Black/​Red Creature — Dragon 6/6 Flying, menace
Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, gain control of target artifact that player controls.
Red/​Green Creature — Dragon 1/1 Flying, devour 2
Gold Creature — Dragon 4/4 Flying
Dragon Egg Red Creature — Dragon Egg 0/2 Defender
When this creature dies, create a 2/2 red Dragon creature token with flying and "{R}: This creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn."
Dragon Elemental Red Creature — Dragon Elemental 4/4 Flying
Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)
Karox Bladewing Red Legendary Creature — Dragon 4/4 Flying
Smaug Red Legendary Creature — Dragon 6/6 Flying, haste, and "When this creature dies, create fourteen Treasure tokens"
Dragon Spirit Blue Creature — Dragon Spirit 5/5 Flying
Red Creature — Dragon Spirit 5/5 Flying
Red/​Green Creature — Dragon Spirit 5/4 When this creature deals damage, sacrifice it.
Dragon Illusion Red Creature — Dragon Illusion X/X Flying, Haste
Cat Dragon Black/​Red/​Green Creature — Cat Dragon 3/3 Flying
Dinosaur Dragon Red Creature — Dinosaur Dragon 4/4 Flying
Faerie Dragon Blue Creature — Faerie Dragon 1/1 Flying
Scorpion Dragon Red Creature — Scorpion Dragon 4/4 Flying, haste
Timeless Dragon Black Creature — Zombie Dragon 4/4 Flying
Plainscycling {2}
Tiamat's Fanatics Red Creature — Dragon Warrior 4/3
Test cards
Token Name Color Type Line P/T Text Box Source Printings
Arcades Sabboth Green/​White/​Blue Legendary Creature — Elder Dragon 7/7

At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Arcades Sabboth unless you pay {G}{W}{U}.
Each untapped creature you control gets +0/+2 as long as it’s not attacking.
{W}: Arcades Sabboth gets +0/+1 until end of turn.

Chromium White/​Blue/​Black Legendary Creature — Elder Dragon 7/7

Rampage 2 (Whenever this creature becomes blocked, it gets +2/+2 until end of turn for each creature blocking it beyond the first.)
At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Chromium unless you pay {W}{U}{B}.

Nicol Bolas Blue/​Black/​Red Legendary Creature — Elder Dragon 7/7

At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Nicol Bolas unless you pay {U}{B}{R}.
Whenever Nicol Bolas deals damage to an opponent, that player discards their hand.

Palladia-Mors Red/​Green/​White Legendary Creature — Elder Dragon 7/7

Flying, trample
At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Palladia-Mors unless you pay {R}{G}{W}.

Vaevictis Asmadi Black/​Red/​Green Legendary Creature — Elder Dragon 7/7

At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Vaevictis Asmadi unless you pay {B}{R}{G}.
{B}: Vaevictis Asmadi gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
{R}: Vaevictis Asmadi gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
{G}: Vaevictis Asmadi gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

Trivia[ | ]

See also[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

Alaran dragons[ | ]

  • A young dragon from Jund. Art by Daarken.

    A young dragon from Jund. Art by Daarken.

  • A Broodmother with her young from Jund. Art by Jaime Jones.

    A Broodmother with her young from Jund. Art by Jaime Jones.

Dominarian dragons[ | ]

  • A dragon whelp, art by Jokubas Uogintas

    A dragon whelp, art by Jokubas Uogintas

  • A Nalathni dragon communicating with an Olesian ally.

    A Nalathni dragon communicating with an Olesian ally.

  • An Alabaster Dragon. Art by Bob Eggleton.

    An Alabaster Dragon. Art by Bob Eggleton.

  • Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Elder Dragon planeswalker, and father of Tarkir's broods. Art by Raymond Swanland.

    Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Elder Dragon planeswalker, and father of Tarkir's broods. Art by Raymond Swanland.

  • Vampiric dragon.

    Vampiric dragon.

  • Bladewing, a legendary dragon skeleton of the Bladewing brood.

Innistrad dragons[ | ]

  • A malefic dragon from Innistrad. Art by Simon Dominic.

    A malefic dragon from Innistrad. Art by Simon Dominic.

  • A dragon egg. Art by Simon Dominic.

    A dragon egg. Art by Simon Dominic.

Mirrodin/New Phyrexia dragons[ | ]

  • Skithiryx, a corrupted furnace dragon affiliated with Sheoldred. Art by Chippy.

    Skithiryx, a corrupted furnace dragon affiliated with Sheoldred. Art by Chippy.

  • A phyrexianized dragon affiliated with Urabrask. Art by James Ryman.

    A phyrexianized dragon affiliated with Urabrask. Art by James Ryman.

Ravnica dragons[ | ]

  • A dragon on Ravnica in service of the Izzet. Art by Dan Scott.

    A dragon on Ravnica in service of the Izzet. Art by Dan Scott.

  • An enslaved dragon of the Rakdos on Ravnica. Art by Kev Walker.

    An enslaved dragon of the Rakdos on Ravnica. Art by Kev Walker.

  • A free dragon on Ravnica. Art by Mark Zug.

    A free dragon on Ravnica. Art by Mark Zug.

Tarkir dragons[ | ]

  • A dragon from the Dromoka brood. Art by Clint Cearly.

    A dragon from the Dromoka brood. Art by Clint Cearly.

  • A dragon from the Silumgar brood. Art by Filip Burburan.

    A dragon from the Silumgar brood. Art by Filip Burburan.

  • A dragon from the Kolaghan brood. From promotional material

    A dragon from the Kolaghan brood. From promotional material

Other dragons[ | ]

  • Ramos, a repurposed dragon engine from Phyrexia. Art by Joseph Meehan

    Ramos, a repurposed dragon engine from Phyrexia. Art by Joseph Meehan

  • A dragon from Avishkar. Art by Tyler Jacobsen.

    A dragon from Avishkar. Art by Tyler Jacobsen.

  • A dragon from Shandalar. Art by Lucas Graciano.

    A dragon from Shandalar. Art by Lucas Graciano.

  • A dragon from Theros. Art by Lucas Graciano.

    A dragon from Theros. Art by Lucas Graciano.

  • A dragon from Zendikar. Art by Tyler Jacobsen.

    A dragon from Zendikar. Art by Tyler Jacobsen.

  • Dragon from the Plane of Mountains and Seas.

  • Dragon from Kaldheim.

  • A vampire dragon from Immersturm, Kaldheim.

References[ | ]

  1. Mark Rosewater (October 22, 2018). "Are the iconic/characteristic races considered a 1 on the Beeble Scale?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  2. Wizards of the Coast (January 1, 2007). "Ask Wizards - January 2007". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Doug Beyer (November 14, 2007). "Drakes and Dragons, Wurms and Worms". Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Magic Arcana (May 02, 2003). "Obscure Dragons". Wizards of the Coast.
  5. Doug Beyer (May 28, 2008). "Through the Twinning Glass". Wizards of the Coast.
  6. Mark Rosewater (March 20, 2012). "Marquee creatures for the colors". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  7. Squirle (November 2, 2015). "The Legends of Magic.". Multiverse in Review. Tumblr.
  8. Wizards of the Coast (April 29, 2003). "Card of the Day". Wizards of the Coast.
  9. Martha Wells (April 11, 2018). "Return to Dominaria, Episode 5". Wizards of the Coast.
  10. Kate Elliott (June 13, 2018). "Chronicle of Bolas: The Twins". Wizards of the Coast.
  11. Bogardan Hellkite
  12. Shivan Hellkite
  13. a b Ethan Fleischer (September 10, 2022). "The New Argive Megathread". Twitter.
  14. Akoum Hellkite
  15. Utvara Hellkite
  16. Hellkite Igniter
  17. Steel Hellkite
  18. Magic Arcana (October 30, 2008). "Sketches: Predator Dragon". Wizards of the Coast.
  19. Doug Beyer (December 3, 2008). "Jund's One Rule". Wizards of the Coast.
  20. Rei Nakazawa (December 29, 2008). "A Shards Day's Night". Wizards of the Coast.
  21. a b c Doug Beyer & Jenna Helland (2008). A Planeswalker's Guide to Alara, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 978-0786951246
  22. Doug Beyer (June 10, 2009). "Graduation Day". Wizards of the Coast.
  23. Plane Shift: Amonkhet
  24. Doug Beyer and Ari Zirulnik (April 01, 2021). "Planeswalker's Guide to Strixhaven". Wizards of the Coast.
  25. Miguel Lopez (April 28, 2022). "Planeswalker's Guide to Streets of New Capenna". Wizards of the Coast.
  26. Squirle (June 11, 2018). "Legends of Dominaria & Magic Story Podcasts". Multiverse in Review. Tumblr.
  27. Ethan Fleischer (June 10, 2021). "The Returning Legends of Modern Horizons 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  28. J. Robert King. (2001.) Planeshift, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 0-7869-1802-0.
  29. Magic Arcana (March 16, 2004). "Artifact dragons". Wizards of the Coast.
  30. Squirle (January 29, 2019). "Core Set 2019 Player's Guide". Multiverse in Review. Tumblr.
  31. a b James Wyatt (2018), The Art of Magic: The Gathering - Dominaria. VIZ Media.
  32. Kate Elliott (2019), Throne of Eldraine: The Wildered Quest, Penguin Random House
  33. Archive Dragon
  34. James Wyatt et al. (2023). "D&D Monstrous Compendium: Vol. 4: Eldraine Creatures". Wizards of the Coast.
  35. Plane Shift: Innistrad
  36. Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty First Look (Video). Weekly MTG. YouTube (December 16, 2021).
  37. Emily Teng (January 17, 2022). "The Dragon-Kami Reborn". Wizards of the Coast.
  38. (2004). Champions of Kamigawa Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  39. Magic Arcana (April 27, 2004). "Dragons on Echoing Truth". Wizards of the Coast.
  40. Jay Annelli (December 5, 2022). "As a follow up the flavor text of henge guardian...". Ask Jay. Tumblr.
  41. Encyclopedia Dominia - Dragon Engine
  42. Langley Hyde (August 15, 2022). "A Brutal Blow". Wizards of the Coast.
  43. Langley Hyde (August 18, 2022). "A Whisper in the Wind". Wizards of the Coast.
  44. Wizards of the Coast (May, 2006). "Ask Wizards - May, 2006". Wizards of the Coast.
  45. Cory J. Herndon. (2006.) Ravnica Cycle, Book II: Guildpact, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 978-0786939893.
  46. David Quinn (1996), "Shandalar", Armada
  47. The Magic Creative Team (September 04, 2013). "Planeswalker's Guide to Theros, Part 3". Wizards of the Coast.
  48. Flavor text of Magma Spray
  49. Flavor text of Spawn of Thraxes
  50. The Magic Creative Team (January 7, 2015). "Planeswalker's Guide to Fate Reforged". Wizards of the Coast.
  51. a b c d e Kelly Digges (February 18, 2015). "Khanfall". Wizards of the Coast.
  52. Doug Beyer (March 2, 2015). "Why is Silumgar an Elder Dragon?". A Voice for Vorthos. Tumblr.
  53. Magic Arcana (April 29, 2003). "Non-Dragon Dragon cards". Wizards of the Coast.
  54. Magic Arcana (April 28, 2003). "Nalathni Dragon". Wizards of the Coast.
  55. Magic Arcana (April 10, 2006). ""Non-X" Beware!". Wizards of the Coast.
  56. Mark Rosewater (July 13, 2021). "If/When on the following creatures from AFR showing up in a conventional Magic expansion?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  57. Mark Rosewater (February 14, 2005). "Land of the Rising Fun". Wizards of the Coast.