Raksha Golden Cub

Raksha Golden Cub


Race Leonin
Birthplace Mirrodin
Lifetime Rift Era
Parents Beylyss Snarling Tooth (father)
Rhipuur (mother)
The Moons of Mirrodin, The Fifth Dawn

Raksha Golden Cub was the kha, or leader, of the leonin tribe of Mirrodin.[1] He was a childhood "friend" of Slobad, who was used as his training partner (but more often than not he served as a punching bag). Raksha often wore the 'Mask of Suns', a Leonin battle artifact fashioned by the first kha and most legendary of Leonin, Dakan, and said to contain his strength and cunning.[2]

The first-born son of the longest-living kha on record, Beylyss Snarling Tooth, and his khanha Rhipuur, he was raised to rule.[3] A rare single birth, he was only the fifth in the royal line, including Dakan himself. Due in part to his upbringing by a well-travelled nursemaid, Shonahn, he was accepting of the plane's other races, which contributed to his relationship with Slobad. Raksha's parents died in a hunting accident when he was still young, and on his ascension to the throne he decided to take his people's nickname for him, "Golden Cub," as his surname. He was the youngest ever kha, leading some to believe he was the first kha's second-coming.[1] His first name, Raksha, was a family name meaning "Lord of the Eternal Sun," referring to the leonin name for Mirrodin's Core.[4]

Like Glissa, Raksha was attacked by Memnarch's minions to check if he had the planeswalker's spark. During the fight, his beloved, Rishan, daughter of the seer Ushanti, was killed. Suspecting treachery, Raksha had Ushanti banished from Taj-Nar.[3] After Memnarch's defeat, both Raksha and Ushanti were sent back to their own native plane, which is still unknown.[5]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Moons of Mirrodin Will McDermott September 2003 Mirrodin Mirrodin Glissa Sunseeker, Memnarch, Slobad, Ushanti, Raksha Golden Cub, Bosh, Yert, Geth, Rishan, Chunth, Strang, Kane, Krark, Bruenna, Pontifex, Janus
The Fifth Dawn Cory Herndon May 2004 Fifth Dawn Mirrodin Memnarch, Glissa Sunseeker, Slobad, Karn, Yert, Lyese, Malil, Bruenna, Raksha Golden Cub, Alderok Vektro, Geth, Dwugget, Yshkar

In-game references[ | ]

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References[ | ]

  1. a b Rei Nakazawa (May 03, 2004). "The Breaking Fifth Dawn". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Magic Arcana (May 10, 2004). "Mask of Suns". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. a b Character Profile: Raksha Golden Cub, Kha of Taj Nar (archived)
  4. Cory J. Herndon. (2004.) The Fifth Dawn, Wizards of the Coast. ISBN-13 0-7869-3205-8.
  5. Doug Beyer (December 08, 2010). "The Nonhuman Cultures of Mirrodin". Wizards of the Coast.
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