Rath Cycle

The Rath Cycle is a storyline told in the anthology Rath and Storm. It follows the story of the Weatherlight on their adventure into the artificial plane Rath and back again. Each story is told from a different character's background and perspective, illuminating their roles and personalities each in turn.

It takes place during Tempest block, several years after the events of Weatherlight. Captain Sisay has recently been kidnapped by an old "acquaintance" of Gerrard Capashen's who recently became evincar of Rath, and begins with the crew trying to convince him to come to Rath with them. From there, they planeshift to Rath, where they find why the evincar lured them there, and that their homelands are in more danger than they could ever fathom.

The Rath Cycle was also narrated in the comic Gerrard's Quest.

Rath and Storm

Rath Cycle overview[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Rath and Storm Peter Archer and various July 1998 Weatherlight, Tempest, Stronghold, Exodus Dominaria, Rath Ilcaster, Gerrard Capashen, Volrath, Sidar Kondo, Starke il-Vec, Karn, Multani, Mirri, Rofellos, Sisay, Tahngarth, Crovax, Hanna, Orim, Squee, Morinfen and Gallowbraid, Selenia, Torsten, Javero, Alaric, Rofellos, Kastan, Kindeya, Barrin, Ertai, Maraxus, Greven il-Vec, Vhati il-Dal, Eladamri, Oracle en-Vec, Tomalan, Aniyeh, Csaba, Jumok, Keilic, Seyen, Vidats, Takara, Lyna, Sliver Queen, Urza
Story publications
Blocks and Sets
Weatherlight crew
Nine Titans
Other characters
See also