
  • ️Sat Jan 14 2023


Race Phyrexian Beast
Birthplace New Phyrexia
Lifetime Mending Era, deceased

Rothga was a Phyrexian Beast native to New Phyrexia, and was the partner to the planeswalker Lukka on the plane.

History[ | ]

Rothga was one of a few Phyrexian predators who attacked the planeswalkers Lukka, Nissa Revane, and The Wanderer. While others were slain, Lukka formed the eludha with Rothga. This would lead to Lukka's compleation. The beast served as a mount for both Lukka and Nissa as they traversed through the Hunter Maze trying to find a way out. It proved useful against many of the Maze's other predators and when itself was almost torn apart, Lukka managed to rescue it. Rothga also aided the two in their battles against Glissa and Vorinclex. During Lukka's fight with Glissa, Rothga fused itself with Lukka, fully compleating him and making him a hulking Phyrexian monstrosity.[1]

Rothga and its companion were both destroyed by Vadrok during their abortive attempt to invade the plane of Ikoria.[2]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Phyrexia: All Will Be One - Hard as Anger, Bright as Joy Langley Hyde 2023-01-14 Phyrexia: All Will Be One New Phyrexia Nissa Revane, The Wanderer, Lukka, Rothga, Vorinclex, Glissa Sunseeker
March of the Machine - Episode 1: Triumph of the Fleshless K. Arsenault Rivera 2023-03-15 March of the Machine New Phyrexia Elesh Norn, Kaya Cassir, Kaito Shizuki, Himoto, Tyvar Kell, Lukka, Rothga, Ajani Goldmane, Sheoldred, Jace Beleren, Nahiri, Nissa Revane, Tamiyo, Atraxa, Ephara
Ikoria: Survival of the Fittest Roy Graham 2023-03-20 March of the Machine Ikoria Jirina Kudro, Bryd, Vivien Reid, Chevill, Lukka, Rothga, Haldan, Vadrok

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:
Depicted in:
^† Scryfall does not record flavor text for digital cards. See Alchemy: Phyrexia/Flavor text

References[ | ]

Mirrodin block
Scars of Mirrodin block
Phyrexia 2023
Mirrodin/New Phyrexia



The Nine Spheres





