


Enchantment Type
(Subtype for enchantment cards)

5 cards

{W} 20% {U} 20% {B} 20% {R} 20% {G} 20%

as of Kaldheim
Scryfall Search

Rune is an aura enchantment type introduced in Kaldheim.

Description[ | ]

Runes can enchant any permanent, though they only provide an effect if attached to a creature or equipment. When attached to a creature, they give it a specific ability. When attached to an equipment, they allow it to grant the same ability when equipped to a creature.[1]

The Rune subtype doesn't have any special rules meaning, but there are a couple of cards that care mechanically about Runes.[2]

Storyline[ | ]

The Kaldheim runes are linked to blessings of the gods.

Development[ | ]

Runes were initially conceived as upgrading your Equipment by carving runes into it.[3] During development it was found that an Aura that only enchanted equipment, both of which were not common in decks to begin with, was too narrow for players to justify using. R&D changed Runes to "Enchant permanent" with abilities that focused on equipment and creatures so the Runes would be viable enough to go in decks.

Rules[ | ]

From the Comprehensive Rules (November 8, 2024—Magic: The Gathering Foundations)

  • 205.3h Enchantments have their own unique set of subtypes; these subtypes are called enchantment types. The enchantment types are Aura (see rule 303.4), Background, Cartouche, Case (see rule 719), Class (see rule 716), Curse, Role (see rule 303.7), Room, Rune, Saga (see rule 714), Shard, and Shrine.

Rune cards[ | ]

Cards interacting with Runes[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Mark Rosewater (January 18, 2021). "Norsing Around, Part 2". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Matt Tabak (January 22, 2021). "Kaldheim Release Notes". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Ethan Fleischer (December 26, 2024). "RandomCardIWorkedOn, December 26, 2024: Rune of Flight". Bluesky.
Kaldheim sets
Kaldheim storyline
Test card