Sash and Waistcoat

Sash and Waistcoat
Mr. Stick and Mr. Puddle
Race Un-men
Birthplace Otaria, Dominaria
Lifetime Rift Era
Onslaught, Legions, Scourge

Sash and Waistcoat were two of six unmen created by Ixidor in Otaria on Dominaria. They were known as troublemakers.

Un-men are a creation of Ixidor derrived from his shadow using dementia magic that served as living escape portals designed to seal themselves when both their creator and his remaining un-men had passed through closing the escape route. Upon this usage the un-man would cease to exist. Ixidor created six un-men and while evading death used four of the portals. An issue persisted during the fourth escape attempt in that two of the un-men, who called themselves Sash and Waistcoat, decided they would very much like to not die and abandoned their creator causing the final un-man, later named Umbra by Akroma, to not close and allow Ixidor's pursuer to capture him. Umbra was then sent out by Akroma to fetch Sash and Waistcoat for their disloyalty.

For a while the three gained bodies of cockroaches, a gift from the Cabal Patriarch in exchange for a promise to kill Akroma and Phage. When the un-men returned unsuccessful the First stripped them of their cockroach bodies, leaving them as living holes once again. Then they eventually gained new human bodies, at the cost of Umbra's life, but sustained wounds from walking naked across the blistering sands of the desert. They were found and healed by Karona, who ended up befriending them because they were not affected by her aura and didn't worship her. Karona eventually decided that they could help her discover her true identity, so she took them as her disciples.

When Sash came to the conclusion that Karona was magic manifest, she instantly took on the idea and started to test her newfound powers. Through much trial and error, they discovered that her powers were based on faith. After Karona's power began to rise out of control, she attacked the Numena and killed many people. In the end Kamahl came to bring an end to Karona's reign but he almost lost the fight. Acting under advice from Lord Macht, Sash and Waistcoast then betrayed Karona, and pierced her belly with the Mirari Sword.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Onslaught J. Robert King September 2002 Onslaught Dominaria Kamahl, Seton, Jeska, Braids, Ixidor, Nivea, Phage, Zagorka, Sash and Waistcoat, Akroma, Stonebrow
Legions J. Robert King January 2003 Legions Dominaria Phage, Virot Maglan, Kamahl, Akroma, Braids, Zagorka, Stonebrow, Sash and Waistcoat, Kuberr, Ixidor, Averru, Umbra, Karona
Scourge J. Robert King May 2003 Scourge Dominaria, Serra's Realm, Phyrexia, Mirrodin Kamahl, Karona, Stonebrow, Averru, Sash and Waistcoat, Balthor, Laquatus, Kuberr, Braids, Ixidor, Lowallyn, Fiers, Multani, Teferi, Yawgmoth, Karn, Jeska
Dominaria storyline



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