Shandalar | |
Information | |
First seen | Shandalar |
Last seen | March of the Machine |
Planeswalkers |
Boragor Kenan Sahrmal |
Rabiah Scale | 7[1] |
Status | Recovering from New Phyrexia's invasion |
Demonym | Shandalarian[2] |
Card art | art:"Shandalar" |
Shandalar is a rogue plane, drifting through the multiverse instead of retaining a steady position or course. It is a relatively small plane and incredibly rich in mana.[3][4] The magical energy is so prevalent that it all is sentient, and the common people use minor spells as an everyday convenience.
Background[ | ]
Shandalar was the setting of MicroProse's Magic: The Gathering computer game. The Creative team of Wizards of the Coast fleshed out Shandalar when it became clear that there was a need for an approachable setting that could host Magic's fantasy staples: elves, goblins, dragons, angels, etc. Because Dominaria had developed its distinct post-apocalyptic look, Shandalar replaced it as the setting for several "baseline fantasy" core set cards.[5][6]
Storyline[ | ]
For most of its existence, Shandalar prospered alone.[3] This plane is unique in that it is fairly drowning in mana. The magical energy is so rich that in ancient days wizards here were able to create creatures of pure mana. Those creatures and their descendants — among them the great dragons — still roam the land. The richness and purity of Shandalar’s mana is the reason for the plane’s other unusual characteristic — the use of magic is commonplace. Though the more powerful magic is confined to the realm of the wizard, as on the other known planes, lesser spells are used every day by ordinary folk.
Sahrmal[ | ]
Kenan Sahrmal was a planeswalker on Shandalar, and one of the few on the plane who knew of the existence of the multiverse. Shandalar was a relatively happy and prosperous plane but Sahrmal knew that it would not remain so if it was brought to the attention of other planeswalkers.
During the time of the Shard of the Twelve Worlds, Shandalar weaved in and out of that protective barrier due to its rogue nature. Many planeswalkers trapped upon planes within the Shard saw Shandalar as a route to escape.[7] Three of these planeswalkers were named Faralyn, Tevesh Szat, and Leshrac. Lim-Dûl, a powerful necromancer, was also brought along by Leshrac. They immediately began to wage war upon the plane, ready to claim it for their own.
Kenan Sahrmal mounted a defense and managed to kill Faralyn with a summoned astral dragon, while routing the others. Lim-Dûl, however, injured Sahrmal. Sahrmal disappeared, but his followers captured and beheaded Lim-Dûl. Both were presumed dead and peace returned for a time.
On Dominaria, the unique wandering of Shandalar was used by Freyalise to cast the World Spell ending that plane's Ice Age and shattering the Shard.
Lim-Dûl's War[ | ]
Twelve years later, Lim-Dûl reappeared with an army of undead at his back. His goal was as his master's before him, to seize control over the mana-rich plane. City after city on the plane was destroyed until, after years of war, only one city remained, Ardestan. Ardestan became the last refuge against the necromancer. The city came under siege and it was plain to all that Shandalar would soon fall to this invader.
Sahrmal, the protector of Shandalar, had other plans. Since his apparent death, he had been training two adepts. One was Azar, the other's name has yet to be revealed. During the siege of Ardestan, Sahrmal counseled patience, telling his students that they were not yet ready to take on the might of Lim-Dûl. Azar, unable to witness the suffering and inevitable fall of Ardestan without doing something about it, left their hidden sanctuary and went to the defense of the city. Upon learning of this rash action, Sahrmal and his other apprentice went to Azar's aid.
Azar had stolen a spell from Sahrmal designed to target the necromancer's spirit and imprison it within his body, drawing power from it to erect a Great Barrier around Shandalar much akin to the Shard. Within the defense of a Circle of Protection, Azar prepared to cast the spell. Lim-Dûl was prepared, however, and waited nearby.
When Lim-Dûl had been beheaded, he survived by transferring his soul into another body. This time, he planned to transfer into Azar's body. When Azar's spell was complete, Lim-Dûl initiated his counter. The combined spells had the unforeseen effect of trapping both spirits within Azar's body. The body went limp as the two souls warred for control. Saddened, Sahrmal secretly buried the body, for the Great Barrier had come into existence and it depended upon the confinement of Lim-Dûl.
The Guardian[ | ]
After Lim-Dûl and Azar's confinement, Sahrmal invested all of his remaining power into his other apprentice. Sahrmal's pupil became known as The Guardian and took up the role of Protector of Shandalar. Sahrmal again vanished. The people of Shandalar soon came to trust the Guardian in the place of Sahrmal.
The Guardian established five guilds of magic, each responsible for teaching and guarding the use of the five colors of mana. The Guildlord of each guild was determined in a great contest. A new Guildlord is selected with the passing of the previous Guildlord.
The Wizards' War[ | ]
Azar proved to be too inexperienced and fell in his combat against Lim-Dûl. Emerging from the secret burial place, the necromancer took up his campaign to rule Shandalar. This time, however, he found organized resistance in the form of five powerful wizard schools. War ensued. During the Wizard's War the Black Guildlord was killed before Lim-Dûl was finally defeated. The Guardian removed Lim-Dûl's soul from Azar's body and imprisoned it within a magical artifact, thereby keeping the Great Barrier intact.
The now-empty body of Azar, however, had been exposed to too much magic. Though it was without a soul, it rose on its own and took the name Lichlord Skavius Slan. Then it took command of the Black Guild and ruled for ages while other Guildlords came and went.
Arzakon[ | ]
Arzakon, a powerful planeswalker, had taken notice of the powerful emanations of magic caused by the wars on Shandalar. Lured by the power of the plane, he came into contact with the Great Barrier. The Guardian became aware of Arzakon and repelled the other planeswalker's attempt at physically coming through. Arzakon found a different way.
The Guildlords of Shandalar, Alsadim K'mer, Starcryst, Lichlord Skavius Slan, Kzzy'n, and Morgane, the Great Druid, rose and struck down the Guardian. This was in response to the subtle manipulations of Arzakon in the guise of a benevolent advisor.
Arzakon then set a task before the Guildlords. He convinced them that to rule Shandalar, one wizard must cast the Spell of Dominion, which would grant its caster immortality. Of course, this was untrue. The spell was meant to seek out the source of the Great Barrier, the artifact in which Lim-Dûl's spirit is contained, and destroy it.
Fall of the guilds[ | ]
At some point in the past, planeswalkers were once more able to access Shandalar, meaning the Great Barrier had failed. Previously unknown slivers began stirring in the Kalonian Wilds. The Guilds fell and new nations rose across the plane. At some point Ob Nixilis came for the Chain Veil and was cursed by its power.
Phyrexian invasion[ | ]
Shandalar was a target in New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse.[8] Compleated Phyrexians on the plane found their metallic augmentations shredded by the pervasive wild magic of the plane's mana.[9]
When Realmbreaker breached the plane of Ravnica where the Chain Veil had been locked away, the Veil’s foul magic seeped out to empower the dormant masters of Shandalar in defense of their world.[10]
Notable inhabitants[ | ]
[ | ]
The Onakke[ | ]
The Onakke were once a brilliant race of ogres, adept at using the plane's abundant mana to craft artifacts of terrible power. They were slaughtered into nothingness in ages past. The massacre took only a night. Years passed and the demon Kothophed sent Liliana Vess to retrieve the Chain Veil. The Veil itself is an artifact hidden within the catacombs of the Onakke and has been of great interest, along with Liliana, to the mysterious individual only known as the Raven Man.
Xathrid[ | ]
Xathrid is a major demon worshipped or followed by the Cult of Xathrid, which has enticed many people and creatures on Shandalar, including humans, gorgons, and other demons.[11][12]
Notable locations[ | ]
- Altac, home of bloodseekers
- The Broken Barrens, a tract of barren volcanic land.[13]
- The Catacombs of Shandalar
- Onakke Catacomb or the Onakke Tomb,[14] the Tomb of the Onakke ogres
- The Eastern Sea
- The Eloren Wilds, a wilderness [15]
- Evos Isle, a remote island where swift and formidable aven enforce the will of the ruling sphinxes.
- Kalgor, a nation feared for its marauding hordes.[16]
- Kalonia, a forest, also known as the Kalonian Wilds. Plagued by hydras and tuskers. The forest lies past the Onakke catacombs. [17]
- The Kapsho Seas, ruled by Talrand and home to the Amphin.
- Mistral Isle
- Lesh, a trade city positioned on one of the most vital trade rivers, far from Thune. Ruled by the merchant guilds, along with a fair deal of the city's underworld. Named after Leshrac.[17]
- Martyne, a coastal city near a river and Mistral Isle[17][19] The river is possibly called the Mar.[20]
- The Nether Lands[13]
- The Osai Desert[13]
- The burned sands of El-Aman[13]
- The Shadowwood[13]
- The Kingdom of Thune, located on the plains
- Ardestan, once the capital of the plane.
- An Karras, an ancient city on the coast, famed for its domes. An Karras was guarded by Warclamp Mastiffs and destroyed by one or more Juggernauts.[12]
- Fleet Rock[12]
- Tonamur, a great ocean surrounding the main continent.
- Sunari, the desert citadel
- Urd, location of famous obelisk
- Valkas, the grandest mountain of the plane.
Notable locations from Magic: The Gathering (MicroProse)[ | ]
- Altar of the Cyclops
- Arjonot's Tomb
- Azar's Crypt, which may or may not be the same location as the Necropolis of Azar
- Castle Necris
- Cave of the Ice Worm
- Citadel of the Sun
- Dragon Mount
- Dungeons of Graaz Keep
- Gemcutter's Guild
- Hall of the Sultan
- Loremaster's Tower
- Lost City of El'Akram
- Lost Mines of Suret
- Mound of the Warrior Kings
- Mysthold
- Oasis of Muldoon
- Paths of Chronus
- Pyramids of Aska-tet
- Ruins of Su-Chan
- Soulchant Monastery
- Spectral Arena
- The Guardian's Ghost
- Tower of Whim (Whim the dragon, not whim the concept)
- Vault of the Maker
- Wildwood Steading
Variably named locations from Magic: The Gathering (MicroProse)[ | ]
All of the following locations had randomly generated two-word names. The names were created by combining a random name from the first-word list, with a random name from the second-word list.
For example, any given game might produce Amanaxis Tower, Amanaxis being from the first-word list and Tower from the second-word list.
For lore purposes, the first-word list can be considered regions on Shandalar, and the second-word list, locations within each of those regions. For example, we know that Eloren is a region on Shandalar, and inside of Eloren, there may be an Eloren Glade, an Eloren Steading, an Eloren Haven, etc.
Regions | Locations |
Amanaxis | Bazaar |
Andor's | Forge |
Bloodsand | Glade |
Celestine | Hall |
Coldsnap | Haven |
Eloren | Hold |
Hornwall | Keep |
Kraag | Mill |
Mardrake | Oasis |
Nevermoor | Sanctum |
Pyrenian | Shrine |
Sahrmal's | Spire |
Shalecliff | Steading |
Unicorn's | Tavern |
Windlass | Temple |
Zephyr | Tower |
Village |
Languages spoken[ | ]
- Kalonian
- Contains a single word for both "ammunition" and "bait."[21]
Planeswalkers[ | ]
Native[ | ]
Visitors[ | ]
Non-planeswalker visitors[ | ]
In-game references[ | ]
- Represented in:
- Associated cards:
- Referred to:
- Plane specific:
- Acolyte of Xathrid
- Altac Bloodseeker
- Archangel of Thune
- Fangs of Kalonia
- Kalonian Behemoth
- Kalonian Hydra
- Kalonian Tusker
- Kalonian Twingrove
- Kapsho Kitefins
- Kird Ape
- Kird Chieftain
- Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient
- Mistral Singer
- Obelisk of Urd
- Onakke Ogre
- Osai Vultures
- Ring of Evos Isle
- Ring of Kalonia
- Ring of Thune
- Ring of Valkas
- Ring of Xathrid
- Scourge of Valkas
- War Priest of Thune
- Warden of Evos Isle
- Xathrid Demon
- Xathrid Gorgon
- Xathrid Necromancer
- Xathrid Slyblade
References[ | ]
- ↑ Mark Rosewater (November 29, 2016). "The Rabiah Scale". Blogatog. Tumblr.
- ↑ Blake Rasmussen (July 23, 2014). "The Spells of Shandalar". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on April 10, 2016.
- ↑ a b Magic: The Gathering (MicroProse)/Backstory
- ↑ Brady Dommermuth (March 19, 2008). "The Known Mutliverse (sic)". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ Blake Rasmussen (July 16, 2014). "Welcome to Shandalar". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ Blake Rasmussen (July 23, 2014). "The Spells of Shandalar". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ Jeff Gomez (1995), "Ice Age on the World of Magic: The Gathering. Volume 3. The Shard". Armada
- ↑ First Look at March of the Machine (Video). Magic: The Gathering. YouTube (February 19, 2023).
- ↑ Flavor text for Leyline Surge
- ↑ Onakke Javelineer
- ↑ Doug Beyer (6 October 2013). "Who, what or where is Xathrid?". A Voice for Vorthos. Tumblr.
- ↑ a b c Jenna Helland (July 04, 2012). "Xathrid Gorgon". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h David Quinn (1996), "Shandalar", Armada
- ↑ Doug Beyer (January 6, 2010). "Writing Comics". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ Doug Beyer (September 02, 2009). "The Planes of Planechase". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ a b c Adam Lee (July 10, 2013). "The Path of Bravery". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ a b c Matt Knicl (July 19, 2013). "The Bard and the Biologist". Wizards of the Coast.
- ↑ Jennifer Clarke Wilkes (June 26, 2013). "Prisoner of the Skep".
- ↑ Flavor text for Watercourser.
- ↑ Jenna Helland (2010), "The Raven's Eye", Wizards of the Coast
- ↑ Acorn Catapult
Shandalar | ||||||||||||||||||
Core sets | ||||||||||||||||||
Shandalar storyline |
Magic Story set settings |
Seen on cards | |
Other planes | |
Non-canon | |
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