


Plane Dominaria
Card art art:"Shiv (continent)"

The island (or continent) of Shiv is the most powerful source of red mana on Dominaria.[1][2]

Description[ | ]

Shiv lies on the northeastern part of the string of continents of which Jamuraa also forms a part. The continents are separated by the Great Ocean.[3] An inhospitable volcanic landmass, Shiv sits in a deep-ocean "Ring of Fire" which fuels the coastal waters to near boiling point.[4] Only the viashino lizard-folk know the secrets of how to navigate these inhospitable waters, much to the ire of the other Shivans. Shiv is reshaped constantly by geothermal forces and features a sprawling network of volcanic vents. The swirling clouds of ash and vapor formed by its numerous active volcanoes make Shiv visible from miles away. Shiv's inhabitants include the viashino, goblins, the nomadic Ghitu and of course the Shivan dragons.

Known locations[ | ]

History[ | ]

Creation myth[ | ]

According to the Ghitu, Shiv itself hatched from an egg — "a shell of stone around a yolk of flame" — and basked in the heat of primordial Dominaria, shedding its "scales" with each new eruption.[9] The inhabitants of Shiv were born from its elements — the Ghitu were born of the fire, the Dragons of the air, and the Viashino of the earth.

Prehistory[ | ]

Uncounted thousands of years ago, the continent was the seat of power for one of the primeval dragons, Rhammidarigaaz, who later was imprisoned in a volcano.

Settlement[ | ]

During the ancient times of the Thran Empire, an outpost of this large empire was located on Shiv, a Mana Rig used to produce powerstones. The structure remained standing for ages after the fall of the Thran. The descendants of the goblin slaves that operated the rig forgot how it was supposed to be used, but created a form of religion surrounding the structure.

Urza[ | ]

During his studies on Tolaria, Urza discovered an amulet of Thran-steel one of his students, Jhoira of the Ghitu, carried. Hoping to use it in his quest against Phyrexia, Urza traveled to the volcanic island and managed to settle with the viashino living by the Rig by making peace with the dragon Gherridarigaaz, and he managed to persuade the goblins to work with viashino for his cause. From that time on the Rig produced many powerstones for his Legacy.

Invasion[ | ]

When the Phyrexian Invasion broke out, the Rig was used offensively by Jhoira against the Phyrexians, much to Urza's chagrin; but her old friend, the planeswalker Teferi, had decided he'd rather flee than fight and wanted her to go along with him. Teferi phased out a large chunk of Shiv along with Jhoira and part of the Mana Rig. During this time the Primeval Dragon of Shiv, Rhammidarigaaz, who had been reborn as Gherridarigaaz's son, discovered his origin and started awakening the other dragons.

Rift Era[ | ]

Shiv suffered horribly after the devastation left in the wake of the Phyrexian Invasion and the drought of mana caused by the time rifts. Teferi successfully managed to return Shiv to its complete and whole form at the expense of his planeswalker's spark.[10] Moggs from Rath were introduced into the Goblin population around 4205 AR, causing some evolutionary changes among the Goblins. Both the Shivan Dragons and the Viashino had suffered heavy losses, and Ghitu and the Goblins started a conflict over the remains of the Mana Rig. Jhoira negotiated a truce and managed to repair the Mana Rig, which once began to produce Thran steel (though the manufacture of new powerstones remained contentious).

Shivan Nation[ | ]

Respected by Shivans of all kinds, but reluctant to become a leader, Jhoira sought to create a political body that represented all of Shiv.[7] With the once again newly reincarnated Darigaaz, she was instrumental in forming the Shivan Nation in 4520 AR. Uniting Goblins, Ghitu, Dragons, and Viashino, it is led by a council of eight elders - two of each race - that preside over matters of state. Jhoira herself was elected as the honorary ninth member.

Second Invasion[ | ]

The New Phyrexians used Shiv's Cometia Crater as a secondary staging ground after leaving the Caves of Koilos.[6] They gathered in the tunnels within the crater's cave complex before launching their attack on Shiv's Mana Rig, and regrouped there after the attack before striking Urza's Tower in New Argive.

Gallery[ | ]

Maps of Shiv[ | ]

  • Shiv fan-map by Varghedin

    Shiv fan-map by Varghedin

Trivia[ | ]

  • The “Shivan” of Shivan Dragon came from a reference to Shiva of Hindu mythology.[11]

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:
Associated cards:
Referred to:

References[ | ]

  1. Doug Beyer (September 02, 2009). "The Planes of Planechase". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Scott McGough (March 21, 2011). "From the Ground Up". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Martha Wells (March 21, 2018). "Return to Dominaria, Episode 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Pete Venters, Kij Johnson, and Scott Hungerford (April 1997). "Dominian Chronicles". The Duelist #16, p.63-65
  5. Brian M. Thomsen (2001). "Because of a Twig". The Dragons of Magic.
  6. a b Reinhardt Suarez (October 25, 2022). "The Brothers' War - Chapter 3: Nemesis".
  7. a b James Wyatt (2018), The Art of Magic: The Gathering - Dominaria. VIZ Media.
  8. Ethan Fleischer (April 25, 2020). "I created a highly-detailed version of the Dominaria map for internal reference use.". Twitter.
  9. a b March 27, 2018. "Dominaria Card of the Day: The First Eruption". Wizards of the Coast.
  10. Scott McGough (2006), "Time Spiral", Wizards of the Coast
  11. Mark Rosewater (July 31, 2023). "Birthday ask.". Blogatog. Tumblr.
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