The Abyss

The Abyss

The abyss

First seen Legends
Last seen March of the Machine Commander
Status Unknown
Demonym Abyssal[1]
Card art art:"The Abyss"

The Abyss is a plane populated by demons.[2]

Description[ | ]

It may be synonymous with Hell and the Underworld[3] (but is not to be confused with Theros' Underworld).

The Pit is part of the Abyss.[4][5]

History[ | ]

The Wretched, beings who enslave the wills of their enemies, are reputed to come from the Abyss. Their touch means loss of self and is followed by a lifetime of base servitude.[6]

Liana of Minorad and Ravidel battled there, resulting in Liana's death.[7] It was also here that Greensleeves banished the evil creature Ur-Drago.[8]

Asmor's service[ | ]

Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar, or Asmor for short, was a female wizard who summoned a Lord of the Pit named Vincent but ran out of stuff to feed it.[3] Being a great cook, she escaped being eaten herself by entering into his service in the Underworld as a chef for seven years and seven days.

War in the Abyss[ | ]

The Elder Demon Belzenlok fought in "The War in the Abyss", a war between Angels and Demons, and had been stuck in the Abyss ever since.[5] The Cabal, desperate for leadership, performed a ritual to summon Kuberr, but accidentally freed Belzenlok from the Abyss.[9][10]

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:
Associated cards:
Referred to:

Trivia[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Abyssal Specter and other associated card names.
  2. The Pit
  3. a b Sonia Orin Lyris (1996). Chef's Surprise. In: Distant Planes Anthology
  4. Richard Lee Byers (1999). Angel of Vengeance. In: The Colors of Magic anthology. Wizards of the Coast
  5. a b Ethan Fleischer (April 7, 2023). "References to the Pit, Hell, the Abyss, and the Underworld were all a bit confused and ambiguous in early Magic fiction.". Twitter.
  6. Magic the Gathering: Daily Calendar 1997.
  7. Wayfarer
  8. Clayton Emery. (1995.) Magic: The Gathering - Final Sacrifice, Harper Prism.
  9. Squirle (June 11, 2018). "Legends of Dominaria & Magic Story Podcasts". Multiverse in Review. Tumblr.
  10. James Wyatt. (2018.) The Art of Magic: The Gathering - Dominaria, VIZ Media.
  11. Wizards of the Coast (June, 2005). "Ask Wizards - June, 2005". Wizards of the Coast.
Magic Story
set settings
Seen on cards
Other planes