Episode 2070

Picture Segment Description


SCENE 1 Forgetful Jones is welcoming the viewers when Bob walks by carrying some books, and Forgetful tries to guess where he's taking them. Bob gives him some hints, but upon putting everything together, Forgetful assumes he's going to the laundromat. Once Forgetful leaves, Bob clarifies to the viewer that he is going to the library.

Geometry of Circles 2 - Seven Circles with Designs

Cartoon Geometry of Circles #2 "Seven Circles with Designs"
(First: Episode 1394)


Film An ice cream man hands a boy too many cones. The boy cries out for "HELP" and some kids eat the extras.
(First: Episode 0484)


Muppets Anything Muppets tell Grover in song how to plan making various objects (such as a sandwich or a birdhouse); unfortunately, all Grover wanted to make up was his mind - regarding which of two ice cream cones to eat first! By the time said song is finished, both cones have completely melted.
(First: Episode 1385)


Cartoon Speech Balloon: L--Loud
(First: Episode 0783)


Celebrity Fonzie shows on and off using his patented jukebox-activiation technique.
Part 1
(First: Episode 1179)


Cartoon A red man tries to get apples from a tree by himself, while a yellow man builds a ladder.
(First: Episode 0779)


Celebrity Fonzie turns the jukebox on and off again.
Part 2
(First: Episode 1179)


Muppets Cookie Monster and Herry Monster are fighting over a bicycle, when Kermit suggests they share it. The two monsters cooperate, and devour the bicycle together.
(First: Episode 0978)


Celebrity Fonzie rapidly turns the jukebox on and off with just his elbows.
Part 3
(First: Episode 1179)


Cartoon L for life, love, lizard, leap and lump
Artist: Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 1833)


Muppets Snuffy wears a green derby hat as he sings about L, "The Leading Letter of My Life."
(First: Episode 1922)


Cartoon Shorty reaches a water fountain with a stool.
(First: Episode 0954)


Song Joe Raposo sings "What Babies Are Called"
(First: Episode 0096)


Cast Gordon and Olivia try to cooperate under the sun, with voiceover from Bob.
(First: Episode 1245)


Film A man talks about his working horses.
(First: Episode 1466)


Cartoon Bus Stop
(First: Episode 1396)


Muppets Cookie Monster explains the purpose of the Bus Stop sign, however the bus zooms pasts him. Resulting in Cookie Monster ripping the part of the sign mentioning STOP.
(First: Episode 0192)


Cartoon "The Little Letter L: A Poem by Louise"
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 1526)


SCENE 2 Bob, Linda, and three Honkers are sitting in the yard. Each of the Honkers are wearing a uniform that they wear to their job, and Linda teaches them the signs for their job names (being a doctor, dentist, and bus driver). Soon after, the bus driver and the other two Honkers drive away in an invisible bus, leaving Bob and Linda speechless.

When I Grow Up (Canadian)

Cartoon A girl sings "When I Grow Up" about all the jobs she could have when she gets older.
(First: Episode 1966)


Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Pied Piper of HamelinKermit takes over for the Pied Piper.
(First: Episode 0519)


Cartoon The Typewriter: B for Ball
(First: Episode 0829)


Film Sounds Around the House v1: a dripping water faucet, a man playing the violin, a woman vacuuming, a teenager listening to pop music, and a passing elevated train.
(First: Episode 1706)


Cartoon Seven Starfish
Artist: Owe Gustafson
(First: Episode 1473)



Cast In a spoof of a famous Mean Joe Greene Coke commercial, football player "Big Murray" (Gordon) accepts a number 7 from a young fan, whom he rewards with a towel that also has one on it.
(First: Episode 1535)


Cartoon A domestic cat paints various wild feline versions of himself on his owner's canvas.
(First: Episode 1521)


SCENE 3 Maria and the kids are each trying the tongue twister "Rubber baby buggy bumpers," when Oscar steps on the scene, and fails as well. Linda walks by and shows she can prove she can say it the fastest... by signing the phrase.


Cartoon First, Middle, Last (men on horse)
(First: Episode 0827)


Muppets Two brothers, First and Last, sing about how their names affect how they do things.
(First: Episode 0134)


SCENE 3 cont'd Maria and the kids are still trying the phrase, with no luck.


Cartoon B for Beard (poem by Edward Lear)
Artist: Jeff Hale
(First: Episode 1147)


Celebrity John Moschitta Jr. and the alphabet baby
(First: Episode 2048)


Film Comparing a boy's skin to animals' fur, feathers, skin, and other coverings.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0108)


SCENE 3 cont'd Maria and the kids are still where they left off, repeating the phrase over.


Cartoon Mi kat iz ... gone
(First: Episode 1967)


Muppets Ernie and Bert: Ernie Makes a Grocery ListBert observes Ernie write out a shopping list using chocolate pudding.
(First: Episode 1967)


Cartoon A boy does an addition problem in his head: 5 + 1 = 6.
(First: Episode 0548)


SCENE 4 Oscar finds a stash of rubber baby buggy bumpers in his can and calls over Bob for a trick, telling him he's just working on some addition. He hands Bob each of the bumpers to add while Bob flawlessly repeats the phrase, stumping Oscar.


Cartoon L for locomotive, letter, lamp, light, lion, lettuce, lips
(First: Episode 1716)


Insert The Alphabet Dancers form a letter L.
(First: Episode 0449)

Clip 7

Film A Stool For Me
(First: Episode 0513)


Animation A chair (voice of Martin P. Robinson) keeps bumping into things, until he finds his glasses. "See ya later!"
(First: Episode 1981)


Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentGrover and Erik play a rhyming game.
(First: Episode 1754)


Animation It's a giraffe
Artist: Ishu Patel
(First: Episode 1752)


SCENE 5 Linda is sitting on the stoop with the kids teaching them how to sign the words "rubber baby buggy bumper."



SCENE 5 cont'd Bob has come back to Oscar's can, still trying to teach Oscar the tongue twister, but Oscar grows even more frustrated as Bob flaunts his enunciation. Maria announces the sponsors, and the credits roll.