MV Trails is on a Mission!
Meadow Vista Trails Association is dedicated to establishing and maintaining safe trails throughout our area: Meadow Vista, Applegate, Auburn, Christian Valley, Clipper Gap, Colfax, Eden Valley and Weimar. Our members share interests in walking, dog walking, jogging, running, bike riding, and horseback riding.
Services We Provide
- Maps and Trail information on this website;
- Our Email Newsletter is available without charge;
- MV Arena and Dog Park administration and maintenance;
- Trail Maintenance for MV neighborhood trails; Winchester Sugarpine Trail; Esoteric Society Trails; and Bear River Campground Trails.
Your Membership makes it Possible!
Join or Renew on-line: Individual, Family, Trail Guardian and Lifetime membership levels are available. Major credit/debit cards accepted via PayPal. You can also join via our Mail-in Form (PDF format.)
MVTA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your membership contribution may be tax deductible.
General Meeting
Generally held 4th Wednesday
at Mt.
Mike's Pizza, Meadow Vista
6:30 PM: informal gathering
7:00 PM:
Board Meeting
Generally held 1st Tuesday
at Mt.
Mike's Pizza, Meadow Vista
6:30 PM: Call to Order
Trail Work Days: Members, along
with their friends and family members, are encouraged to participate in our
efforts to maintain and improve the trails in our area. Trail Work events are
generally held every other week throughout non-rainy months (May to November.)
Meadow Vista Arena & Dog Park: MVTA manages the Arena and Dog Park on behalf of Placer County. See the Arena page for details on location, etc.
Trail Rides: Trail rides are organized by our mounted members. Rides are usually held during non-rainy months (May to November.) All area riders are welcome to join in. Email Sherri Bloomfield at MVTA Riders Group.
Trail walking, running and cycling events are also held.