Klet Observatory
Searching database of minor planet names
The catalog of asteroids discovered at Klet can be searched in two ways. In the first one, pick a starting letter of asteroid's name from the listed alphabet. In the second way, start writing an expression to search (diacritics is allowed), and after at least three letters are typed, the results are automatically listed. The search can also be performed only on asteroid names, catalogue numbers, date of discovery or names of the discoverers.
1988 AL1
Discovered by 10.01.1988 by A. Mrkos on Klet observatory
MPC 46012 (24.06.2002)
Austrian architect Adolf Loos (1870-1933) was one of the pioneers of the
functionalist style in Europe. Influenced by the rationalist architecture
of the Chicago School, he rejected the Art Nouveau style. Loos' radical
style influenced architects in Germany, Austria and Bohemia.