World Records - MagLab

  • ️National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Most of the records we have established since the lab opened have been short-lived, as we are constantly surpassing them. As you can see in the table below, where some of our current records are featured, there's a very good reason why hundreds of researchers a year travel to our unique lab to use these awesome tools. For technical details on these records, click on the blue links in the table.

First, a few quick definitions:

  • Dalton: Unit of molecular mass. A hydrogen atom weighs about 1 Dalton (Da)
  • Kelvin: A temperature scale used by scientists. Zero Kelvin (0 K) is known as absolute zero, and is the equivalent of -273 degrees Celsius and -460 degrees Fahrenheit. Absolute zero is as cold as cold can get.
  • Tesla: Measure of magnetic field strength. The Earth's magnetic field is one twenty thousandth (.00005) of a tesla (T).
Highest field for a continuous field magnet (test magnet) 45.5 tesla
Highest field for a continuous field magnet (user magnet) 45 tesla
Highest field for a superconducting magnet 32 tesla
Highest field for a resistive magnet 41.4 teslas
Highest field for a controlled waveform (100-ms) magnet 100.75 tesla
Highest field for a long-pulse (100-ms) magnet 60 tesla
Highest field for a split magnet 25 tesla
Highest central field for a superconducting coil in a background magnet 42.5 tesla
Highest field superconducting magnet for FT-ICR mass spectrometry 21 tesla
Highest field neutron scattering magnet (built by MagLab for Helmoltz Centre Berlin) 26 tesla
Highest field magnet for nuclear magnetic resonance 36 tesla Series Connected Hybrid magnet
Smallest resolved mass difference between two molecules (achieved with our 9.4 tesla FT-ICR instrument) 0.000452 Dalton
Highest observed nuclear resonance Larmor frequency 1.9 GHz Proton NMR at 44.7 tesla
Highest frequency spectrometer for pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) 336 GHz / 12 tesla
Highest field for an MRI study of a living animal 21.1 tesla (900 MHz)
Lowest temperature for studies of electron systems in an applied field B, achieved at the lab's High B/T Facility 0.004 Kelvin
Highest trapped magnetic field 17.6 teslas