quark (Rev #9, changes) in nLab

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Fields and quanta

fields and particles in particle physics

and in the standard model of particle physics:

force field gauge bosons

scalar bosons

matter field fermions (spinors, Dirac fields)

flavors of fundamental fermions in the
standard model of particle physics:
generation of fermions1st generation2nd generation3d generation
quarks (qq)
up-typeup quark (uu)charm quark (cc)top quark (tt)
down-typedown quark (dd)strange quark (ss)bottom quark (bb)
neutralelectron neutrinomuon neutrinotau neutrino
bound states:
mesonslight mesons:
pion (udu d)
ρ-meson (udu d)
ω-meson (udu d)
ϕ-meson (ss¯s \bar s),
kaon, K*-meson (usu s, dsd s)
eta-meson (uu+dd+ssu u + d d + s s)

charmed heavy mesons:
D-meson (uc u c, dcd c, scs c)
J/ψ-meson (cc¯c \bar c)

bottom heavy mesons:
B-meson (qbq b)
ϒ-meson (bb¯b \bar b)
proton (uud)(u u d)
neutron (udd)(u d d)

(also: antiparticles)

effective particles

hadrons (bound states of the above quarks)


in grand unified theory

minimally extended supersymmetric standard model




dark matter candidates


auxiliary fields



The Quarksquarkss are one of the fundamental particles/matter fields in the standard model of particle physics. Quarks couple to the Yang-Mills theory given by QCD.

At room-temperature quarks always form bound states to hadrons. This phenomenon of confinement is quantitatively well-reproduced by lattice QCD computations (see Fodor-Hoelbling 12) and qualitatively well reproduced by conceptual arguments such as the AdS/QCD correspondence, but a full analytic proof of confinement from a rigorous AQFT-like foundation of QCD remains open, see the mass gap problem.

However, at high temperature QCD goes through a deconfinement phase transition and enters another phase of matter known as the quark-gluon plasma. As the name suggests, here quarks and gluons are free.


Ab-initio lattice computation

Due to confinement, before the quark-gluon plasma was seen in experiment it was a logical possibility that the quark-model of QCD is not actually correct. But more recend ab-initio computation in lattice QCD show that starting with the quark model, at least the light hadron bound states observes in experiment are reproduced by these ab-initio computations. This is discussed in the following references, see the good review Fodor-Hoelbling 12

  • S. Durr, Z. Fodor, J. Frison, C. Hoelbling, R. Hoffmann, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, T. Kurth, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, K.K. Szabo, G. Vulvert,

    Ab-initio Determination of Light Hadron Masses,

    Science 322:1224-1227,2008 (arXiv:0906.3599)

  • Zoltan Fodor, Christian Hoelbling, Light Hadron Masses from Lattice QCD, Rev. Mod. Phys. 84, 449, (arXiv:1203.4789)

  • S. Aoki et. al. Review of lattice results concerning low-energy particle physics (arXiv:1607.00299)

See also

Revision on December 2, 2018 at 08:32:22 by David Corfield See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.