Ab in nLab
Group Theory
- group, ∞-group
- group object, group object in an (∞,1)-category
- abelian group, spectrum
- super abelian group
- group action, ∞-action
- representation, ∞-representation
- progroup
- homogeneous space
Classical groups
Finite groups
Group schemes
Topological groups
Lie groups
Super-Lie groups
Higher groups
Cohomology and Extensions
Related concepts
Category theory
AbAb denotes the category of abelian groups: it has abelian groups as objects and group homomorphisms between these as morphisms.
The archetypical example of an abelian group is the group ℤ\mathbb{Z} of integers, and for many purposes it is useful to think of AbAb equivalently as the category of modules over ℤ\mathbb{Z}
Ab≃ℤMod. Ab \simeq \mathbb{Z} Mod \,.
The category AbAb serves as the basic enriching category in homological algebra. There Ab-enriched categories play much the same role as Set-enriched categories (locally small categories) play in general.
In this vein, the analog of AbAb in homotopy theory – or rather in stable homotopy theory – is the category of spectra, either regarded as the stable homotopy category or rather refined to the stable (infinity,1)-category of spectra. A spectrum is much like an abelian group up to coherent homotopy and the role of the archetypical abelian group ℤ\mathbb{Z} is the played by the sphere spectrum 𝕊\mathbb{S}.
Free abelian groups
Direct sum, direct product and tensor product
We discuss basic properties of binary operations on the category of abelian groups: direct product, direct sum and tensor product. Below in Monoidal and bimonoidal structure we put these structures into a more abstract context.
For A,B∈AbA, B \in Ab two abelian groups, their direct product A×BA \times B is the abelian group whose elements are pairs (a,b)(a, b) with a∈Aa \in A and b∈Bb \in B, whose 0-element is (0,0)(0,0) and whose addition operation is the componentwise addition
(a 1,b 1)+(a 2,b 2)=(a 1+a 2,b 1+b 2). (a_1, b_1) + (a_2, b_2) = (a_1 + a_2, b_1 + b_2) \,.
This is at the same time the direct sum A⊕BA \oplus B.
Similarly for I∈I \in FinSet↪\hookrightarrow Set a finite set, we have
⊕ i∈IA i≃∏ iA i. \oplus_{i \in I} A_i \simeq \prod_i A_{i} \,.
But for I∈SetI \in Set a set which is not finite, there is a difference: the direct sum ⊕ i∈IA i\oplus_{i \in I} A_i of an II-indexed family A i i∈I{A_i}_{i \in I} of abelian groups is the sub-group of the direct product on those elements for which only finitely many components are non-0
⊕ i∈IA i↪∏ iA i. \oplus_{i \in I} A_i \hookrightarrow \prod_i A_i \,.
The trivial group 0∈Ab0 \in Ab (the group with a single element) is a unit for the direct sum: for every abelian group we have
A⊕0≃0⊕A≃A. A \oplus 0 \simeq 0 \oplus A \simeq A \,.
In view of remark this means that the direct sum of |I|{\vert I \vert} copies of the additive group of integers with themselves is equivalently the free abelian group on II:
⊕ i∈Iℤ≃ℤ[I]. \oplus_{i \in I} \mathbb{Z} \simeq \mathbb{Z}[I] \,.
See at tensor product of abelian groups for details.
The unit for the tensor product of abelian groups is the additive group of integers:
A⊗ℤ≃ℤ⊗A≃A. A \otimes \mathbb{Z} \simeq \mathbb{Z} \otimes A \simeq A \,.
For I∈SetI \in Set and A∈AbA \in Ab, the direct sum of |I|{\vert I\vert} copies of AA with itself is equivalently the tensor product of abelian groups of the free abelian group on II with AA:
⊕ i∈IA≃(⊕ i∈Iℤ)⊗A≃(ℤ[I])⊗A. \oplus_{i \in I} A \simeq (\oplus_{i \in I} \mathbb{Z}) \otimes A \simeq (\mathbb{Z}[I]) \otimes A \,.
Symmetric monoidal and bimonoidal structure
With the definitions and properties discussed above in Direct sum, etc. we have the following
The category AbAb becomes a monoidal category
under direct sum (Ab,⊕,0)(Ab, \oplus, 0);
under tensor product of abelian groups (Ab,⊗,ℤ)(Ab, \otimes, \mathbb{Z}).
Indeed with both structures combined we have
- (Ab,⊕,⊗,0,ℤ)(Ab, \oplus, \otimes, 0, \mathbb{Z})
is a bimonoidal category (and can be made a bipermutative category).
It’s also easy to see that under direct sum or tensor product, Ab can be turned into a symmetric monoidal category by equipping it with the appropriate braiding map. For example, under ⊕\oplus, the braiding is σ A,B(a,b)=(b,a)\sigma_{A, B}(a, b) = (b, a).
Pointed objects
AbAb is a monoidal category with tensor unit ℤ\mathbb{Z}, so the pointed objects in AbAb are the objects AA with a group homomorphism ℤ→A\mathbb{Z} \to A.
Closed monoidal structure
Abelian groups are equivalently ℤ\mathbb{Z}-modules. Because the category of R R -modules Mod RMod_R is closed monoidal for all commutative rings RR, Ab=Mod ℤAb = Mod_{\mathbb{Z}} is also closed monoidal.
Natural numbers object
The natural numbers object in AbAb is the free abelian group ℤ[ℕ]=⨁ n∈ℕℤ\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] = \bigoplus_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \mathbb{Z} on the natural numbers, and comes with group homomorphisms z 0:ℤ→ℤ[ℕ]z_0:\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] and z s:ℤ[ℕ]→ℤ[ℕ]z_s:\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] \to \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] such that for all abelian groups AA and group homomorphisms f:ℤ→Af:\mathbb{Z} \to A, g:A→Ag: A \to A, there is a unique group homomorphism ϕ f,g:ℤ[ℕ]→A\phi_{f, g}:\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] \to A making the following diagram commute:
ℤ →z 0 ℤ[ℕ] ←z s ℤ[ℕ] f↘ ↓ϕ f,g ↓ϕ f,g A ←g A\array{ \mathbb{Z} & \stackrel{z_0}{\to} & \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] & \stackrel{z_s}{\leftarrow} & \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] \\ & \mathllap{f} \searrow & \downarrow \mathrlap{\phi_{f, g}} & & \downarrow \mathrlap{\phi_{f, g}} \\ & & A & \underset{g}{\leftarrow} & A }
Abelian groups are ℤ\mathbb{Z}-modules, so the free ℤ\mathbb{Z}-module ℤ[ℕ]\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] has a function v:ℕ→ℤ[ℕ]v:\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] representing the basis of ℤ[ℕ]\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}]; it has the property that for all integers m∈ℤm \in \mathbb{Z}, m⋅v(0)=z 0(m)m \cdot v(0) = z_0(m) and for all n∈ℕn \in \mathbb{N}, m⋅v(s(n))=z s(m⋅v(n))m \cdot v(s(n)) = z_s(m \cdot v(n)), where m⋅vm \cdot v is the scalar multiplication of an element vv by an integer mm in a ℤ\mathbb{Z}-module.
The ring structure on ℤ[ℕ]\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] is defined by double induction on ℤ[ℕ]\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}], we define
(−)(−):ℤ[ℕ]×ℤ[ℕ]→ℤ[ℕ]⊗ℤ[ℕ]→ℤ[ℕ](-)(-):\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] \times \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] \to \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] \otimes \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] \to \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}]
z 0(m)z 0(n)=z 0(m⋅n)z s(v)z 0(n)=z s(vz 0(n))z_0(m)z_0(n) = z_0(m \cdot n) \qquad z_s(v)z_0(n) = z_s(v z_0(n))
z 0(m)z s(w)=z s(z 0(m)w)z s(v)z s(w)=z s(z s(vw))z_0(m)z_s(w) = z_s(z_0(m) w) \qquad z_s(v)z_s(w) = z_s(z_s(vw))
for all m,n∈ℤm, n \in \mathbb{Z} and v,w∈ℤ[ℕ]v, w \in \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{N}] (recall the definition of addition in the natural numbers, inductively defined by 0(p)+0(q)=0(p⋅q)0(p) + 0(q) = 0(p \cdot q), s(m)+0(p)=s(m+0(p))s(m) + 0(p) = s(m + 0(p)), 0(p)+s(n)=s(0(p)+n)0(p) + s(n) = s(0(p) + n), and s(m)+s(n)=s(s(m+n))s(m) + s(n) = s(s(m + n)) for all p,q∈𝟙p, q \in \mathbb{1} and m,n∈ℕm, n \in \mathbb{N}). It is a commutative ring and represents multiplication in the polynomial ring ℤ[X]\mathbb{Z}[X]; the group homomorphism z 0z_0 represents the function which takes integers to constant polynomials, and z sz_s represents the function which takes a polynomial and multiplies it by the indeterminate XX.
Enrichment over AbAb
Categories enriched over AbAb are called pre-additive categories or sometimes just additive categories. If they satisfy an extra exactness condition they are called abelian categories. See at additive and abelian categories.
Last revised on August 29, 2023 at 00:43:51. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.