Arun Debray in nLab
Selected writings
Selected writings
On the Furuta-Bauer invariant lifting Seiberg-Witten invariants to (equivariant) stable homotopy groups of spheres:
- Arun Debray: Furuta’s 10/810/8 Theorem (2019) [pdf, pdf]
On Whitehead-generalized differential cohomology via sheaves of spectra:
- Araminta Amabel, Arun Debray, Peter J. Haine (eds.), Differential Cohomology: Categories, Characteristic Classes, and Connections. Based on Fall 2019 talks at MIT’s Juvitop seminar by: A. Amabel, D. Chua, A. Debray, S. Devalapurkar, D. Freed, P. Haine, M. Hopkins, G. Parker, C. Reid, and A. Zhang. (arXiv:2109.12250)
On differential cohomology in mathematical physics:
- Arun Debray, Differential Cohomology, in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics 2nd ed, Elsevier (2024) [arXiv:2312.14338]
On a variant of the string orientation of tmf with level structure:
- Arun Debray, Matthew Yu: Type IIA String Theory and tmf with Level Structure [arXiv:2411.07299]
Last revised on December 11, 2024 at 18:33:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.