Bernard de Wit in nLab

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Selected writings

Selected writings

Early discussion of U-duality-covariant D=11 supergravity (later: “exceptional field theory”):

On the regularized quantization of the supermembrane (the kappa-symmetric Green-Schwarz sigma-model for the M2-brane) to the BFSS matrix model:

On D=3 supergravity:

On super- AdS 4 AdS_4 (super-near horizon geometry of black M2-branes as in AdS4/CFT3-duality):

On supergravity and duality in string theory:

On U-duality:

On gauged supergravity and introducing the concept of tensor hierarchies:

On tensor hierarchies in gauged supergravity and possible relation to U-duality and M-theory:

Last revised on December 20, 2024 at 10:45:18. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.