Bobby Acharya in nLab
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Selected writings
Bobby Acharya, M theory, Joyce Orbifolds and Super Yang-Mills, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 3 (1999) 227-248 (arXiv:hep-th/9812205)
Bobby Acharya, On Realising N=1N=1 Super Yang-Mills in M theory (arXiv:hep-th/0011089)
Bobby Acharya, B. Spence, Flux, Supersymmetry and M theory on 7-manifolds (arXiv:hep-th/0007213)
Bobby Acharya, Edward Witten, Chiral Fermions from Manifolds of G 2G_2 Holonomy (arXiv:hep-th/0109152)
Bobby Acharya, F. Denef, C. Hofman, Neil Lambert, Freund-Rubin Revisited (arXiv:hep-th/0308046)
Bobby Acharya, M Theory, G 2G_2-manifolds and four-dimensional physics, Classical and Quantum Gravity Volume 19 Number 22, 2002 (doi:10.1088/0264-9381/19/22/301, pdf)
Bobby Acharya, Sergei Gukov, M theory and Singularities of Exceptional Holonomy Manifolds, Phys.Rept.392:121-189,2004 (arXiv:hep-th/0409191)
Bobby Acharya, Konstantin Bobkov, Kähler Independence of the G2-MSSM, HEP 1009:001,2010 (arXiv:0810.3285)
Bobby Acharya, A Moduli Fixing Mechanism in M theory (arXiv:hep-th/0212294)
Bobby Acharya, Lorenzo Foscolo, Marwan Najjar, Eirik Eik Svanes, New G 2G_2-conifolds in M-theory and their Field Theory Interpretation (arXiv:2011.06998)
and in relation to the duality between M-theory and heterotic string theory:
- Bobby Acharya, Alex Kinsella, David Morrison, Non-Perturbative Heterotic Duals of M-Theory on G 2G_2 Orbifolds (arXiv:2106.03886)
Bobby Acharya, Konstantin Bobkov, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar, Diana Vaman, An M theory Solution to the Hierarchy Problem, Phys.Rev.Lett.97:191601,2006 (arXiv:hep-th/0606262)
Bobby Acharya, Konstantin Bobkov, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar, Jing Shao, Explaining the Electroweak Scale and Stabilizing Moduli in M Theory, Phys.Rev.D76:126010,2007 (arXiv:hep-th/0701034)
Bobby Acharya, Piyush Kumar, Konstantin Bobkov, Gordon Kane, Jing Shao, Scott Watson, Non-thermal Dark Matter and the Moduli Problem in String Frameworks,JHEP 0806:064,2008 (arXiv:0804.0863)
On the G₂-MSSM:
Bobby Acharya, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar, Compactified String Theories – Generic Predictions for Particle Physics, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, Volume 27 (2012) 1230012 (arXiv:1204.2795)
Bobby Acharya, G 2G_2-manifolds at the CERN Large Hadron collider and in the Galaxy, talk at G 2G_2-days (2012) (pdf)
Bobby Acharya, Konstantin Bobkov, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar, Jing Shao, The G 2G_2-MSSM - An MM Theory motivated model of Particle Physics (arXiv:0801.0478)
On KK-compactification on compact Ricci flat manifolds and special holonomy/Killing spinors/supersymmetry:
- Bobby Acharya, Supersymmetry, Ricci Flat Manifolds and the String Landscape, High Energ. Phys. 2020 128 (2020) [arXiv:1906.06886, doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2020)128]
On the metric cone over complex projective 3-space and the twistor fibration:
- Bobby Acharya, Robert Bryant, Simon Salamon, A circle quotient of a G 2G_2 cone, Differential Geometry and its Applications Volume 73, December 2020, 101681 (arXiv:1910.09518, doi:10.1016/j.difgeo.2020.101681)
Relating moduli spaces of G 2 G_2 -manifolds to those of flat connections on tori:
- Bobby S. Acharya, Daniel A. Baldwin, Ricci Flat Metrics, Flat Connections and G 2G_2-Manifolds [arXiv:2312.12311]
Last revised on July 18, 2024 at 10:45:39. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.