Claus Hertling in nLab
Claus Hertling is a German mathematician, a specialist in singularity theory who studied under Brieskorn and Manin.
Selected works
On Frobenius manifolds (and generalization to F-manifolds) with examples from integrable systems, nonabelian Hodge theory and singularity theory:
- Claus Hertling: Frobenius manifolds and moduli spaces for singularities, Cambridge University Press (2002) [doi:10.1017/CBO9780511543104]
See also:
Claus Hertling, Christian Sevenheck, Twistor structures, tt *tt^*-geometry and singularity theory, pp. 49–74 in: “From tQFT to tt* and integrability”, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 78 (2007, Augsburg, Germany), AMS 2008; arxiv:0807.2199
Claus Hertling, Claude Sabbah, Examples of non-commutative Hodge structure (v1 title: Fourier-Laplace transform of flat unitary connections and TERP structures), arxiv:0912.2754
Last revised on September 12, 2024 at 10:20:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.