Dirac current in nLab
Fields and quanta
fields and particles in particle physics
and in the standard model of particle physics:
matter field fermions (spinors, Dirac fields)
(also: antiparticles)
hadrons (bound states of the above quarks)
minimally extended supersymmetric standard model
dark matter candidates
Spin geometry
spin geometry, string geometry, fivebrane geometry …
Spin geometry
String geometry
Fivebrane geometry
Ninebrane geometry
In the Lagrangian field theory of the Dirac field, the Dirac current is a conserved current whose interpretation is literally the current of the spinor particles that are the quanta of the Dirac field. Therefore the corresponding charge is fermion number. As such the Dirac current (or rather its chiral version) plays a key role for instance in baryogenesis.
The Dirac current is the conserved current which is associated via Noether's theorem I to the infinitesimal symmetry of the Lagrangian given by multiplying the Dirac field by a complex phase.
In the usual standard coordinates, the Dirac current is of the form
ψ¯γ μψι ∂ μdvol Σ∈Ω p,0. \overline{\psi}\gamma^\mu \psi \, \iota_{\partial_\mu} dvol_\Sigma \;\in\; \Omega^{p,0} \,.
For details see at geometry of physics – A first idea of quantum field theory this example.
Last revised on March 25, 2020 at 14:19:51. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.