Ernest Manes in nLab

Selected writings

Ernie Manes wrote one of the well-known books on algebraic theories. He was a long term collaborator of Michael Arbib.

Selected writings

On algebraic theories (such as via monads and along the lines introducing their formulation as “extension systems”):

On monads in universal algebra and (co-)homology-theory:

On some aspects of algebras over a monad:

  • Ernest Manes, A triple miscellany: Some aspects of the theory of algebra over a triple, PhD thesis, Wesleyan University, 1967. [pdf]

On compact algebras:

On distributive laws for monads:

  • Ernie Manes, Philip Mulry: Monad compositions I: general constructions and recursive distributive laws, Theory and Applications of Categories 18 7 (2007) 172-208 [tac:18-07, pdf]

Last revised on July 24, 2024 at 14:01:21. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.