Francisco Marmolejo in nLab
Selected writings
On a 2-monadic treatment of ultracategories:
- Francisco Marmolejo, Ultraproducts and continuous families of models, PhD thesis (1995) [hdl:10222/55092; pdf]
On distributive laws for pseudomonads:
- Francisco Marmolejo, Distributive laws for pseudomonads, Theory and Applications of Categories, 5 5 (1999) 81-147 [tac]
On Beck's theorem for pseudomonads (higher monadic descent):
- I. J. Le Creurer, Francisco Marmolejo, Enrico M. Vitale, Beck’s theorem for pseudo-monads, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 173 3 (2002) 293-313 [doi:10.1016/S0022-4049(02)00038-5]
On monads as extension systems (as in monads in computer science):
- Francisco Marmolejo, Richard J. Wood, Monads as extension systems – no iteration is necessary TAC 24 4 (2010) 84-113 [24-04]
and generalizing the perspective of extension systems to pseudomonads:
Francisco Marmolejo, Richard J. Wood, Kan extensions and lax idempotent pseudomonads, TAC 26 1 (2012) 1-29 [26-01]
Francisco Marmolejo, Richard J. Wood, No-iteration pseudomonads, TAC 28 14 (2013) 371-402 [tac:28-14]
Last revised on October 28, 2024 at 10:07:42. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.