Kalb-Ramond field in nLab
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Structural phenomena
Types of quantum field thories
Differential cohomology
Connections on bundles
Higher abelian differential cohomology
Higher nonabelian differential cohomology
Fiber integration
Application to gauge theory
The Kalb-Ramond field or B-field is the higher U(1)-gauge field that generalizes the electromagnetic field from point particles to strings.
Its dual incarnation in KK-compactifications of heterotic string theory to 4d is a candidate for the hypothetical axion field (Svrcek-Witten 06, p. 15).
Recall that the electromagnetic field is modeled as a cocycle in degree 2 ordinary differential cohomology and that this mathematical model is fixed by the fact that charged particles that trace out 1-dimensional trajectories couple to the electromagnetic field by an action functional that sends each trajectory to the holonomy of a U(1)U(1)-connection on it.
When replacing particles with 1-dimensional trajectories by strings with 2-dimensional trajectories, one accordingly expects that they may couple to a higher degree background field given by a degree 3 ordinary differential cohomology cocycle.
In string theory this situation arises and the corresponding background field appears, where it is called the Kalb-Ramond field .
Often it is also simply called the BB-field , after the standard symbol used for the 2-forms (B i∈Ω 2(U i))(B_i \in \Omega^2(U_i)) on patches U iU_i of a cover of spacetime when the differential cocycle is expressed in a Cech cohomology realization of Deligne cohomology.
This is the analog of the local 1-forms (A i∈Ω 1(U i))(A_i \in \Omega^1(U_i)) in a Cech cocycle presentation of a line bundle with connection encoding the electromagnetic field.
The field strength of the Kalb-Ramond field is a 3-form H∈ΩH \in \Omega. On each patch U iU_i it is given by
H| U i=dB i. H|_{U_i} = d B_i \,.
And just as a degree 2 Deligne cocycle is equivalently encoded in a U(1)U(1)-principal bundle with connection, the degree 3 differential cocycle is equivalently encoded in
a degree 3 Deligne cocycle;
a BU(1)\mathbf{B}U(1)-principal 2-bundle with connection;
a U(1)U(1)-bundle gerbe with connection.
The study of bundle gerbes was largely motivated and driven by the desire to understand the Kalb-Ramond field.
The next higher degree analog of the electromagnetic field is the supergravity C-field.
Mathematical model from (formal) physical input
The derivation of the fact that the Kalb-Ramond field that is locally given by a 2-form is globally really a degree 3 cocycle in the Deligne cohomology model for ordinary differential cohomology proceeds in in entire analogy with the corresponding discussion of the electromagnetic field:
classical background The field strength 3-form H∈Ω 3(X)H \in \Omega^3(X) is required to be closed, dH 3=0d H_3 = 0.
quantum coupling The gauge interaction with the quantum string is required to yield a well-defined surface holonomy in U(1)U(1) from locally integrating the 2-forms B i∈Ω 2(U 2)B_i \in \Omega^2(U_2) with dB i=H| U id B_i = H|_{U_i} over its 2-dimensional trajectory.
hol(Σ)=∏ fexp(i∫ fΣ *B ρ(f))∏ e⊂fexp(i∫ eΣ *A ρ(f)ρ(e))∏ v⊂e⊂fexp(iλ ρ(f)ρ(e)ρ(v)). hol(\Sigma) = \textstyle{\prod}_{f} \exp(i \textstyle{\int}_f \Sigma^* B_{\rho(f)}) \textstyle{\prod}_{e \subset f} \exp(i \textstyle{\int}_{e} \Sigma^* A_{\rho(f) \rho(e)}) \textstyle{\prod}_{v \subset e \subset f} \exp(i \lambda_{\rho(f) \rho(e) \rho(v)}) \,.
That this is well defined requires that
λ ijk−λ ijl+λ ikl−λ jkl=0mod2π, \lambda_{i j k} - \lambda_{i j l} + \lambda_{i k l} - \lambda_{j k l} = 0 \;mod \, 2\pi \,,
which says that (B i,A ij,λ ijk)(B_i, A_{i j}, \lambda_{i j k}) is indeed a degree 3 Deligne cocycle.
Over D-branes
The restriction of the Kalb-Ramond field in the 10-dimensional spacetime to a D-brane is a twist (as in twisted cohomology) of the gauge field on the D-brane: its 3-class is magnetic charge for the electromagnetic field/Yang-Mills field on the D-brane. See also Freed-Witten anomaly cancellation or the discussion in (Moore).
Table of branes appearing in supergravity/string theory (for classification see at brane scan).
The name goes back to:
- M. Kalb, Pierre Ramond, Classical direct interstring action, Phys. Rev. D. 9 (1974) 2273-2284 [doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.9.2273]
The interpretation as a 4d axion:
- Peter Svrcek, Edward Witten, Axions In String Theory, JHEP 0606:051 (2006) [arXiv:hep-th/0605206]
The interpretation of the B-field as a 3-cocycle in Deligne cohomology is due to
- Krzysztof Gawędzki, Topological Actions in two-dimensional Quantum Field Theories, in: Nonperturbative quantum field theory, Nato Science Series B 185, Springer (1986) [spire:257658, doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-0729-7_5, pdf]
picked up in
- Daniel Freed, Edward Witten, Anomalies in String Theory with D-Branes, Asian J. Math. 3 4 (1999) 819-852 [arXiv:hep-th/9907189, InSpire:504509]
The equivalent formulation in terms of connections on bundle gerbes originates with
Krzysztof Gawędzki, Nuno Reis, WZW branes and gerbes, Rev. Math. Phys. 14 (2002) 1281-1334 [arXiv:hep-th/0205233, doi:10.1142/S0129055X02001557]
Alan Carey, Stuart Johnson, Michael Murray, Holonomy on D-Branes, Journal of Geometry and Physics 52 2 (2004) 186-216 [arXiv:hep-th/0204199, doi:10.1016/j.geomphys.2004.02.008]
See also:
Loriano Bonora, Fabio Ferrari Ruffino, Raffaele Savelli, Classifying A-field and B-field configurations in the presence of D-branes, JHEP 0812:078 (2008) [arXiv:0810.4291, doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2008/12/078]
Fabio Ferrari Ruffino, Classifying A-field and B-field configurations in the presence of D-branes - Part II: Stacks of D-branes, Nuclear Physics, Section B 858 (2012) 377-404 [arXiv:1104.2798, doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2012.01.013]
A more refined discussion of the differential cohomology of the Kalb-Ramond field and the RR-fields that it interacts with:
- Dan Freed, Dirac charge quantization and generalized differential cohomology, Surveys in Differential Geometry 7 (2002) 129-194 [ arXiv:hep-th/0011220, doi:10.4310/SDG.2002.v7.n1.a6, spire:537392]
In fact, in full generality the Kalb-Ramond field on an orientifold background is not a plain bundle gerbe, but a Jandl gerbe, a connection on a nonabelian AUT(U(1))AUT(U(1))-principal 2-bundles for the automorphism 2-group AUT(U)(1))AUT(U)(1)) of U(1)U(1):
for the bosonic string this is discussed in
- Urs Schreiber, Christoph Schweigert, Konrad Waldorf, Unoriented WZW models and Holonomy of Bundle Gerbes, Communications in Mathematical Physics 274 1 (2007) 31-64 [arXiv:hep-th/0512283, doi:10.1007/s00220-007-0271-x]
and for the refinement to the superstring in
Jacques Distler, Dan Freed, Greg Moore, Orientifold Precis, in: Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber (eds.), Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field and Perturbative String Theory Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 83, AMS (2011) [arXiv:0906.0795]
Jacques Distler, Dan Freed, Greg Moore, Spin structures and superstrings, Surveys in Differential Geometry, Volume 15 (2010) (arXiv:1007.4581, doi:10.4310/SDG.2010.v15.n1.a4)
See at orientifold for more on this; also at discrete torsion.
The role of the KR field in twisted K-theory (see K-theory classification of D-brane charge) is discussed a bit also in
- Greg Moore, K-theory from a physical perspective [arXiv:hep-th/0304018]
In relation to Einstein-Cartan theory:
Richa Kapoor, A review of Einstein Cartan Theory to describe superstrings with intrinsic torsion (arXiv:2009.07211)
Tanmoy Paul, Antisymmetric tensor fields in modified gravity: a summary (arXiv:2009.07732)
In the context of cosmology with the Kalb-Ramond field as a dark matter-candidate (cf, axion and fuzzy dark matter):
- Christian Capanelli, Leah Jenks, Edward W. Kolb, Evan McDonough, Cosmological Implications of Kalb-Ramond-Like-Particles [arXiv:2309.02485]
See also:
Peter D. Jarvis, Jean Thierry-Mieg, Antisymmetric tensor fields: actions, symmetries and first order Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau formulations [arXiv:2311.01675]
Jean Thierry-Mieg, Peter D. Jarvis, Conformal invariance of antisymmetric tensor field theories in any even dimension [arXiv:2311.01701]
Last revised on April 2, 2024 at 06:38:40. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.