Lie derivative in nLab
Differential geometry
synthetic differential geometry
from point-set topology to differentiable manifolds
geometry of physics: coordinate systems, smooth spaces, manifolds, smooth homotopy types, supergeometry
The magic algebraic facts
Models for Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis
smooth algebra (C ∞C^\infty-ring)
differential equations, variational calculus
Chern-Weil theory, ∞-Chern-Weil theory
Cartan geometry (super, higher)
∞\infty-Lie theory
∞-Lie theory (higher geometry)
Smooth structure
Higher groupoids
Lie theory
∞-Lie groupoids
∞-Lie algebroids
Formal Lie groupoids
Related topics
∞\infty-Lie groupoids
∞\infty-Lie groups
∞\infty-Lie algebroids
∞\infty-Lie algebras
Given a smooth manifold MM and a vector field X∈Γ(TM)X \in \Gamma(T M) on it, one defines a series of operators ℒ X\mathcal{L}_X on spaces of differential forms, of functions, of vector fields and multivector fields. For functions ℒ X(f)=X(f)\mathcal{L}_X(f) = X(f) (derivative of ff along an integral curve of XX); as multivector fields and forms can not be compared in different points, one pullbacks or pushforwards them to be able to take a derivative.
For vector fields ℒ XY=[X,Y]\mathcal{L}_X Y = [X,Y]. If ω∈Ω •(M)\omega \in \Omega^\bullet(M) is a differential form on MM, the Lie derivative ℒ Xω\mathcal{L}_X \omega of ω\omega along XX is the linearization of the pullback of ω\omega along the flow exp(X−):ℝ×M→M\exp(X -) : \mathbb{R} \times M\to M induced by XX
ℒ Xω=ddt| t=0exp(tX) *(ω). \mathcal{L}_X \omega = \frac{d}{d t}|_{t = 0} \exp(t X)^*(\omega) \,.
Denote by ι X:Ω •(M)→Ω •−1(M)\iota_X : \Omega^\bullet(M) \to \Omega^{\bullet -1}(M) be the graded derivation which is the contraction with a vector field XX. By Cartan's homotopy formula,
ℒ v=[d dR,ι v]=d dR∘ι v+ι v∘d dR:Ω •(X)→Ω •(X). \mathcal{L}_v = [d_{dR}, \iota_v] = d_{dR} \circ \iota_v + \iota_v \circ d_{dR} : \Omega^\bullet(X) \to \Omega^\bullet(X) \,.
Cartan introduced Lie derivatives of differential forms and derived Cartan's magic formula in
- Élie Cartan, Leçons sur les invariants intégraux (based on lectures given in 1920-21 in Paris, Hermann, Paris 1922, reprinted in 1958).
Extension to arbitrary tensor fields was given in
- W. Ślebodziński, Sur les équations de Hamilton, Bull. Acad. Roy. de Belg. 17 (1931).
The term “Lie derivative” (Liesche Ableitung) is due to van Dantzig, who also suggested a definition using the flow of a vector field:
- D. van Dantzig, Zur allgemeinen projektiven Differentialgeometrie, Proc. Roy. Acad. Amsterdam 35 (1932) Part I: 524–534; Part II: 535–542.
An introduction in the context of synthetic differential geometry is in
- Gonzalo Reyes, Lie derivatives, Lie brackets and vector fields over curves, pdf
A gentle elementary introduction for mathematical physicists
Last revised on April 4, 2021 at 04:21:16. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.