Martina Rovelli in nLab
Martina Rovelli is an Assistant Professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her research interests are in Algebraic topology, Homotopy theory and Higher category theory.
Selected Publications
On weighted ( ∞ , 1 ) (\infty,1) -limits:
- Martina Rovelli, Weighted limits in an (∞,1)-category (2019) [arxiv:1902.00805]
On the adjunction unit of total décalage:
- Viktoriya Ozornova, Martina Rovelli, The unit of the total décalage adjunction, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 15 (2020) 333–349 []
A model category structure on stratified simplicial sets modelling ( ∞ , n ) (\infty,n) -categories in the guise of n n -complicial sets:
- Viktoriya Ozornova, Martina Rovelli, Model structures for (∞,n)-categories on (pre)stratified simplicial sets and prestratified simplicial spaces, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 20 (2020) 1543-1600 [arxiv:1809.10621, doi:10.2140/agt.2020.20.1543]
A Quillen adjunction relating n n -complicial sets to n n -fold complete Segal spaces:
- Viktoriya Ozornova, Martina Rovelli, A Quillen adjunction between globular and complicial approaches to (∞,n)(\infty,n)-categories, Advances in Mathematics 421 (2023) 108980 [doi:10.1016/j.aim.2023.108980]
Discussion of straightening and unstraightening for (∞,n)-categories:
- Lyne Moser, Nima Rasekh, Martina Rovelli, An (∞,n)-categorical straightening-unstraightening construction (arXiv:2307.07259).
Last revised on July 17, 2023 at 06:38:20. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.