Mee Seong Im in nLab
Selected writings
Selected writings
Discussion of non-deterministic automata as 1-dimensional defect TQFTs:
- Paul Gustafson, Mee Seong Im, Remy Kaldawy, Mikhail Khovanov, Zachary Lihn, Automata and one-dimensional TQFTs with defects [arXiv:2301.00700]
- Mee Seong Im, Correspondence between automata and one-dimensional Boolean topological theories and TQFTs, talk at QFT and Cobordism, CQTS (Mar 2023) [web, video:YT]
category: people
Last revised on April 15, 2023 at 11:12:10. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.