Nambu-Goto action in nLab
Riemannian geometry
String theory
Critical string models
Extended objects
Topological strings
The Nambu-Goto action is an action functional for sigma-models with target space a (pseudo) Riemannian manifold (X,g)(X,g): it is the induced volume functional
S NG:(Σ→γX)↦T∫ Σdvol(γ *g), S_{NG} \;\colon\; (\Sigma \stackrel{\gamma}{\to} X) \mapsto T \int_\Sigma dvol(\gamma^* g) \,,
where dvol(γ *g)dvol(\gamma^* g) is the volume form of the pullback γ *g\gamma^* g of the metric tensor from XX to Σ\Sigma, and where TT (the brane-“tension”, e.g. the string tension for dim(Σ)=2dim(\Sigma) = 2) is an inverse unit of length to the power the dimension dim(Σ)dim(\Sigma).
p∈ℕp \in \mathbb{N} (for p-brane dynamics);
(X,g)(X,g) a pseudo-Riemannian manifold (target spacetime);
Σ\Sigma a compact smooth manifold of dimension (p+1)(p+1) (worldvolume).
[Σ,X][\Sigma,X] the diffeological space of smooth functions Σ→X\Sigma \to X.
For ϕ:Σ⟶X\phi \colon \Sigma \longrightarrow X the induced “proper volume” or Nambu-Goto action of ϕ\phi is the integral over ϕ\phi of the volume form of the pullback of the target space metric gg to Σ\Sigma.
S NG(ϕ)≔∫ Σdvol(ϕ *(g)). S_{NG}(\phi) \coloneqq \int_{\Sigma} dvol(\phi^\ast(g)) \,.
Notice that the rank-2 tensor ϕ *g∈Γ(T*Σ⊕T*Σ)\phi^\ast g\in \Gamma(T* \Sigma \oplus T* \Sigma) is in general not non-degenerate (unless ϕ\phi is an embedding), hence is in general not, strictly speaking a pseudo-Riemannian metric on Σ\Sigma, but nevertheless it induces a volume form by the standard formula, only that this allowed to vanish pointwise (and even globally, for instance if ϕ\phi is constant on a single point). In the literature dvol(ϕ *g)dvol(\phi^\ast g) is usually written as −gd p+1σ\sqrt{-g}d^{p+1}\sigma.
Relation to the Polyakov action
The NG is classically equivalent to the Polyakov action with “worldvolume cosmological constant”. See at Polyakov action – Relation to Nambu-Goto action.
The NG-action serves as the kinetic action functional of the sigma-model that described a fundamental brane propagating on XX. For dimΣ=1dim \Sigma = 1 this is the relativistic particle, for dimΣ=2dim \Sigma = 2 the string, for dimΣ=3dim \Sigma = 3 the membrane.
for more on brane tension see also Worldsheet and brane instantons
The Nambu-Goto action functional originates as a proposal for the dynamics of strings meant to explain the “dual resonance model” for hadron bound states (quantum hadrodynamics, cf. Polyakov gauge-string duality):
Yoichiro Nambu, Duality and Hadrodynamics, Notes prepared for the Copenhagen High Energy Symposium (1970) [doi:10.1142/9789812795823_0026, pdf]
Tetsuo Gotō, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of One-Dimensional Mechanical Continuum and Subsidiary Condition of Dual Resonance Model, Progress of Theoretical Physics 46 5 (1971) 1560–1569 [doi:10.1143/PTP.46.1560]
Historical review:
Joël Scherk, An introduction to the theory of dual models and strings, Rev. Mod. Phys. 47 123 (1975) [doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.47.123]
Hiroshi Itoyama, Birth of String Theory, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2016 6 (2016) 06A103 [arXiv:1604.03701, doi:10.1093/ptep/ptw063]
Detailed discussion of the relation to the Polyakov action and the Dirac-Born-Infeld action is in
- J. A. Nieto, Remarks on Weyl invariant p-branes and Dp-branes (arXiv:hep-th/0110227)
One string theory textbook that deals with the Nambu-Goto action in a bit more detail than usual is
- Barton Zwiebach, A first course in string theory , Cambridge (2009)
Discussion of the Nambu-Goto action and Polyakov action on worldsheets with boundary (i.e. in the generality of open strings) and cast in BV-BRST formalism:
- S. Martinoli, Michele Schiavina, BV analysis of Polyakov and Nambu–Goto theories with boundary, Lett. Math. Phys. 112 35 (2022) [doi:10.1007/s11005-022-01526-1, arXiv:2106.02983]
Relation of the Nambu-Goto string to Liouville theory:
- Yuri Makeenko, The Nambu-Goto string as higher-derivative Liouville theory [arXiv:2407.01136]
Relation to D=3 gravity:
- Avik Banerjee, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Giuseppe Policastro: Nambu-Goto equation from three-dimensional gravity [arXiv:2404.02149]
Last revised on August 20, 2024 at 05:57:09. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.