Pontrjagin dual in nLab
Group Theory
- group, ∞-group
- group object, group object in an (∞,1)-category
- abelian group, spectrum
- super abelian group
- group action, ∞-action
- representation, ∞-representation
- progroup
- homogeneous space
Classical groups
Finite groups
Group schemes
Topological groups
Lie groups
Super-Lie groups
Higher groups
Cohomology and Extensions
Related concepts
abstract duality: opposite category,
concrete duality: dual object, dualizable object, fully dualizable object, dualizing object
between higher geometry/higher algebra
Langlands duality, geometric Langlands duality, quantum geometric Langlands duality
In QFT and String theory
In general, the dual of a discrete group is a compact group and conversely. In particular, therefore, the dual of a finite group is again finite.
The key point is that, by assumption on GG, we have
(1)H grp •≥1(G;ℝ)=0. H^{\bullet \geq 1}_{grp} \big( G;\, \mathbb{R} \big) \;=\; 0 \,.
Using this, the conclusion is obtained as follows: The defining short exact sequence of groups
ℤ↪ℝ↠S 1 \mathbb{Z} \xhookrightarrow{\;} \mathbb{R} \twoheadrightarrow S^1
extends to a homotopy fiber sequence of 2-groups (and further of n-groups)
ℤ→ℝ→S 1→Bℤ→Bℝ→⋯. \mathbb{Z} \xrightarrow{\;\;} \mathbb{R} \xrightarrow{\;\;} S^1 \xrightarrow{\;\;} B \mathbb{Z} \xrightarrow{\;\;} B \mathbb{R} \xrightarrow{\;\;} \cdots \,.
This induces a long exact sequence of cohomology groups induced from the long exact sequence of homotopy groups of the image of this fiber sequence under the derived hom-space H(BG,−)≔Maps(BG;−)\mathbf{H}(B G,-) \coloneqq Maps(B G;\, -) (of H=\mathbf{H} = ∞Grpd):
⋯ → π 1(H(BG,B 2ℝ)) → π 1(H(BG,B 2S 1)) → π 0(H(BG,B 2ℤ)) → π 0(H(BG,B 2ℝ)) → ⋯ = = = = ⋯ → H 1(BG,ℝ)⏟=0 → H 1(BG,S 1) →≃ H 2(BG,ℤ) → H 2(BG,ℝ)⏟=0 → ⋯. \array{ \cdots &\to& \pi_1 \left( \mathbf{H}(B G, \, B^2 \mathbb{R}) \right) &\xrightarrow{\;\;}& \pi_1 \left( \mathbf{H}(B G, \, B^2 S^1) \right) &\xrightarrow{\;\;}& \pi_0 \left( \mathbf{H}(B G, \, B^2 \mathbb{Z}) \right) &\xrightarrow{\;\;}& \pi_0 \left( \mathbf{H}(B G, \, B^2 \mathbb{R}) \right) &\to& \cdots \\ && = && = && = && = \\ \cdots &\to& \underset{ = 0 }{ \underbrace{ H^1 \big( B G \;, \mathbb{R} \big) } } &\xrightarrow{\;\;}& H^1 \big( B G \;, S^1 \big) &\xrightarrow{\;\simeq\;}& H^2 \big( B G \;, \mathbb{Z} \big) &\xrightarrow{\;\;}& \underset{ = 0 }{ \underbrace{ H^2 \big( B G \;, \mathbb{R} \big) } } &\to& \cdots \,. }
Using the assumption (1) under the braces, this implies the middle isomorphism, as shown.
Now the claim follows by re-expressing H 1(BG;S 1)H^1(B G;\, S^1) as follows:
H 2(BG;ℤ)≃H 1(BG;S 1) ≃π 0H(BG,BS 1) ≃π 0Groupoids(G⇉*,S 1⇉*) ≃π 0(Groups(G,S 1)⫽S 1) ≃π 0(Groups(G,S 1)×BS 1) ≃Groups(G,S 1)≃G^, \begin{aligned} H^2(B G;\, \mathbb{Z}) \;\simeq\; H^1(B G;\, S^1) & \;\simeq\; \pi_0 \mathbf{H}\big( B G, \, B S^1 \big) \\ & \;\simeq\; \pi_0 Groupoids\big( G \rightrightarrows \ast, \, S^1 \rightrightarrows \ast \big) \\ & \;\simeq\; \pi_0 \Big( Groups\big(G,S^1\big) \sslash S^1 \Big) \\ & \;\simeq\; \pi_0 \Big( Groups\big(G,\,S^1\big) \times B S^1 \Big) \\ & \;\simeq\; Groups(G,S^1) \;\simeq\; \widehat G \,, \end{aligned}
where the third line expresses the functor groupoid of functors and natural transformations between delooping groupoids, while the last step uses that the circle group, being abelian, has trivial conjugation action on the hom-set of group homomorphisms. (For GG a compact Lie group the analogous argument applies to the delooping/quotient stacks BG\mathbf{B}G in H=\mathbf{H} = Smooth∞Grpd.)
Pontrjagin duality theorem
For every abelian Hausdorff locally compact topological group AA, the natural function A↦A^^A \mapsto \widehat{\widehat{A}} from AA into the Pontrjagin dual of the Pontrjagin dual of AA, assigning to every g∈Ag\in A the continuous character f gf_g given by f g(χ)=χ(g)f_g(\chi)=\chi(g), is an isomorphism of topological groups (that is, a group isomorphism that is also a homeomorphism).
Thus, the functor
LocCompAb op→LocCompAb:G→G^LocCompAb^{op} \to LocCompAb: G \to \widehat{G}
is an equivalence of categories, in fact an adjoint equivalence whose unit is
A→A^^:g↦f gA \to \widehat{\widehat{A}}: g \mapsto f_g
and whose counit (the same arrow read in the opposite category) are isomorphisms. This contravariant self-equivalence restricts to equivalences
Ab op→CompAbAb^{op} \to CompAb
CompAb op→AbCompAb^{op} \to Ab
where Ab is the category of (discrete topological) groups and CompAbCompAb is the category of abelian Hausdorff compact topological groups, each embedded in LocCompAbLocCompAb in the evident way.
The Fourier transform on abelian locally compact groups is formulated in terms of Pontrjagin duals (see below).
Basic properties of dual groups
There are many properties of Hausdorff abelian locally compact groups that implies properties of their Pontrjagin duals. For example:
If AA is finite, then A^\widehat{A} is finite.
If AA is compact, then A^\widehat{A} is discrete.
(see also at nearby homomorphisms from compact Lie groups are conjugate)
If AA is torsion-free and discrete, then A^\widehat{A} is connected and compact.
If AA is an abelian torsion group, then A^\widehat A is an abelian profinite group (for more see at Pontryagin duality for torsion abelian groups)
If AA is connected and compact, then A^\widehat{A} is torsion-free and discrete.
If AA is a Lie group, then A^\widehat{A} is compactly generated in that there is a compact neighborhood of the neutral element that generates A^\widehat{A} as a group.
If AA is compactly generated, then A^\widehat{A} is a Lie group.
If AA is second countable, then A^\widehat{A} is second countable.
If AA is separable, then A^\widehat{A} is metrizable.
For a discussion of these facts see Morris 77, Armacost 81, exposition in:
- Variations on Pontryagin duality, (nCafe)
Another statement of this type is presented in Mackey 1948:
- AA is connected if and only if A^\widehat{A} is a product of a discrete torsion-free group with a finite dimensional real vector space.
Pontrjagin duality underlies the abstract framework of Fourier analysis on locally compact Hausdorff abelian groups AA: by Fourier duality on AA, there is a Hilbert space isomorphism (Fourier transform)
ℱ A:L 2(A,dμ)→L 2(A^,dμ^),\mathcal{F}_A: L^2(A, d\mu) \to L^2(\hat{A}, d\hat{\mu})\,,
where dμd\mu is a suitable choice of Haar measure on AA, and dμ^d\hat{\mu} is a suitable choice of Haar measure on the dual group. Fourier duality is compatible with Pontrjagin duality in the sense that if A^^\hat{\hat{A}} is identified with AA, then ℱ A^\mathcal{F}_{\hat{A}} is the inverse of ℱ A\mathcal{F}_A.
The original article:
Lev Pontrjagin, Theory of topological commutative groups, Annals of Mathematics Second Series, Vol. 35, No. 2 (Apr., 1934), pp. 361-388 (doi:10.2307/1968438)
Russian translation: Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 1936, no. 2, 177–195 (mathnet:umn8882)
Gentle exposition:
- Partha Sarathi Chakraborty, Pontrjagin duality for finite groups (pdf)
Textbook accounts:
Sidney A. Morris, Pontryagin Duality and the Structure of Locally Compact Abelian Groups, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes 29, Cambridge U. Press, 1977 (doi:10.1017/CBO9780511600722)
David L. Armacost, The Structure of Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Dekker, New York, 1981.
See also
- Wikipedia, Pontryagin duality
George Mackey, The Laplace Transform For Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Vol. 34, No. 4 (Apr. 15, 1948), pp. 156-162 (jstor:87968)
Michael Barr, On duality of topological abelian groups (pdf, pdf)
which provides a perhaps better context for Pontryagin duality than the category of locally compact Hausdorff abelian groups (also known as ‘LCA groups’). Barr explains:
Did you know that there is a *-autonomous category of topological abelian groups that includes all the LCA groups and whose duality extends that of Pontrjagin? The groups are characterized by the property that among all topological groups on the same underlying abelian group and with the same set of continuous homomorphisms to the circle, these have the finest topology. It is not obvious that such a finest exists, but it does and that is the key.
For higher groups
Discussion of categorified Pontrjagin duality for 2-groups and application to topological T-duality:
Ulrich Bunke, Thomas Schick, Markus Spitzweck, Andreas Thom, Duality for topological abelian group stacks and T-duality, Proceedings of the ICM 2006 satellite conference, Valladolid, Spain, 2006. Zürich: EMS. Series of Congress Reports, 227-347 (2008) (arXiv:math/0701428)
Calder Daenzer, A groupoid approach to noncommutative T-duality, PhD, 2007 (pdf)
Last revised on May 4, 2022 at 18:28:07. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.