Thomas Nikolaus in nLab
Thomas Nikolaus is a full Professor at the Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik of the WWU Münster. He is working on topics in homotopy theory and higher categorial structures motivated from string physics, such as topological T-duality.
Selected writings
Higher categorical structures in geometry – General theory and applications to QFT (slides) PhD thesis (2011)
Algebraic models for higher categories, 2010 (blog discussion, arxiv/1003.1342)
Abstract: We establish a model category structure on algebraic Kan complexes. In fact, we introduce the notion of an algebraic fibrant object in a general model category (obeying certain technical conditions). Based on this construction we propose algebraic Kan complexes as an algebraic model for ∞-groupoids and algebraic quasi-categories as an algebraic model for (∞,1)-categories. (Published as Indag. Math. (N.S.) 21.1- 2 (2011), pp. 52 - 75.)
On T-folds via principal 2-bundles for the T-duality 2-group:
T-Duality in K-theory and Elliptic Cohomology, talk at String Geometry Network Meeting, Feb 2014, ESI Vienna (website)
Thomas Nikolaus, Konrad Waldorf, Higher geometry for non-geometric T-duals, Commun. Math. Phys. 374 (2020) 317-366 [arXiv:1804.00677, doi:10.1007/s00220-019-03496-3]
On group completion theorem and Quillen plus construction:
- The group completion theorem via localizations of ring spectra, 2017 (pdf)
On cyclotomic spectra and topological cyclic homology:
- Thomas Nikolaus, Peter Scholze, On topological cyclic homology, Acta Math. 221 2 (2018) 203-409 [arXiv:1707.01799, doi:10.4310/ACTA.2018.v221.n2.a1]
On prismatic cohomology applied to algebraic K-theory:
- Benjamin Antieau, Achim Krause, Thomas Nikolaus, On the K-theory of ℤ/p n\mathbb{Z}/p^{n} – Announcement [arXiv:2204.03420[
On six functor formalism and Efimov K-theory:
- Achim Krause, Thomas Nikolaus, Sheaves on manifolds (2024) [pdf, pdf]
Last revised on March 19, 2024 at 06:19:20. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.