cohesion of global- over G-equivariant homotopy theory in nLab



Cohesive ∞\infty-Toposes

cohesive topos

cohesive (∞,1)-topos

cohesive homotopy type theory



Presentation over a site


Homotopy theory

homotopy theory, (∞,1)-category theory, homotopy type theory

flavors: stable, equivariant, rational, p-adic, proper, geometric, cohesive, directed

models: topological, simplicial, localic, …

see also algebraic topology



Paths and cylinders

Homotopy groups

Basic facts


Representation theory

representation theory

geometric representation theory


representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation

Geometric representation theory



In broad generality, the relation between (non-stable) global equivariant homotopy theory and GG-equivariant homotopy theory for any fixed admissible equivariance group GG may be organized and formalized as follows:

The slice of global equivariant homotopy theory (Def. ) over the archetypical GG-orbi-singularity ≺G\prec\!\! G (Def. ) is cohesive over GG-equivariant homotopy theory. In particular:

  1. GG-equivariant homotopy theory faithfully embeds into the ≺G\prec\!\! G-slice of the global theory in two different ways, one of them interpreted as the inclusion of G-spaces XX as global orbispaces X⫽GX \!\sslash\! G,

  2. these inclusions have a compatible pair of reflections, one of which forms the spaces of sections FixLoc≔Γ ≺GFixLoc \,\coloneqq\, \Gamma_{{}_{\prec G}} over the GG-singularity ≺G\prec\!\! G:

This observation is due to Rezk 2014. Below we amplify how this is a formal consequence (as in Rezk 14, Sec. 7.1-7.2) of the evident reflection (Prop. ) of the GG-orbit category inside the ≺G\prec\!\! G-slice of the “global orbit category” (see Rem. below), which immediately implies (Prop. ) the cohesive relation, by ∞ \infty -Kan extension.



(global- and GG-equivariant homotopy theory)
For H\mathbf{H} an ∞ \infty -topos write

(2)GloH≔Sh ∞(Singlrt,H) Glo \mathbf{H} \;\coloneqq\; Sh_\infty( Singlrt ,\, \mathbf{H} )

for the ∞ \infty -topos of ∞ \infty -presheaves on SnglrtSnglrt (Def. ), to be called the global equivariant homotopy theory over H\mathbf{H}.

Moreover, for G∈Grp(FinSet)G \,\in\, Grp(FinSet), write

(3)GH≔Sh ∞(GOrbt,H) G{}\mathbf{H} \;\coloneqq\; Sh_\infty( G{}Orbt ,\, \mathbf{H} )

for the ∞ \infty -topos of ∞ \infty -presheaves on the GG-orbit category GOrbtG{}Orbt (Def. ), to be called the GG-equivariant homotopy theory over H\mathbf{H}.


The adjoint pair between sites


(0-truncated objects reflective in slice over GG-orbi-singularity)
For G∈Grp(FinSet)G \,\in\, Grp(FinSet), the full sub- ∞ \infty -category of the slice of SnglrtSnglrt (Def. ) over ≺G\prec\!\! G (1) on the 0-truncated objects

  1. consists precisely of the faithful functors BH→Bi HBGB H \xrightarrow{\;\; B i_H \;\;} B G between delooping groupoids,

    hence those which are deloopings of subgroup-inclusions H↪i HGH \xhookrightarrow{\;\; i_H \;\;} G;

  2. is reflective, with reflector being the image-factorization of group homomorphisms:

(4)Sngrlt /≺G⊥↩⟶τ 0(Snglrt /≺G) τ 0≃{≺H ⟶ ≺K ≺i H↘ ↙ ≺i K ≺G} Sngrlt_{/\prec G} \underoverset {\underset{}{\hookleftarrow}} {\overset{\tau_0}{\longrightarrow}} {\;\;\;\;\bot\;\;\;\;} \big( Snglrt_{/\prec G} \big)_{\tau_0} \;\simeq\; \left\{ \array{ \prec\!\!H && \longrightarrow && \prec\!\!K \\ & {}_{\mathllap{\prec i_H}}\searrow && \swarrow_{\mathrlap{\prec i_K}} \\ && \prec\!\!G } \right\}


It is straightforward, to check this directly. But it also follows abstractly by this Prop. about the general relation between slicing over BGB G and ∞ \infty -actions of GG:

The functor which assigns to BH→Bi HBGB H \xrightarrow{\;\; B i_H\;\;} B G its homotopy fiber is a fully faithful functor into the G-sets among all GG- ∞ \infty -actions (by the 0-truncation condition). But the homotopy fiber of Bi HB i_H is the coset set (by this Example):

(Snglrt /≺G) τ 0 ≃ ((Grp 1,≥1) /BG) τ 0 ↪hofib(−) GSet (≺H ↓ ≺i H ≺G) ↦ (BH ↓ Bi H BG) ↦ G/H. \array{ \big( Snglrt_{/\prec G} \big)_{\tau_0} &\simeq& \big( (Grp_{1,\geq 1})_{/B G} \big)_{\tau_0} & \xhookrightarrow{\;\; hofib(-) \;\;} & G Set \\ \left( \array{ \prec\!\!H \\ \downarrow^{\mathrlap{ \prec i_H }} \\ \prec\!\!G } \;\; \right) &\mapsto& \left( \array{ B H \\ \downarrow^{\mathrlap{ B i_H }} \\ B G } \;\;\; \right) &\mapsto& G/H \mathrlap{\,.} }


The category on the right is equivalently the GG-orbit category (by Lem. ) whose free coproduct completion is (using here our assumption that GG is a discrete group) the category of all G G -sets (as in this remark).

Similarly, the free coproduct completion of the category on the left is readily seen to be that of all 1-truncated in ∞Grpd /BG\infty Grpd_{/B G}. Hence the coproduct-preserving extension of τ 0\tau_0 to these is just the 0-truncation functor in this slice ∞ \infty -topos and as such preserves finite products (by this Prop., see this Exp.).

In conclusion:


By the immediate combination of Lem. with Lem. and Lem. .

The adjoint quadruple between homotopy theories


The observation is due to:

where further properties of this cohesive situation are proven, revolving around further characterization of the full inclusion of GG-orbispaces.

Some of the above notation (e.g. for “≺G\prec\!\! G”) follows:

which expands on application of the above singular cohesion – in the special case of discrete GG, but combined with smooth cohesion – to differential-geometric orbifolds and orbifold cohomology.

Diagrams and discussion as presented above are taken from:

Last revised on July 30, 2024 at 20:21:44. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.